【三维设计】高三英语二轮三轮总复习 重点突破专题二 第一讲 记叙文专题训练 人教版

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【三维设计】高三英语二轮三轮总复习 重点突破专题二 第一讲 记叙文专题训练 人教版_第1页
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1、第三部分 专题二 第一讲 记叙文A(2010全国卷)It was a busy morning,about 830,when an elderly gentleman in his 80s came to the hospital. I heard him saying to the nurse that he was in a hurry for an appointment at 930.The nurse had him take a 1 in the waiting area, 2 him it would be at least 40 minutes 3 someone would

2、be able to see him. I saw him 4 his watch and decided,since I was 5 busymy patient didnt 6 at the appointed hour,I would examine his wound. While taking care of his wound,I asked him if he had another doctors appointment.The gentleman said no and told me that he 7 to go to the nursing home to eat br

3、eakfast with his 8. He told me that she had been 9 for a while and that she had a special disease. I asked if she would be 10 if he was a bit late. He replied that she 11 knew who he was,that she had not been able to 12 him for five years now. I was 13 ,and asked him,“And you 14 go every morning,eve

4、n though she doesnt know who you are?”He smiled and said,“She doesnt know me,but I know who she is” I had to hold back 15 as he left.Now I 16 that in marriages,true love is 17 of all that is.The happiest people dont 18 have the best of everything;they just 19 the best of everything they have. 20 isn

5、t about how to live through the storm,but how to dance in the rain.语篇解读:作者接诊一位八旬老人时,得知这位老人一直在默默地关心着五年前就一直痴呆的妻子。作者由此发出感慨,在婚姻生活中,真正的爱是夫妻能够一起经历风雨。1.A.breath B.testC.seat D.break解析:take a seat坐下。“护士让他在候诊处坐下(等待)”,breath呼吸;test检查,测验;break休息,中断,皆不符合句意。答案:C2.A.persuading B.promisingC.understanding D.telling

6、解析:护士让他在候诊处坐下,告诉他在给他看病之前至少要等40分钟。persuade劝说,说服;promise承诺,许诺;understand理解,故D项tell符合上下文意义。答案:D3.A.if B.beforeC.since D.after解析:根据句意可知。答案:B4.A.taking off B.fixingC.looking at D.winding解析:我看到他在看表,故用look at。take off脱下,起飞;fix安装;wind转动,把上紧。答案:C5.A.very B.alsoC.seldom D.not解析:根据后面一句话的意义“我的病人没有在约定的时间出现”可知此时我

7、不忙。答案:D6.A.turn up B.show offC.come on D.go away解析:turn up出现,到场;show off炫耀,卖弄;come on加油,过来;go away走开,离开,故A正确。答案:A7.A.needed B.forgotC.agreed D.happened解析:老人告诉我他需要赶去疗养院和妻子一起吃早餐。need符合句意。答案:A8.A.daughter B.wifeC.mother D.sister解析:由后文联系可知。答案:B9.A.late B.wellC.around D.there解析:他告诉我她已在那里呆了一段时间。there指的是上文

8、出现的the nursing room。答案:D10.A.lonely B.worriedC.doubtful D.hungry解析:我问如果他晚去一点的话她是否会感到着急,由常识可知,worried正确。答案:B11.A.so far B.neitherC.no longer D.already解析:他回答她不再认识他了。no longer不再。答案:C12.A.recognize B.answerC.believe D.expect解析:recognize辨认出;answer回答;believe相信;expect期望,根据文意:她已经五年都辨认不出他来了,可知A项正确。答案:A13.A.m

9、oved B.disappointedC.surprised D.satisfied解析:moved感动;disappointed失望;surprised吃惊;satisfied满意。作者听了,感到很吃惊,才问出了后面的问题。答案:C14.A.only B.thenC.thus D.still解析:因为感到吃惊,这里用副词“still”,“尽管她不知道你是谁,你仍然还每早都去吗?”答案:D15.A.curiosity B.tearsC.words D.judgment解析:hold back tears忍住眼泪。据常识可知,老人的回答让作者深受感动:她不认识我,但是我知道她是谁啊。答案:B16

10、.A.realize B.suggestC.hope D.prove解析:“现在我意识到在婚姻中,真正的爱就是接受对方的全部”。答案:A17.A.agreement B.expressionC.acceptance D.exhibition解析:句意:真爱就是接受一切。agreement同意;expression表达,表情;acceptance接受;exhibition展览,显示。答案:C18.A.necessarily B.completelyC.naturally D.frequently解析:句意为:“最快乐的人不一定拥有最好的东西,他们只是努力把他们拥有的变成最好的”。necessar

11、ily一定,必须;completely完全地;naturally自然地;frequently经常地,频繁地,根据句意,A项正确。答案:A19.A.learn B.makeC.favor D.try解析:make the best of“利用”。答案:B20.A.Adventure B.BeautyC.Trust D.Life解析:生活不仅仅是如何经历风雨,而是如何在雨中还能翩翩起舞。文章最后总结了生活的真谛。故D项符合文意。答案:DBMy job was to make classroom observations and encourage a training program that w

12、ould enable students to feel good about themselves and take charge of their lives.Donna was one of the volunteer teachers who participated in this 1.One day,I entered Donnas classroom,took a seat in the back of the room and 2.All the students were working 3 a task.The student next to me was filling

13、her page with “I Cant ”. “I cant kick the soccer ball.” “I cant get Debbie to like me.”Her page was half full and she showed no 4 of stopping.I walked down the row and found 5 was writing sentences,describing things they couldnt do.By this time the activity aroused my 6,so I decided to check with the teacher to see what was going on 7 I noticed she too was busy writing.“I cant get Johns mother to come for a parents meeting.” I felt it best not to 8.After another ten minutes,t



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