(3年高考2年模拟)高三英语二轮突破 阅读理解特训20(含解析)

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1、阅读理解特训:3真2模含解析2014届高三英语二轮突破20(一) 2013衡阳八中高三六次月考I received a call today asking if I would be willing to bring food to a family in need. The mother was having a major operation and would be lying down for several weeks. Of course, I responded with an immediate “Yes!”. As I planned the meal in my head,

2、 I reflected on how many times over the years I had been asked to prepare food. I have done so countless times with a very open heart.But the truly amazing thing is that I have received double over the course of my life. When my mother passed away, our house was filled with fresh dinners for weeks.

3、A woman from the church of our community stopped by each evening with some food. The gift of food was her small way of trying to ease our pain.Later in my life, when I was on bed rest during my pregnancy with twins, women of the church again stepped in to help. They arranged babysitting for my twoye

4、arold daughter, and brought lovely dinners to our house. Even when I was put in the hospital, my husband would bring cooked meals to my hospital room. How we relied on these dinners to feed my tired husband and young daughter.Food is all about comfort. It feeds our bodies, but it can also feed our s

5、ouls. When you hear people talking about their favourite holidays, it usually includes their feelings connected with sharing food. I know that I will have many more opportunities in my lifetime to prepare food for others. It is truly a gift I want to prepare and deliver to someone in need.1. The aut

6、hor has given lots of food to others because_A. she is poor at cooking Bshe is a church memberCshe is friendly to others Dshe has received others food2. We can learn from the first paragraph that the author_A. had to stay in bed for several weeks Bknew the family in need very wellCwas glad to be abl

7、e to lend a hand Dwas tired of preparing food3. Which of the following is TRUE about the author?A. Her mother died when she was in hospital.B. She didnt get enough food during her pregnancy.CShe received food as well as comfort in her hard times.DShe thinks offering food is the best way to show love

8、.4. What do we know about the authors family?A. Her family is too poor to buy enough food.B. Her family lives not far from a church.C. Her husband is not good at cooking.DShe has a babysitter taking care of her twins.5. According to the passage, which of the following conclusions can we get?A. A goo

9、d beginning makes a good ending.BOne good turn deserves another.CActions speak louder than words.DEvery man has his faults.【语篇导读】 作者的母亲过世的时候,社区教堂中的女人给她带过食物;作者怀孕的时候,社区教堂中的女人也同样给她带过食物,并帮她照顾她两岁的女儿。因此,今天有人需要帮助的时候,作者也非常愿意伸出援手。1. D细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“But the truly amazing thing is that I have received double o

10、ver the course of my life.” 可知,作者乐于赠送食物给别人是因为她自己也曾经收到他们的许多馈赠,故选D项。2. C推理判断题。根据第一段第三句“Of course, I responded with an immediate Yes!.”可推断作者非常高兴能帮助别人,故选C项。3. C细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“When my mother passed away, our house was filled with fresh dinners for weeks.”和第三段第一、二句“Later in my life, when I was on bed rest

11、 during my pregnancy with twins, women of the church again stepped in to help. They arranged babysitting for my twoyearold daughter, and brought lovely dinners to our house.”可知作者在她自己有困难的时候接受过他人的食物与照顾,由此判断选C项。4. B推理判断题。根据第二段第三句“A woman from the church of our community stopped by each evening with som

12、e food.”可知教堂在作者生活的社区里面,即离她家不远,故选B项。5. B推理判断题。通过上下文可知,作者在自己困难的时候接受过别人的帮助,故如今她也非常乐意帮助别人,由此可得出这么一个结论:善有善报。故选B项。(二) 2013湖南师大附中检测While you may be doing everything right, ignoring just one or two steps in the process may keep you from getting a job, especially in this fierce market. Here is a checklist th

13、at covers some of the major links in the jobsearch chain.THE RESUMEMake sure it is uptodate and tailored to the types of jobs you are seeking for. Have someone else look at your resume. If you cannot afford a career coach, give your resume to friends or family members to scrutinize. Have copies of y

14、our resume printed so that you are ready to hand them out at interview.COVERING LETTERSMaybe youve set up a few basic styles in advance, but thats not enough. Each covering letter should be designed to suit the job for which you are applying.THE WARDROBE(衣橱)Check your wardrobe to ensure that you hav

15、e the appropriate professional dress, including shoes, ready for interviews.NETWORKINGDont isolate yourself from others for days. Network through email messages, phone calls, appointments and meetings keep you in touch with the outside world and prevent you from becoming depressed.APPLICATIONA glanc

16、e at huge online job sites isnt usually the best way to find a job. You are more likely to succeed through the people you know via networking.THE FOLLOWUPIt is quite common to apply for a job but never hear back from the company. Take measures, such as following up with a phone call a week or so after you apply. If you know someone


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