药物合成反应 第五章 重排反应课件

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1、Chapter 5,Rearrangement Reaction,第五章 重排反应,重排反应 1. 碳原子到碳原子重排 (1) Wagner-Meerwein重排 (2) Pinacol重排 (3)二苯乙醇酸重排 (4) Favorski重排 (5) Wolff重排及Aendt-Eistert反应,重排反应 2. 碳原子到杂原子重排 (1)Beckmann重排 (2)Hoffman重排 (3)Curtius重排 (4)Schmidt重排 (5)Bayer-Villiger反应,重排反应 3. 杂原子到碳原子重排 (1)Stevens重排 (2)Sommelet-Hauser重排 (3)Witt

2、ig重排 4. s键迁移重排 (1)Claisen重排 (2)Cope重排 (3)Fischer吲哚合成,分子重排反应 分子重排反应就是化学键的断裂和形成发生在同一分子中,引起组成分子的原子的配置方式发生改变,从而形成组成相同、结构不同的新分子的反应。 重排反应中键的断裂和形成的方式有异裂、均裂和环状过渡态三种。,Radical rearrangement,Usually, the rearrangement was classified by the electron property of the moving group,Nucleophilic rearrangement,Electr

3、ophilic rearrangement,第一节 重排反应机理,2020/9/6,1. Nucleophilic rearrangement,2020/9/6,2. Electrophilic rearrangement,2020/9/6,3. Radical rearrangement,1. 反应通式,第一节 碳原子到碳原子重排,一、Wagner-Meerwein重排,2. 反应机理,3. 影响因素 (1)碳正离子形成方式:卤代烃与Lewis酸作用、醇与酸作用、烯烃质子化、胺与亚硝酸作用。 (2)the stereochemistry of themigrating group is re

4、tained, which is in accordance of the Woodward-Hofmann rules.,4.应用特点 (1)醇类的Wagner-Meerwein重排,2020/9/6,Addition of a nucleophile,Loss of a proton,2020/9/6,(2)卤代烃的Wagner-Meerwein重排,Stable cation,2020/9/6,Stable cation,Migratory order of the migration groups,(3)胺类化合物的Wagner-Meerwein重排,2020/9/6,2020/9/6

5、,二、Pinacol Rearrangement,1. 反应通式,X = Cl, Br, I, SR, OTs, OMs, N2+,2. 反应机理,(1)碳正离子的稳定性 the product is usually formed via the most stable carbocation intermediate when the glycol substrate is unsymmetrical;,3. 影响因素,(2)立体化学因素,(3) besides protic acids, Lewis acids (e.g., BF3OEt2, TMSOTf) are also used;

6、various conformational effects and neighboring group participation in cyclic systems are complicating factors.,(4)迁移能力及推广的重排,. HPh321 .,.,-二酮在浓碱作用下发生重排,生成安息香酸的重排反应称为二苯乙醇酸重排。,三、二苯乙醇酸重排,1. 反应通式,2. 反应机理,3. 影响因素,(1)用苛性碱得到羟基酸,用醇盐则生成酯;,(2)环状二酮生成环状羟基酸,四、Favorski重排,1. 反应通式,2. 反应机理,催化剂的影响,3. 影响因素,Different -

7、 chloroketone form same rearrangement product:,Same intermediate,由卤代酮制备羧酸衍生物,4. 应用特点,五、 Wolff重排及Arndt-Eistert反应,Wolff rearrangement,1. 反应通式,2. 反应机理,(1) the reaction can be initiated thermally, photolytically, or by transition metal catalysis; (2) freshly prepared silver(I)oxide or silver(I)benzoate

8、are best suited for the reaction; (3) if the migrating group has a stereocenter, the stereochemistry remains unchanged (net retention of configuration) after the migration;,3. 影响因素,Examples,Arndt-Eistert synthesis,1. 反应通式,2. 反应机理,羧酸同系化C+1,3. 应用特点,酮肟在酸性催化剂的作用下重排成酰胺的反应称为贝克曼重排。,H+,R-C-NHR,O,=,第三节 碳原子到杂

