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1、2013高考英语杭州市一模(抢分题)强化训练(9)及答案I credit my typing skills to so many hours of chatting online. Unfortunately, as my typing speed increased on the Internet, all grammatical rules went out of the window. You see, instant messengers have their own shorthand language and grammar isnt important, of which eve

2、n a newbie(新手) is aware. They can leave out articles, subjects, pronouns, etc. They can misspell or “re-spell” almost any word. They often ask “A/S/L” when they first chat. Abbreviations and capitalizations are particularly important, English-speaking instant messengers also refuse to .burden themse

3、lves with punctuation and capitalization.After I came back China, I discovered not one but two instant messaging crazes. The first, which brought back memories of my previous addiction to the computer, was QQ. I can see evidence that the Chinese have the same kind of separate instant messaging langu

4、age, even when they chat in English. My first word in this language, for example, was “ft”. This abbreviation for “faint” is used whenever there is a need to express surprise. I also discovered that the Chinese use the same kind of abbreviation for a laugh. And there is an extraordinary number of sm

5、ileys and icons available to express every emotion and reaction, from the traditional “sleepy” and “doubtful” smileys to the “vomit” and “army soldier smileys. Theres even a SARS smiley.After QQ, there is another, perhaps more widespread, messaging trend. You guessed itcell phone text messaging I no

6、w understand how useful text messaging is and why it is so common. I admit that I have been guilty of sending text messages while walking outside or sitting on the subway. Who hasnt? No matter where I go, I see people on their cell phones, messaging. In fact, its rare to see someone actually talking

7、 on their phone!So it looks as if theres no escape from the instant messaging crazes, no matter where in the world I go. And thats plainly not going to change. In the end, though, I cant complain: instant messaging is quick, its cheap, its easy and its extreme fun too. And after all, everybodys doin

8、g it.68. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Grammar and correct spelling are very important while chatting online. B. There are enough smileys and icons to express yourselves while chatting online. C. The writer is skilled at typing and once was addicted to online games. D.

9、It is impolite to leave out some unimportant words or letters while chatting online.69. The writer believes that instant messaging is . A. full of fun but time-consuming B. widespread but unnecessary C. quick but difficult to do D. common, useful and cheap70. Which might be the main idea of the pass

10、age? A. Who can escape QQ and cell phone text messagingB. Why is instant messaging so popular? C. Chatting online is good for your typing skills D. chatting on QQ is natural for people 6870BDA根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中的两项为多余选项。When people get a bad toothache, they often have to eat soft, easil

11、y chewed food. _71_ Thats the conclusion of a zoologist at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago and a dentist who works on carnivores (食肉动物). _72_ Every once in a while, however, a lion will go on a human-eating diet. The most famous such tragedy happened in 1898, when two lions killed and

12、 ate 135 railway workers in Kenya. Examining the preserved skulls of the two big lions, zoologist Bruce Patterson and dentist Ellis Neiburger found that both animals had been suffering from several dental and jaw problems. _73_ Canines are pointed teeth that hunting animals use for gripping and pier

13、cing prey . The two lions might have been so badly disabled that they couldnt bite down forcefully, say the researchers. Consequently, the lions might have abandoned their normal, more difficult prey and turned to humans. Patterson said “_74_ Were very slow, we dont hear very well, and we dont see v

14、ery well in the darkness.” _75_ It was inspired partly by the work of Jim Corbett, a tiger hunter in India in the 1930s. Corbett was regularly called in to hunt tigers that had been dining on Indian villagers. Time after time, Patterson discovered that the killer tigers were suffering from some ill-

15、healthy conditions. 1. Humans are easy preys.2. Lions dont normally prey on people. 3. When lions get a bad toothache, they eat people4. One lion had three missing teeth and a loose, unsteady lower canine that was probably useless. 5. The research calls their idea the Infirmity Theory. 6. He had absolutely no experience taking medicine. G. Talking about it in the abstract isnt enough.71_75: CBDAE*结束 以下短文共有10处错误,每处错误及修改均仅限一词; 增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。注意:1. 每处错误及修改均仅限一词2. 只允许修改



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