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1、.,1,冠词(Articles),.,2,不定冠词a/an, 分类 定冠词 the, 零冠词(不用冠词),.,3,一、冠词的泛指、特指和类指,泛指是指首次提到的,不限定的人或事物。 特指是指上文已经提到的人或事物,或是指被限制性修饰语在其后加以限定的人或事物,也可以指说话双方所默认的特定的人或事物。 类指是指具有共同性质或典型特征的事物的一个类别。,.,4,二:冠词的泛指和特指用法:,单数可数名词一定要用冠词,a/ an,the,泛指单一,每一,任一事物,指类别,特指,上文提到过的人或事物 被限制性修饰语所限度的人或事物 说话双方默认的人或事物 世上独一无二的事物,指类别,.,5,复数可数名词

2、和不可数名词,the特指,上文提到的人或事物 被限制性修饰语所限定的人或事物 说话双方默认的人或事物,零冠词,泛指的人或事物 指类别,.,6,三:不定代词a/an的惯用法,1、当紧挨着冠词的第一个音素是辅音音素时,用a. 当紧挨着冠词的第一个音素是元音音素时,用an. 如: a unvesity; a useful animal; an uncle; an X-ray; an 800-meter race 注意:开始读元音的字母或数字前用an,除a,e,I,o,u外还有f,h,l,m,n,r,s,x 2.用在单数可数名词前,表示一类人或事物 A cat is an animal.猫是一种动物。

3、 Hes a Frenchman.他是个法国人。 但不可数名词前可加some Give me some milk.,.,7,3.泛指某人某物,但未具体说明何人何物 A boy is waiting for me.一个男孩正在等我 Her husband is a Smith.她的丈夫是史密斯家族的 4、表示数量,有“一”的意思,但数的概念没有one 强 I shall finish it in a day or two. 注意区分any,one,a 5.有the same;every/per/each的意思,表示相同的/每一。 e.g The two boys are of an age. (

4、the same age) I earn 10 dollars an hour . (every hour),.,8,6.第一次提到某物 I looked up and saw a plane. 我抬头看见了一架飞机 7.不定冠词通常置于别的形容词之前 An interesting book a pretty gril 例外:(1)用在such,what,many之后 eg:What a fine day! Many a boy (很多男孩) (2)当名词前的形容词被so,as,too,how,however,no more,enough修饰时,a/an放在形容词之后 eg;So short

5、a time Too long a distence (3)有quite,rather时一般其后,但名词前有形容词修饰时,可前后 eg:He is quite a fellow他是个相当了不起的人 It is quite a /a quite good book. She is rather a dear. 她是个相当可爱的女孩儿 She is rather an/a rather old woman 她是个相当老的女人 (4)遇见half时,不定冠词可前可后 half an hour=a half hour half a mile=a half mail 半英里 但在and后用a half

6、one month and a half=one and a half month 一个半月,.,9,8.用于某些物质名词或抽象名词前,表示 “一种、一类、一份、一场、一阵”. e.g That is a green tea. They were caught in a heavy rain. a pleasure / a success/ a failure,9. 用在某些抽象名词前, a certain +抽象名词,表示某种情绪 a certain sadness 某种悲伤感 a certain happiness 某种幸福感 抽象名词被一个形容词修饰或被一个of短语限定时 a good

7、memory e.g He has a knowledge of chemistry. The get-together was a great success. Her book is a collection of short stories.,.,10,10.用在专有名词前 用在姓名,作品前,表示“具有 特征的人、 的作品” eg:He wishes to become an Eidison.他希望成为爱迪生那样的人 Mother bought her a complete Mo Yan.母亲给她买了本莫言全集 用于带头衔的“姓”前,意为“一位姓 的小姐/先生”,表示说话人对此人不认识

