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1、Lesson 13: Why are plants important?,Mew words,Think about it,text,project,New words,air n. 空气 shade n. 树荫 nothing pron没有东西. die v.死 energy n.能量 heat n.热;. 加热 bamboo n.竹子 kilogram n. 千克,Think about it,Are there a lot of trees where you live? Why or why not? Why do we need trees? What kind of things

2、can plants do?,We need trees,J: Lets talk about trees and why we need them. Trees help clean the air. They give us food like apples, bananas and oranges. D: How about donuts? I want to plant a donut tree! B: Donuts dont grow on trees! But we can make and build things with trees like chairs, beds and

3、 houses! D: Sometimes the weather is sunny and hot. Then we can sit under a tree in the shade.,J: We make books from trees. Also, many animals live in trees. DL Do plants do other things? B: Plants cover the soil. Then the wind and water dont carry the soil away. J: All plant take energy from the su

4、n and make it into food. People and other animals need the food to live. Without food, they would have nothing to eat and they would die. B: What is energy? Light is energy. Heat is energy. D: I need food to live. Dinosaurs need a lot of food! They need a lot of donuts!,Some animals eat only one pla

5、nt. Pandas eat bamboo only. Big pandas eat eighteen kilograms of bamboo everyday!,Project: do we need plants?,Yes, we need plants. Everyone knows that! But why do we need them? Find three answers to this question. Write down your answers. 1 _ 2 _ 3 _,Lets talk about trees and shy we need them. 我们讨论树

6、和我们为什么需要树。 Lets =Let us意为“让我们”,let是动词,us做let的宾语,该句型结构为let sb. do sth.“让某人做某事”。表示说话人的建议,对该句型的肯定回答一般用“OK” “All right.” “Yes, lets”。其否定回答用”Sorry, I ”。 -Lets have a cup of tea. OK. 我们喝杯茶吧。好吧。 -Lets sing A B C song. Sorry, I cant sing it. 我们唱字母歌吧。对不起,我不会唱。,Trees help clean the air. 树能帮着清洁空气。 help vt. 帮助,

7、常用于两个句型:help sb. (to) do sth.和help sb. with sth.都有“帮助某人做某事”之意。介词with后接名词,通常不接动词-ing形式。 Mr. Wu helps me (to) learn English. = Mr. Wu often helps me with my English. 吴先生帮我学英语。,How about donuts? 面包圈怎么样? How about? =What about用于向对方提出一个建议,或征求对方的意见,后接名词或动词-ing形式。也可用于询问对方或第三者与情景有关的各种情况。 How / What about a

8、cup of tea? 来杯茶好吗? How/ What about going for a walk after supper? 晚饭后出去散步好吗? Im fine. How / What about you? 我身体很好,你呢?,Donuts dont grow on trees! 树上不结面包圈。 on trees在树上 辨析:on the tree (on trees) 与in the tree (in trees) 两者都表示“在树上”,用in时一般表示不从属于树本身生长的,如鸟、人等。用on时则指树本身的东西,如树叶、花等。从空间的角度看,用in表示在树上的枝叶中,用on则表示在

9、枝叶上,in和on不能互换。 There are some apples on the tree. 树上结着一些苹果。 There is a bird in the tree. 树上有一只鸟。,Also, many animals live in trees. 许多动物也可以住在树上。 also adv. 也 Mr. Green also came. 格林夫人也来了。 辨析:also, too与either 三者都表示“也”。also较正式,位置靠近动词,不置于句末。too用于口语,常置于句末,边用逗号,也可用于句中,前后均用逗号。either一般用于否定句中 He also plays th

10、e piano. 他也弹钢琴。 I am a doctor, too. 我也是个医生。 He isnt a worker, either. 他也不是个工人。,Then the water dont carry the soil away. 这样风和土就不会把土壤刮走、冲走。 carry away把搬(移)走 the flood carried away the wooden bridge. 洪水把桥冲走了。 拓展: carry back运回,拿回 carry off轻而易举地完成 carry out 执行 carry forward发扬,推进,All plants take energy fr

11、om the sun and make it into food. 所有的植物从阳光中吸收能量并(用它)来制造养料。 make into把制成用于主动语态,be make into用制成,用于被动语态。 Make glass into bottles. 用玻璃制成瓶子。 Metals can be made into all kinds of things. 金属可以制成多种多样的物品。,Without food, they would have nothing to eat and they would die. 没有食物,他们将没有可吃的东西并且死亡。 without prep. 无,没有

12、;反义词with. 如: Fish cant live without water. 没有水鱼不能活。 We cant finish the work on time without your help. 没有你的帮助我们不会按时完成工作。 2) die v. 死,死亡。dead 是形容词。death 是名词。 dying是现在分词。Are their answers the He has been dead for ten years. 他已经死了十年了。 Her death is very great. 她死的非常壮烈。 The little girl is dying. 这个小女孩快要死

13、了。,; AG亚游集团 orz81msr 遇入宅窃贼抢财伤人的那天,由于那个窃贼出手太狠,他只好就手从烤饼炉的旁边操起一条又粗又长的捅火棍照着其脑袋狠狠地打了下去。尽管当时天色昏暗没有看清楚那贼的面孔,但个头应该跟眼前的这个人差不太多。根据当时那窃贼的惨叫声,估计他受伤不轻。而眼前的这人有些贼头贼脑的,而且那道明显的疤痕正好是当时捅火棍落下去的左侧额头上这样想着,耿正表情肃穆,目不斜视地稳稳坐在车上从他身旁经过。一会儿,后边传来一声呼哨声。耿正略略回头望去,发现那个人的身边又多了两个人,并且三个人还在那里指指点点地说着什么。耿正没有吭声,继续以不变的速度赶车前行。又走了一会儿,后面好像再看不见

14、什么人了。耿正略微放心一些,扬鞭驱赶大白骡加快赶路。为了不让弟弟妹妹担心,耿正只是故作轻松地说:“咱这头大白骡好脚力啊!就这样的速度,用不了两天时间,咱们就可以到达望山寨大路边上大哥大嫂开的那个小饭店了。”48第九十四回 老乡四人话别情|(老乡四人话别情,承诺代为上祖坟;购置装扮“送灵车”,次日一早即起程。)那日晚上,耿正兄妹三人特意来到李老乡的家中,与这位同甘共苦近四年的叔叔以及婶子和两个孩子辞别。李老乡夫妇盛情邀请耿正兄妹三人明日中午来家中吃辞行饭。耿正兄妹三人想到李叔叔一家人这些天肯定很辛苦很繁忙,就婉言谢绝了夫妇二人的好意。耿正说:“铺子里离不开人,我们临行之前事情也很多。咱们不是外人




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