我爱记单词 音形篇 Lesson 4(课堂PPT)

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《我爱记单词 音形篇 Lesson 4(课堂PPT)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《我爱记单词 音形篇 Lesson 4(课堂PPT)(30页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1,我爱记单词,Lesson 4,2,Lesson 4 单元音字母在(重读) 闭音节中的发音,a,e,i,o,u,元音字母,还记得元音字母是哪几个吗?,3,I read, you fill,/_ S/,Please tell me whats the pronunciation of letter “a” ?,Z,/m_ p/,map,ash,Z,Letter A,4,fat 胖的,bat 蝙蝠,ham 火腿,jam 果酱,rat 老鼠,Read the words,5,_,_,_,_,_,fat,rat,jam,bat,ham,6,/w_ t/,e,/p _ n/,pen,wet,e,Now

2、 what about letter “e” ?,I read, you fill,Letter E,7,net 网,chess 象棋,pet 宠物,bed 床,Read the words,8,_,_,_,_,net,chess,pet,bed,9,/_ f/,/p _ k/,pick,if,Now what about letter “i” ?,I read, you fill,I,I,Letter I,10,nib 笔尖,pit 洞,sit 坐,kid 小孩,11,_,_,_,_,nib,pit,sit,kid,12,Now what about letter “o” ?,I read,

3、 you fill,/S _ k/,/ _ f/,off,shock,F,F,Letter O,13,hot 热的,pot 壶,lock 锁,doll 娃娃,dog 狗,Read the words,14,_,_,_,_,_,hot,pot,lock,doll,dog,15,Now what about letter “u” ?,I read, you fill,/S _ t/,/ l_ k/,luck,shut,V,V,Letter U,16,run 跑,nut 果仁,jump 跳,hug 拥抱,Read the words,17,_,_,_,_,run,nut,jump,hug,18,ca

4、t,pet,chess,if,off,lock,up,Find and conclude,Lets observe and find out the construction of the words.,元+辅,元+辅组,辅+元+辅,辅+元+辅组,shut,辅组+元+辅,辅组+元+辅组,flat,观察元音字母后面都有什么呢?,19,e,a,i,o,u,/V/,/F/,/ Z /,/I/,/e/,practice,20,jam,rat,ham,net,chess,doll,lock,kid,sit,hug,run,21,exercise,h a m,t e n,f i t,o f f,l u c

5、 k,/_ _ _/,/_ _ _/,/_ _ _/,/_ _ _/,/_ _ _/,22,Lets sing a song !,a e i o u,a e i o u,/Z/ /e/ /I/ /F/ /V/,/Z/ /e/ /I/ /F/ /V/,a e i o u,a e i o u,/Z/ /e/ /I/ /F/ /V/,/Z/ /e/ /I/ /F/ /V/,23,Lets chant,Letter a /Z/Z/Z/ The rat is fat. The rat is mad. The rat is fat and mad. The rat likes ham and jam. T

6、he fat and mad rat likes ham and jam.,24,Letter e /e/e/e/ The pet is red. The pet is wet. The pet is on the bed. The red and wet pet is on the bed.,25,Letter i /I/I/I/ The fish is big. Its in the dish. The big fish is in the dish.,26,Letter o /F/F/F/ Tom eats hot dogs. Tom eats a lot of hot dogs. Tom is like an ox.,27,Letter u /V/V/V/ Up up up Lets jump up. hug hug hug Please give me a hug. luck luck luck Have a good luck.,28,Jack watches a red fish jump on the grass.,Lesson 4 单元音字母在重读闭音节中的发音,29,Lesson 4 单元音字母在重读闭音节中的发音,30,惟乐教育: 为了快乐而学习 联系电话:021- 6142 9797,



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