8、eg:A Mr. Wang came to see you just now.刚刚有位王先生来见你 用于地名前,指某时的某地或者某种样子的某地 Did you dream such a London.你有梦想过这样的伦敦吗 It is not such a Shanghai as it was ten years ago 这已经不是10年前的上海了 11.当sun,sky,moon等独一无二的名词被描绘性形容词修饰表达某种意境时 eg:a bright/new/full moon a dark/free/sad world,.,11,12.用于下列特殊结构中 “a/an+单数名词+of+a+单

9、数名词”,其中第一个名词相当于 一个形容词 eg:an angle of a girl 天使般的女孩 a mountain of a wave 山一样高的海浪 注: 第一个不定冠词可以换成this,the,that,my,your等 “be of a+名词”,表示不同事物的共同性 eg:The machines are of a kind。 “be of a+形容词修饰的名词”,表示人或物的特性 eg:The knife is of a great use.这把刀很有用 He is of a large size.他的块头很大 have/take +a+抽象名词=该名词动词词义 I have

10、had a long talk with him on the subject. = I have long talked with him on the subject have a walk(n.)=walk(v.) have a rest=rest have a dance/look/bath/quarrel,.,12,13.固定搭配 have a cold; have a good time; have a word with; keep a diary in a hurry; at a loss; do sb. a favour; at a diatance; a collectio

11、n of once upon a time e.g This picture looks beautiful at a distance. He was at a loss when he heard this news. 【口诀】泛指首提为最多,有时表示某“一个”; 物质抽象表“一场”,So加形容再“a”; 可数名词为“一类”,序数词前“又一个” Quite等词常放后,固定短语须琢磨。,.,13,1.Mycousin,Peterhasbecome_universitystudent. A.aB.anC.theD.不填 2.The girlwith_umbrellainhandisstudyi

12、ngin_university. A.a,a B.a,an C.an,an D.an,a 3.Ithadbeendryforsolongatime,soeveryoneislookingforwardto_heavy rainattime. A.a B.an C.the D.不填 4.Without_penny(分)withhim,hehadtraveledforhalf_year. A.a,aB.不填,不填C.an,anD.a,an 5.Hepublished_one-million-wordthickbooklastyear. A.aB.anC.theD.不填 6.Takethismedi

13、cinethreetimes _dayandyouwillbebettertomorrm A.a B.an C.the D.不填 7._orphanis_childoneofwhoseparentswerediedwhenhewasborn. A. a,aB.an,aC.the,theD.不填,不填,.,14,8.IhavetogetmyEnglishbookintheclassroom.Pleasewaitformefor_moment. A.aB.anC.theD.不填 9.Haveyouseen_pencil?Ileftiton_tablethismorning. A.a,aB.a,th

14、eC.the,theD.the,a 10.Iamafraidof_dog.CanIgobehindyou? A.theB.aC.anD.不填 11.Thereusedtobe_lotofbirdsinthetrees.Butnowthereis_fewbirdstherebecause theyarekilledbyfoolishmen. A.a,aB.a,不填C.不填,不填D.不填,a 12.Ibought_Englishdictionaryyesterdayand_Englishdictionaryis_useful guidancebookformetolearnEnglish. A.a

15、,the,aB.an,the,anC.an,the,aD.a,the,an 13.Inthisway,youcanshoottwobirdswith_stone. A.aB.anC.theD.不填,.,15,四、定冠词的主要用法,表示特指某人或某物和彼此都知道的事物。 The gril in red is my sisiter. The man over there is our English teacher. Open the door,please. 2.第二次提到的人或物 I find a man in the street; the man said he got a new job

16、. 3. 表示世界上独一无二的事物。 the earth; the moon; the Great Wall 4. 用在序数词、形容词最高级前面。 the first the second 注:相当于形容词最高级的形容词也要加the,例如same,very,only,unique,main,chief等 5. 用在表单位的名词前,意为“每,每一”。 I have hired a car by the hour.(按小时) Eggs are sold by the dozen. (按每12个) 注:交通工具不加the by air ,by boat,by sea,by car,by bus ,by taxi


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