运用创新学习 提升企业核心竞争力课件

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《运用创新学习 提升企业核心竞争力课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《运用创新学习 提升企业核心竞争力课件(30页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、运用创新学习 提升企业核心竞争力 林立杰 lichiehiii.org.tw,五、结语,四、提出解决方案,一、前言,三、检讨问题,二、分析现况,简报大纲,十倍速变迁的知识经济时代,不约而同的未来 (YouTube): 美国劳工部估计 现在的学生未来换第14个工作时,大约38岁 美国前教育部长Richard Riley认为 2010年最迫切需要的10种工作,在2004年时并不存在 网路时代,信息暴增,实时流通 全世界制造出新信息,大约比人类在过去5千年所制造的信息量还多 科技加速变迁 新的科技知识大约每两年就会成长1倍 终身学习社会已经来临,五、结语,四、建议解决方案,一、前言,三、检讨问题,二

2、、分析现况,简报大纲,1952,1960,1970,1980,1990,制造导向,投资导向,创新导向,劳力密集产业,资本密集产业,技术密集产业,知识密集产业,2000,高科技产业发展,产业技术升级与国际化,农业、密集、进口替代的轻工业,动密集产业,出口为导向之产业结构,由密集转为资本密集。推动产业升级,培育高科技产业基础,高科技产业萌芽及奠基。电子信息产业逐渐成为产业发展重点,新兴高科技产业起飞期。信息电子、光电、通讯产业蓬勃发展,以知经济为目标。研发及高附加价值制造业为推动重点,进入 民生工业,改良 农业技术,建立重化基础,2010(f),全球竞争 型产业,历年经济成长率,注:2008 年以

3、后之经济成长率为预测值,台湾经济发展历程综览,GDP%,里昂证券估计2009年 经济成长率为-2.7%,2010年为 -1.2%,五、结语,四、建议解决方案,一、前言,三、检讨问题,二、分析现况,简报大纲,信息通讯科技 (ICT),人力资源发展,企业经营环境,创新系统,绩效指标 (生产力/GDP/就业率),知识传递 效率,知识掌握 能力,环境成本 与动力,知识创新 扩散,知识经济 产出,投入,过程,产出,知识经济衡量体系,五、结语,四、建议解决方案,一、前言,三、检讨问题,二、分析现况,简报大纲,采购,运筹流通,设计制造,营销,销售,服务,供货商,顾客,支持功能的单位(人事、财务),企业应用数

4、字学习提升竞争力,昔日创新应用已成产业共识,千大制造,五百大服务,百大金融,*注:根据中华征信所96年大型企业数字学习导入率调查报告估计,金融业数字学习 应用率达74.3%、服务业达56.2%、制造业达46.7%,连锁便利超商业与主要汽车制造业百分之百导入数字学习!,思科(CISCO)成功案例分析,Benefits 成本节省与时间效益: $41M 经销商回报从销售增加所贡 献的毛利: $750M Costs 经营运作的支出费用: $48M Cost-Benefit Ratio 48:791=1:16,数据源: The Business Case For E-Learning, 2005 Cis

5、co Press,股东报酬回收,顾客价值提升,企业流程精进,数位学习建构人力资本,价值创造利器,训练质量一致化,知识管理效率化,正隆造纸,产品优质化的要求 全球竞争的冲击,产业挑战,设备保养不易,人员设备保养知识不足,学习意愿低落,数 位 学 习 应 用,落实TPM降低设备故障 提升生产效能,推动效益,导入结果,运用混成数字学习训练员工推动全面生产维护管理成效: 设备总合效率(OEE)较去年同期成长2.9 故障时间减少11,945分钟 单点学习提案件数(OPL)新增739件 经过同时期效益比较,总效益为5,300万元,ROI为32,现场工作环境严峻,厚植企业人力资本与知识资产,改善安卫环境提升

6、员工士气,建立技术能力激发改善意识,正隆造纸,在线课程,萃取老师傅经验,质量一致,工厂操作员在计算机教室集中受训 减少e化落差,混成学习-课后实机操作演练,乔山 案例分析,总体市场衰退 (次级房贷, 暖冬 效应, 大陆劳工 成本提升),扩厂过快,淡旺季员工需求落差大,兼顾品牌营销 及生产制造,主管能力 有待提升,数 位 学 习 应 用,接班人计划 企业发展、永续经营,菁英、领袖班培训 建立乔山人才库,缩短青涩期 稳定技术质量 建立多能工制度,缩短培训时空差距 全面培植一级战将,营业额成长23% (07下半年导入销售课程后),培训报酬率提升28倍,准时交货率提升20%,制程不良率降低4%,建立各

7、层级主管能力,持续推动接班人计划,产业挑战,推动效益,导入结果,Asias leader in fitness equipment,Johnson Corporation (est. 1975) designs, produces and markets commercial and home fitness equipment. A traditional Taiwanese company with conservative values. Its equipment is manufactured in China. 8,000 employees worldwide. Most of

8、the employees are in China. over 90 retail outlets. top in Asia and the 4th largest international manufacturer.,Fit to the Needs in Johnsons sales and manufacturing employees in China,enhancing manufacturing quality 2005 and 2006 were the heyday of the growth. They expanded factory buildings in Chin

9、a and had full orders. However, with this fast expansion and purchase of new equipment, the match of employee skill to equipment became unstable. This affected product quality. China is an emerging market, where things change quickly. In the last half of 2007 China passed new labor contract and inco

10、me tax laws which directly and significantly increase corporate hiring costs. Now, like other businesses operating in China, Johnson faces the tough challenge of decreasing operating costs and enhancing labor quality.,Fit to the Needs in Johnsons sales and manufacturing employees in China,improving

11、professional ability of sales agent Since 2006, They have set up more than 90 stores and grown very fast in China. However, sales agent ability is low. Customer service attitude is new. Increased revenue depends on increased customer service. Training in traditional way in China would be very expens

12、ive. Geographically, its a vast territory. This caused huge costs for sales training in the China market.,Design of the Program,Donald Kirkpatrick,Measurable Benefits,Under consultation with the Institute for Information Industry (III), Johnson evaluated the implementation effects of the sales train

13、ing program (mid-2007) by using the Jack Phillips ROI model and the IIIs ABCDE Learning Impact Model. This solid evaluation points both to current strengths and areas for future improvement.,Evaluation results,Level 1 Reaction Average satisfaction is above 4.5 (out of 5) Level 2 - Learning The avera

14、ge pre-test score was 3.76 Average post-test score was 4.31 Level 3 Application The average score from participant responses was 4.2 The average score from regional directors one month post-training was 4.58. The directors noticed that most participants improved in work, especially in being empathet

15、ic to customer needs and the handling of objections.,Evaluation results,Level 4 Business impact after the training, the average sales number of each store for September and October grew 38% over August and 12% over the same period in the previous year,Evaluation results,Level 5 ROI Intangible Benefi

16、ts of the Training participants can be empathetic to customer thoughts enhance brand image enhance employees satisfaction enhance customer satisfaction enhance teamwork enhance performance increase interaction among employees through online discussion forum,2008 Brandon Hall Excellence in Learning Awards,Asias Fitness Equipment Leader Meets Manufacturing and Customer Service Needs in China,Johnson Health Tech. Institute for Information Industry, Taiwan (III



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