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1、My Hometown City of Datong, Shanxi Province,Contents,Introduction,Geography and Resource,Scene and food,Future,5,1,2,4,Culture and History,3,Introduction,Datong is the Shanxi Provinces second largest city, which is a city with a long history and splendid culture. The rich historic remains have made

2、it an ancient Chinese capital, the city of sculptures and coal is known to the world. Therefore it is one of the first group of 24 famous Chinese historical and cultural cities by the State Council.,Geography and Resource,Geography,1.Datong lies in the north of Shanxi Province, located a few hundred

3、 kilometers west by rail from Beijing with an elevation of 1,040 metres 2. Datong is the northernwest city of Shanxi, and is located in the Datong Basin. The urban area is surrounded on three sides by mountains, with passes only to the east and southwest. Within the prefecture elevations generally i

4、ncrease from southeast to northwest.,Geography and Resource,Text in here,Resource,Major is coal. Datong is an old fashioned coal mining city in China, and still sits on significant reserves of this commodity. Consequently it has developed a reputation as one of Chinas most polluted cities. The Daton

5、g Coal Mining Group is based here and is Chinas third largest such enterprise.,Culture and History,Strengthen in battles: Prosperous city,History,Build in Autumn Dynasty,Revive in reform: travel city,Boom in the Northern Wei Dynasty: Capital,Yungang grottoes,Yungang Grottoes is located in the south

6、of Wuzhou Mountain and far away 16 kilometers from the city of Datong. Yungang Grottoes is the cultural heritage of the world, national 5A scenic spot in China and one of the largest grottoes in China. Yungang Grottoes was built in the Northern Wei Dynasty in 460 and had a history of about 1500 year

7、s. It has 45 main grottos, over 1,200 niches and over 51,000 Buddhist statues,北魏风韵的遗存 -“云冈石窟”,云冈石窟位于大同市西16公里的武周山麓,依山开凿,东西绵延一公里,现存洞窟53个,石雕造像五万多尊。其中尤为珍贵的是第十六至二十窟,世称“昙曜五窟”,是北魏名僧昙曜奉文成帝旨意开凿的,距今已有1500多年的历史。,The exterior shots,Yunggang Grottoes(云冈),Yunggang Grottoes are wellknown all over the world for the

8、ir grand momentum, rich contents and exquisite carving. The fifth and sixth grottoes and wuhua cave are colorful in contents, majestic and magnificent. It is the essence of Yunggang art and also the artistic treasury well-known in the world .,The other grottoes,第三窟,第九窟,第十一窟,第九和第十窟,Tan Yao Five Grott

9、os 昙曜五窟 The Buddhist statue is 14m-high and it has been considered as a city card of Datong.,large-size wall carvings,Huayan Temple, located in the southwest of Datong City, is one of the biggest temples in China built in Liao Dynasty. It got its name because it was and remains a major temple of the

10、 Huayan sect, a sub-category of the Buddhism popular in north China. The Huayan Temple is divided into two parts: the Upper Huayan Temple and Lower Huayan Temple which have their own gate and architecture respectively. In 1963, the two separated temple combined a whole temple.,HuaYan Temple,The enti

11、re appearance,The Five buddha,The Nine Dragon screen,Located in the southern side of Dong Street, is the Nine-Dragon Screen built for the Prince Hongwu, the 13th son of the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 AD). It is presently the oldest and largest glazed screen in China and even before

12、 350 years. It is three times larger than the one in Beihai Park, Beijing City.,The whole scenery,Mount Heng(北岳恒山) Mount Heng is located in Hunyuan County, City of Datong and has an elevation about 2017 meters. Mount Heng is one of the Wuyue with Mount Tai ,Mount Hua ,Mount Heng and Mount Song.,Moun

13、t Heng,Mount Heng,Mount Heng,Mountain Heng,Beautiful Natural Scenery Mount Hengshan has always been a favorite destination, a summer resort and leisure place for tourists for its religious reputation and gorgeous landscapes. Famous Religious Holy Place Both Buddhism and Taoism coexist in Mount Hengs

14、han, which forms the chief religious feature of the mount .,The Hanging Temple,Suspension temple is located at the foot of Hengshan mountain on Xiyan cliff in Jinlong gorge, 5 km south of Hunyuan County Town. Since ancient time, here is always ranked as the first wonder of Hengshan Mountain which is

15、 one of the five lofty Mountains of China. It was built in late Northern wei period , The now remaining buildings were the relics of Ming and Qing Dynasties. The front of suspension Temple faces east just like a giant screen,The Hanging Temple is a temple built into a sheer cliff aboveJinlong Canyon

16、, near Mount Heng in the province of Shanxi.,悬空寺,Why build a monastery like this? Location is the first reason; building a monastery on the cliff could shield it from floods.,In addition, the mountain peak protects it from rain and snow; and the mountain around it also diminishes damage from long-time sunshine.,The second reason is that the builders followed a principle in Taoism: no noises, including those from rooster crowing and dog baying; so from the upper ground, all noises dr



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