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1、1,小升初英语冲刺 第6讲 形容词、副词 adj./adv.,2,1. 形容词与副词,1.1 形容词表示某一事物或者人的特征;副词表示某一动作的特征。 形容词主要是用来修饰名词的,放在名词之前,往往翻译为:的 e.g. a beautiful flower a short man I am happy She looks sad,一朵漂亮的花,一个矮的男人,我很开心,她看起来很难过,形名 be形 动副,3,而副词主要用来修饰动词,放在动词之后,往往翻译为地,e.g. He runs quickly. She works busily. They speak English slowly. Th

2、e baby cries loudly,他跑地很快,她忙碌地工作,他们说英语说得很慢,婴儿大声地哭泣,形名 be形 动副,4,1. He is _. He often dances_.,2. He is crying_. He is _.,3.What an _ boy !,形容词+名词 be动词(系动词look看起来)+形容词 动词+副词,happy,happily,sad,sadly,angry,angrily,5,1.2 形容词的构成,由名词变为形容词 (1) 名词后加-y e.g. fun-funny sun-sunny cloud-cloudy luck-lucky rain-rai

3、ny snow-snowy wind-windy health-healthy,6,(2) 名词后面加-ly e.g. love-lovely friend-friendly day-daily,7,形容词与副词之间是如何转换?,8,1.3 副词的构成 在形容词的基础上构成 (1) 在形容词词尾直接加-ly e.g. quick-quickly slow-slowly quiet-quietly beautiful-beautifully,9,(2) 以辅音字母加y结尾的形容词要变y为i,然后再加-ly e.g. busy-busily noisy-noisily angry-angrily

4、easy-easily,10,(3) 特殊情况 loud(adj.)-aloud/loudly(adv.) (形容词与副词同形) good-well late 迟到地 early 早地 hard 刻苦地;努力地 fast 迅速地,11,slow quick loud quiet ,good well (好) loudaloud,形容词,副词,slowly quickly loudly quietly,heavy happy angry busy easy,heavily happily angrily busily easily,late early hard fast near high,+

5、 ly,改y 为i ,再 + ly,形副同型,不规则,12,用单词的适当形式填空 1.Lily must be_ at English. She speaks English_. (good) 2.Ben got up _ this morning. He was _ for school. (late) 3.Typhoon Meiling is very_. It is blowing_. (strong). 4. Jenny looked at the puppy_. (sad) Jenny looked _. 5. The food in Thailand looks_.(good),g

6、ood,well,late,late,strong,strongly,sadly,sad,good,13,出门小测,按要求写单词 1.friend(形容词)_ 2.rain(形容词)_ 3.slow(副词)_ 4.happy(副词)_ 5.late(副词)_ 6.slow(副词)_ 7.good(副词)_ 8.easy(副词)_ 9.Our teacher is very_(friend)to us. 10.We should listen_(careful)in class.,14,1.形容词+名词 a beautiful girl 2.be动词(系动词look看起来)+形容词 look g

7、ood 3.动词+副词 run slowly,15,入门小测(10.22周日),1.early (反义词)_ 2.good(副词)_ 3.slow(副词)_ 4.happy(副词)_ 5.sun(形容词)_ 6.angry(副词)_ 7.Hes an _boy. A.America B.American C.Chinese 8.Do you have_to tell me? A.something new B.new something C.anything new 9.He is _at English A.well B.good C.better 10.My sister can danc

8、e very_(good).,16,两部分必须 具备可比性,.和.一样.,as .as (一样.),他和李明一样高,he is as tall as LM,同级比较,一、形容词和副词的同级比较,17,同级比较:as+形容词/副词(原级)+as翻译为(与一样),e.g. 他的苹果和我的一样小 His apple is as small as mine. 他学习和他的姐姐一样努力 He studies as hard as his sister. 她的房间和我的一样大 Her room is as big as mine.,18,than,LM,比较级,.比.更.,他比李明高,他比李明更高,他更高

9、比李明,他更高比李明,he,taller,is,19,二. 形容词与副词的比较级 1.形容词与副词有三种形式:原级、比较级、最高级 比较级:形容词后加-er 更的 最高级:the+形容词后加-est 最的 e.g. long-longer 更长的 tall-taller 更高的 strong-stronger-the strongest(最强壮的) the shortest tree the tallest student,最矮的树,最高的学生,20,2.比较级的重要特征: 句中出现than时,形容词要变为比较级形式 (比更) e.g. He is _(tall) than me. The C

10、hangjiang River is_(long) than the Yellow River. I am_(strong)than him. She is_(happy)than before.,taller,longer,stronger,happier,21,3.形容词的比较级变化规则 (1) 一般直接在词后+er e.g. strong-stronger tall-taller 单音节词如果以-e结尾,则直接加-r e.g. late-later,晚的-更晚的,22,(2) 重读闭音节词如果末尾只有一个辅音字母,须双写这个字母,再加-er e.g. big-bigger thin-th

11、inner fat-fatter sad-sadder,23,(3) 以辅音字母加-y构成的形容词,变-y为-i,再加-er e.g. busy-busier noisy-noisier early-earlier heavy-heavier happy-happier,忙碌-更忙碌的,吵闹的-更吵闹的,早的-更早的,重的-更重的,开心的-更开心的,24,(4)多音节形容词/副词的比较级应在原级前加more构成 e.g. beautiful-more beautiful careful-more careful interesting-more interesting,美丽的-更美丽的,小心的

12、-更小心的,有趣的-更有趣的,25,different-more different quietly-more quietly quickly-more quickly,不同的-更不同的,安静地-更安静地,迅速地-更迅速地,26,(5) 不规则变化 e.g. good/well-better-best (原级) (比较级) (最高级) bad/ill-worse-worst many/much-more-most little/few-less-least far-farther/further-farthest/furthest old-older/elder-oldest/eldest,2

13、7,原级变为比较级的顺口溜,原级变成比较级,er结尾要牢记;一般情况直接加,以e结尾需去e。辅音加y变为i,难过胖瘦和大的,双写尾字加er。大多双音多音节,词前加more就可以;不规则词没几个,说来总共有三对,病坏两多与两好,一个远来一个老。little、few很省心,less全部照顾到。,28,.,最高级,A类,Heart A is biggest among the five hearts A 在五颗心里 最大,B类,C类,D类,E类,他在班里最高 He is the tallest in the class.,在一个大集合中,共五类,很多类之间的比较,29,红色的在三个中最大,30,原级

14、变为最高级顺口溜,最高级,也容易,原级后加est,变化仿照比较级,多数双音、多音节,前加most牢牢记。还有一点要留意,the后再加最高级。,31,入门小测(10.22周日),1.early (反义词)_ 2.good(副词)_ 3.slow(副词)_ 4.happy(副词)_ 5.sun(形容词)_ 6.angry(副词)_ 7.Hes an _boy. A.America B.American C.Chinese 8.Do you have_to tell me? A.something new B.new something C.anything new 9.He is _at English A.well B.good C.better 10.My sister can dance very_(good).,late,well,slowly,happily,sunny,angrily,B,C,B,well,32,出门测试(10.22 周日),写出下列形容词、副词的比较级 1.big_ 2



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