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1、高中英语选修模块7,第20讲 Unit 1 Living with technology,Unit 1 Living with technology,.短语检测 1与保持联系 2上发条 3额外 4从中受益 5就投票表决 6使免除,使摆脱 7(与)齐步前进,(与)并驾齐驱,跟上的步伐 8无论如何不,决不,第20讲 基础梳理,keep in touch with wind up for good measure benefit from vote on sth. rid.of. keep pace with under no circumstances,9怀疑 10难于抉择, 左右为难 11对负责

2、, 为担保, 因受责备 12考虑到, 顾及 13着重于, 认为有重要意义, 重视 14在方面起得重要突破 15专心于 16.可得到,可使用,可进入 sth.be accessible to sb. 17. .把发给distribute sth. to /among .,第20讲 基础梳理,be skeptical of be torn between answer for allow for attach importance to make important breakthroughs in. be absorbed in,18. 19.为做出牺牲 make sacrifices for,

3、反对做某事,oppose doing sth=,be opposed to doing sth,第20讲 跟踪训练,.单词拼写 1That kind of e_ dictionary is elegantly shaped, especially suitable for people with a reading disability. 2He was charged for not having a _ (有效的)driving license. 3The great d_ to living on a main road is the constant noise. 4The cours

4、e has four main c_ : business law, finance, computing and management skills.,lectronic,valid,rawback,omponents,第21讲 Unit 2 Fit for life,Unit 2 Fit for life,.短语检测 1大量生产 2使筋疲力尽;使厌烦 3放出,发出 4肿胀,膨胀 5同意,赞成; 定期订购,订阅 6测试,试验;参加选拔 7以形式 8把与相联系 9对上瘾,成瘾,第21讲 基础梳理,mass production wear somebody out let out swell u

5、p subscribe to try out in the form of relate.to. be addicted to,10集中于上 11打开 12大量 13由于被广泛使用 14咀嚼;斟酌,仔细考虑 15. 放出;泄露,透出;发出(叫声) let out,第21讲 基础梳理,focus on open up in large quantities due to the widespread use of chew on,第21讲 跟踪训练,.单词拼写 1U_ to sleep at night, I got up to make myself a glass of milk. 2Thi

6、s matter has _(潜在的)danger. You should deal with it soon. 3We must make _(安排) for the meeting. 4Every person stood to a_ his unforgettable act of courage. 5Hes complaining of all the usual flu s_ a high temperature, headache and so on.,nable,potential,arrangements,pplaud,ymptoms,第22讲 Unit 3 The world

7、 online,Unit 3 The world online,.短语检测 1向求助 2受某人支配 3更有甚者,更为重要的是 4最新的;现代的;时髦的 5退学,辍学;退出,脱离 6一串,一束;大量,大批 7仔细搜索某处寻找某人某物 8.被称呼为 be addressed as 9.查词典 consult a dictionary 10.在方面的能力competence in (doing) sth,第22讲 基础梳理,turn to somebody/something at someones command what is more up to date drop out a bunch o

8、f comb (through) something for sb./sth.,11.与一致,与相称 correspond to/with sth 12.和有通信往来 correspond with sb 13.完全屈从于;纵情于 abandon oneself to (doing )sth 14. 承认做了某事acknowledge doing sth./ having done sth 15.承认/认为是acknowledge sb./ sth.as 16.在的假定之下on the assumption that.,第22讲 跟踪训练,.单词拼写 1Only few Chinese peo

9、ple have developed the habit of c_ rubbish before throwing it away. 2When giving a description, you should be s_ and give a lot of details, so that your meaning will be clear. 3His nationality isnt _ (相关的) to whether he is a good lawyer. 4Common tastes form a _ (关系) between the two men.,lassifying,p

10、ecific,relevant,bond,第23讲 Unit 4 Public transport,Unit 4 Public transport,.短语检测 1中途下客或卸货;下降;打瞌睡 2堵车,交通堵塞 3联合,连接 4每隔距离或时间 5决定,选定 6给某人接通(电话);使经历 7推迟,推延;使反感 8出现,到来;提高(音量等) 9少数的,少量的,第23讲 基础梳理,drop off traffic jam line up at(.)intervals decide on/upon put through put off turn up a handful of,10分组,分解;分离 1

11、1起因于,由引起,由产生,起源于 12(使)加速 13填写(表格);消磨(时间) 14阻塞交通 15事故的诱因 16加快的步伐 17.许诺做某事,同意做某事 undertake to do sth 18.承担(做)某事 undertake (doing) sth 19. 耽搁做某事 ) postpone/delay/put off doing sth 20.在方面很守时 be punctual for,第23讲 基础梳理,split up arise from. speed up fill in choke off traffic an invitation to accidents accelerate the pace of,



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