人物简介 莎士比亚戏剧PPT.ppt

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1、Theatre,-About Shakespeare,Shakespeare in the creation background,1590 to 1600, is the early creation of Shakespeares, also known as historical drama, comedy period. During this period Shakespeares humanist ideas and artistic styles gradually formed. Then British rule is at the peak of Queen Elizabe

2、th, royal solid unity and economic prosperity. Shakespeare in the real world with confidence to achieve the ideal of humanism, works filled with optimistic bright colors.,The early 17th century, Queen Elizabeth I and James I of regime, the British social conflicts, increasing exposure of social evil

3、s. During this period, Shakespeares ideas and artistic maturity, humanistic ideals with social reality collide. His pain is difficult to achieve an ideal, creative praise from the early humanist ideals into the darkness of the community to expose and criticize.,After 1608, Shakespeare into the creat

4、ion of the final period. At this time Shakespeare had seen the ideal of humanism can not be achieved in the real world, begins to write a tragedy to turn to write melodrama, from criticism to expose the darkness turned to writing real dream world. Therefore, this period melodrama, also known as Shak

5、espeares time. This time, his works often through mythical fantasy, with supernatural power to solve the contradiction between ideal and reality; work runs through the forgiveness, the spirit of reconciliation, not the joy of early, mid and no gloomy, but full of beautiful life fantasy, romance stro

6、ng.,Shakespeares works starting from the real life, a profound reflection of modern style and social nature. He believes that the play as if to give a mirror of nature photos: a look at his face to virtue, to look at his absurd attitude to take a look at their own times and social image and imprint.

7、,Creation career,The first period (1590 1600) writing historical drama, comedy-based, there are nine historical drama, 10 comedies and 2 tragedies. Of the 9 historical dramas, addition to King John, which was written in early 13th century, the other eight are content to dovetail the two 4-steps: Hen

8、ry VI on, the next with the Charles III; Charles II, Henry IV (known as the most successful historical drama),the next and Henry V. ,The British historical drama outlines the history of unrest among the hundreds of years, create a series of positive and negative image of the monarch, reflects Shakes

9、peare against the feudal separatism, support centralization, condemned the tyrant tyranny, requires top-down reform and enlightened monarch, to build a harmonioussocial relations, political and moral ideals of humanism.,Comedy of Errors, Taming of the Shrew,“ Two Gentlemen of Verona, love in vain, M

10、idsummer Nights Dream, The Merchant of Venice,“ The Merry Wives of Windsor, Much Ado About Nothing, “ happy “ Twelfth Night ,10 comedy,mostly love, friendship, marriage theme, the hero is some more wisdom and virtue with humanism young men and women, through their struggle for freedom, happiness str

11、uggle, praise progress, betternew fresh air, but also gently expose and ridicule the old decrepit and ugly things.,The second period (1601 - 1607),mainly in tragedy, wrote 3 Roman dramas, 5 tragedy and 3dark comedy or problem play.,Four Tragedies,Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth,the tragedy of Ti

12、mon of Athens marked the authors age, lifes deep thinking, some new efforts to create such a tragedy of the timeshero: they imprison and ignorance from the Middle Ages to wake up, shining in the dawn of modern, ambitious to want to develop or improve their own, but can not overcome the limitations o

13、f their own times and finally in the same environment and the power disparity between the hostile forces insidestruggle, and sacrifice was inevitable failure.,Hamlet,It is reported to revenge and found that the era of de-tenon, and decided to take up the re-heaven and earth, the responsibility, the

14、result is left with ambition, powerless.,Othello,honest and sincere, I believe people who Jiwuruchou, under the mercy of Murder Suicide in Men Do not Cry for the pursuit of perfection and beauty Fanzao roost.,King Lear,in his power to bring honor, pride, self-confidence lost in nature, the loss of r

15、eason, imagination points to allow the country to prove their right to properly do the King and an ordinary person can do the same or greater, and thus stooda painful ordeal.,The active hero Macbeth,the character in the side of good and beauty, because the temptation of the throne and driven by ambi

16、tion and become a bloody from the blood to the no regret, and the sinner.,The tragedy of these characters, and profoundly reveals the primitive accumulation of capital has begun to emerge during the various social evils and bourgeois egoism, the performance of the humanist ideal and the harsh reality of irreconcilable contradictions between, with a high degree of general significance.,The third period (1608 1613),tend to compromise and fantasy tragicomedy or melodrama.His major works are four



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