9、原子重排,一、Beckmann重排,1. 反应通式,重排,互变异构,2. 反应机理,(1)催化剂影响 The reaction is usually carried out under forcing conditions (high temperatures, large amounts of strong Brosted acids) and it is non-catalytic.The applied Brosted acids are: H2SO4, HCl/Ac2O/AcOH, etc. 其他催化剂:PPA、POCl3、PCl5、SOCl2、MsCl、TsCl等。,3. 影响因素,

10、(2)溶剂的影响 用极性小或非极性的非质子溶剂,PCl5催化可防止异构化,当溶剂中含有亲核性化合物、分子内含有亲核性官能团、溶剂本身为亲核性化合物,碳正离子与其结合而得不到酰胺 也可用此制备苯并咪唑衍生物,立体专一性,4. 应用特点,二、Hofmann重排,1. 反应通式,2. 反应机理,3. 应用特点,(1)制备C-1伯胺,(2) 因亲核剂不同而产物各异,(3) Curtius Rearrangement,Example,(4) Schmidt Rearrangement,(5) Lossen Rearrangement,Example,酮类化合物被过酸氧化,与羰基直接相连的碳链断裂,插入一

11、个氧形成酯的反应称为拜耳-魏立格(Baeyer-Villiger)氧化重排。,+ CH3COOOH,CH3COOC2H5,40oC,+ CH3COOH,常用的过酸有: (1)一般过酸 + 无机强酸(H2SO4) (2)强酸的过酸 :CF3COOOH (3)一般酸 + 一定浓度的过氧化氢(产生的过酸立即反应),(5)拜耳-魏立格氧化重排,反应机理,H+,O-O键断裂,-RCOO- , -H+,R重排,R3C- R2CH- ,RCH2- CH3-,3. 从杂原子到碳原子的重排,Stevens重排,R1 = EWG = Ar, heteroaryl, COR, COOR, CN; Y= CH2, C

12、HR, NH;,base: NaH, KH, RLi, ArLi, RONa, ROK,R4 = CH3, alkyl, allyl, benzyl,CH2COAr,General fetures,(1) the key intermediate of the rearrangement is the nitrogen- or sulfur ylide; (2) the R1 group has to be able to stabilize carbanions, so it is often an electron-withdrawing group;,General fetures,(3

13、) depending on the nature of R1, the acidity of the adjacent C-H bond varies so the type of base used for the deprotonation must be chosen accordingly; (4) R2 and R3 groups of ammonium salts cannot contain a hydrogen at their -position, since the Hofmann elimination may compete;,(5) when the migrati

14、ng group has a stereocenter, it is transferred with retention of configuration at the migrating terminus; (6) when R1=aryl or heteroaryl, the Sommelet-Hauser rearrangement becomes competitive;,Example,Sommelet-Hauser重排,Wittig重排,Example,4. s-键迁移重排,Claisen重排,(1)Claisen Rearrange,环状过渡态,烯丙基苯基醚,邻烯丙基苯酚,对烯

15、丙基苯酚,互变异构,互变异构,环状过渡态,3,3迁移,3,3迁移,Example,(2)Amino-Claisen Rearrangement,This reaction occurs best when nitrogen is converted to the ammonium salt.,(3) Thio-Claisen Rearrangement,This reaction is often run with a reagent that will convert sulfur to oxygen following the reaction. An advantage of the t

16、hio-Claisen rearrangement is that the precursor can be deprotonated and alkylated.,(4) The Carroll Reaction,Johnson-Claisen重排,Mechanism,Example,Eschenmoser-Claisen重排,Ireland-Claisen重排,The most useful of all Claisen rearrangements. The enolate may be trapped with TMSCl or the enolate may be used directly.,The reaction works well with the free enolate and actually allows for a faster rearrangement that will occur at 25 C (anion accelerate



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