英语 综合教程 第六册 Unit 3-Bards of the Internet课件

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1、Unit 3 Bards of the Internet,By Phillip Elmer-De Witt,Phillip Elmer-DeWitt,Learning Objectives,New words and phrases Structure of the Text features of expository organizational pattern To be familiar with the use of quotations Practical Writing,Text Explanations,In this essay the author describes th

2、e current fashion of net-writing, explores the causes of the poor quality of writing found on the internet, explains its merits and differences from published writing as well as justifications for its survival and prevalence.,Lead-in,Question for Discussion: 1. How do you view net-writing, i.e., thi

3、ngs published on the Internet, as compared to the traditional forms of writing? 2. Can you predict the future of net-writing?,Text Comprehension,Go through the text and finish Exercise1 it can be used in a casual manner while still serving its purpose effectively.,Patrick Nielsen,Tor Books: a New Yo

4、rk-based publisher of hardcover and softcover books, founded in 1980 committed to science fiction and fantasy literature. Scribblers compacts: P 39 No.7 Compares electronic bulletin board with S compact,Sewell,Likens netwriting to the literary scene,David Sewell.likens net-writing to the literary sc

5、ene Mark Twain discovered in San Francisco in the 1860s,when people were reinventing journalism by grafting it onto the tall-tale folk tradition. David Sewell compares net-writing to the literary scene Mark Twain discovered in San Francisco in the 1860s,when journalists were fond of writing news rep

6、orts in the traditional tall-tale style, fanciful and exaggerated manner.,Liken to,egs. She likened the experience to sinking into a warm bath. Our class can be likened to a big, happy family. 人生就好比一场不知终点的旅行. Life can be liken to a journey with an unknown destination,reinvent v. create anew and make

7、 over graft:移植, 嫁接 Her burns were treated with skin grafts. 她的烧伤是用植皮方法进行治疗的。 The management tried to graft new methods onto the existing ways of doing things. A piece of skin was removed from her leg and grafted onto her face.,tall-tale 吹牛大话,“.the tall-tale folk tradition” the tradition in which peo

8、ple tell a story or a tale in a fanciful and exaggerated manner. A “tall-tale/a tall-story” is a story or a tale that is hard to believe, because it is so exaggerated or unlikely. Here the author refers to a unique kind of journalism in which people report news in much the same way as people tell ta

9、ll-tales.,other people,Tom Paine托马斯潘恩 the Revolutionary War美国独立战争 the Elizabethan Era Gutenberg:古腾堡(Johannes,1400-1468,德国活版印刷发明人) hark back to be intoxicated with,hark back to,to remember/talk about sth happened in the past 回忆起,重提过去 Some old people always hark back to how things were 30 years ago. 有

10、些老年人老是喜欢重提三十年前的状况。 She is always harking back to how things used to be. 她总是念叨以前的世道如何如何。,be intoxicated with,be intoxicated with self-satisfaction 自我陶醉 be intoxicated (with success, etc.) 陶醉,.pamphleteers. Though most pamphleteers were not professional writers, they were passionate advocators of Nort

11、h American independence.,Paragraph 4,concedes the most serious problem of net-writingits poor quality. I THINK METALLICA IZ REEL KOOL DOOD!1!一This is an example of sloppy writing on the Internet. Presumably it should read I think Metallica is really cool dude! Number one!,New words,sloppy: Marked by

12、 a lack of care or precision; slipshod: sloppy use of language.马虎的 Puerile pjurl childish, silly (not mature) Meandering adj. with no clear purpose; roundabout;winding 迂回曲折的,meander,(river/road)to follow a winding and turning course 蜿蜒而行,迂回曲折 (of people) to move slowly and aimlessly 漫步,闲逛 (of a conv

13、ersion/discussion) to develop slowly and change subject often 漫谈;闲聊 egs. The stream meanders slowly down to the sea. They meandered slowly around the old town admiring the architecture. Vagabonds .v,bndmeander through life.,Paragraphs 5-6,explores the reasons why the quality of net-writing is so poo

14、r. Once again the author quotes some remarks made by other people.,Language Work,. Gerard Van der Leun . has emerged as one of the preeminent stylists on the Net. - Gerard Van der Leun has become known as one of the most important stylists on the Internet.,preeminent,greatest in importance or degree

15、 or significance or achievement 卓越的,杰出的,超群的 to a preeminent degree.出类拔萃 to hold a preeminent position. He is preeminent because his articles are well written. 他的文章写得很漂亮,卓尔不群。 His preeminence in this field is internationally recognized.,“Theyre not to have and hold; they are to fire and forget” (Para

16、graph 5) They are of little literary value, so people write them, send them and forget them.,Many online postings are composed “live” with the clock ticking. Many online postings are written spontaneously, with no preparation within a very short time. (i.e. They are improvised under great time pressure.),It takes a hell of a lot of work to get published, which naturally weeds out a lot of the garbage. a hell of a lot of - (used as an emphasize) a great deal of weed out


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