高中英语 Unit 3 Under the sea Period 1 Vocabulary and Warming Up精品教案 新人教版选修7

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1、Unit 3Under the sea指导思想与理论依据指导思想本课题努力将新课程的理念融入教学之中,将语言知识与学生的现实生活紧密联系;将课堂教学放在具体的语言情景之中;把听、说、读、写语言技能的训练综合运用于课堂教学之中。通过探究法、观察法和发现法,让学生发挥主观能动性,改变原有的教师说解、说教的形式,重视知识和结论形成过程。努力发挥形成评价的激励机制,利用两两合作、小组活动的方式,激发学生参与教学的热情。根据学生的认知能力和接受程度,设计了编写对话和仿写作文等任务,使任务具有可操作性,让学生整堂课都处于新鲜感不断的亢奋状态中,并产生继续学习的动力。总之,本次设计的宗旨是努力提高课堂教学的

2、实效性,使学生能够提高语言的实际运用能力,达到最终教学的目的。理论依据普通高中英语课程标准明确提出:“要通过设计丰富多彩的课内外学习活动,使学生在参与交际活动的过程中形成交际策略。”和“教师要引导学生主动学习,帮助他们形成以能力发展为目的的学习方式,鼓励学生通过体验、实践、讨论、合作和探究等方式,发展听、说、读、写的综合语言技能。” 教材内容分析Unit 3的主题是“Under the sea”,中心话题是海底世界,听、说、读、写活动主要围绕海底动植物、海底奇妙景观,以及有关大海的神话故事展开的。教学内容由两篇阅读,两份听力,三个话题讨论和三个话题延续性写作任务组成。阅读内容是:1.两起虎鲸轶

3、事。(P2021)2一篇有关海洋见闻和感受的日记。(P24)听力内容是:1.三个观鲸人对旅行社服务的一些抱怨。(P2527)2有关鲨鱼攻击人类事件的新闻报道。(P62)3记者和鲨鱼专家有关人们对鲨鱼的误解和为什么鲨鱼会急剧减少的谈话。(P6566)话题和写作内容:1.用Using Language 阅读中表达感受的词汇描述过去的难忘经历。(P24)2用speaking and writing中的抱怨用语在设置的情境中礼貌抱怨。(P27)3用以前学的persuasive writing的表述写一篇有关正确对待海洋生物,禁止乱捕的劝诫性文章。学情分析高二学生对这个新鲜话题普遍很感兴趣,积极性也比较


5、re,cell,aware,vivid,narrow,sharp,tasty,scare,shallow,awesome,seal,pension,pensioner,help out,be/become aware of,upside down,be scared to death,etc.2帮助学生更多地了解海洋/海底世界。3复习动词v.ing形式的被动式。能力目标1提高学生阅读能力和赏析水平。2在写作中学会表达责备、抱怨和要求赔偿。情感目标培养学生热爱和保护海洋生物的爱心。教学重点1更多地了解海洋海底生物。2树立正确的观念“海洋生物和人们是朋友”并要热爱和保护它们。教学难点1巩固动词v.

6、ing形式的被动式的用法。2在写作中学会表达责备、抱怨和要求赔偿。教学方法1任务型教学。2合作型教学。Unit 3Teaching plansPeriod 1Vocabulary and Warming UpPeriod 2Prereading,Reading and ComprehendingPeriod 3Language StudyPeriod 4GrammarPeriod 5Using Language:Reading,Discussing and WritingPeriod 6Listening,Speaking and WritingPeriod 7Listening Task,T

7、alking and WritingPeriod 1Vocabulary and Warming UpTeaching aims1Learn to pronounce the new words correctly and know their exact meanings in the context.2Guide students to use the new words in complete sentences with the help of pictures.3Learn to use the correct forms of the new words according to

8、the context.Teaching proceduresStep 1Warming up1What is it in the second picture?And where are the watchers?(an aquarium)2Why do people buy aquariums or visit aquariums?(to decorate rooms/raise pets/watch sea creatures,etc.)3So in general what is an aquarium?(An aquarium is a place where people can

9、enjoy a great diversity of creatures on the earth.)4Where can you find these creatures?(oceans/seas/coral reefs.)5What words would you like to use to describe them? (beautiful/wonderful/marvelous/splendid.)Step 2Get familiar with the new wordsShow pictureslead students to output the new wordsto make

10、 a complete sentence.Picture 1 1What special equipment is the man wearing?(a snorkel)2What is the man doing?(go/be snorkeling)3Do you think it is very deep?Guess the depth of the water. What word will you use to describe the water?(deep/shallow/.in depth)Suggested answers:A man is snorkeling in shal

11、low water which is probably 0.5 meter in-depth.Picture 21Where is the photo taken?(under the water)2What is it in the dark?(a cave)3Look at the entry of the cave;what word will you use to describe it?(a narrow entry)Suggested answers:A camera is falling into a cave with a narrow entry.Picture 31Wher

12、e are the people?(near the shore/at the seaside)2Suppose you were one of them,what would be your feeling or reaction when facing a whale?(yell/be scared to death/flee from the shore)3Suppose these are local people and the whale has difficulty returning to the sea,what will they do in your opinion?(h

13、elp.out)4Suppose the next day a news reporter gets the scoop and interviews them,what is the relationship between them?(interviewer and witnesses/interviewees)5According to the information you get,say something to describe the picture.Suggested answers:At the seaside,there is a crowd of people yelli

14、ng when facing a whale and some of them are scared to death,even trying to flee.OrNear the shore a whale gets stuck and some local people want to help the whale out. The next day a news reporter interviews them. The relationship between them is interviewer and witnesses.Picture 41What is the animal

15、called in English?(seals)2Usually,where do you suppose we can find seals and penguins?(in Antarctic)3What word will you use to describe the snow and the whole scenery?(pure white/beauty)4What will they do next according to the picture?(leap)5Say something to describe the scenery.Suggested answers:Seals are common animals in Antarctic. Isnt it a real beauty when you see a pack of seals are leaping from the ice,against the pure white background?Picture 51What is it?(a seaslug)2What can you see on


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