高考英语 完形填空、阅读理解精品系列(14)

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《高考英语 完形填空、阅读理解精品系列(14)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语 完形填空、阅读理解精品系列(14)(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、成都市2014高考英语完形填空、阅读理解精品系列(14)含答案 完形填空系列复读验校法。在做完一篇完形填空后,文章完整了,应从头至尾读一遍,根据复读的语感和对整篇短文的理解,将较明显的错误进行改正,个别需要推敲的再做调整,这样就可能少犯错误。A man who knows how to write a personal letter has a very powerful tool.A letter can be enjoyed,read and _21_.信可以欣赏,读了再读。 It can set up a warm conversation between two people far

2、apart (远离的); it can keep a _22_稍微努力就能保持住一种友谊。 with very little effort.I will give _23_.我举个例子。 A few years ago my older brother and I were not getting _24_.我与哥哥不太和睦。 We had been close为35题设伏。 as _25_我们小时候关系很亲密,但长大后就分开了。 but had grown apart.Our meetings were not _26_;我们的会面是不愉快的。 our conversation was fi

3、lled with arguments and quarrels;为24,26题提供暗示。and every effort to clear the air seemed to only _27_只会加深我们之间的误解。 our misunderstanding.Then he _28_他后来搬到了一个小岛上去住。 a small island in the Caribbean and we _29_从此我们就失去了联系。 touch.One day he wrote me a letter.He described his island and its people,told me what

4、 he was doing,said how he felt,and encouraged me to _30_.鼓励我也给他写信。 Rereading词语复现。为21题提供暗示。 the letter,I was _31_哥哥在信中所表现出的幽默感和使用的那些明智的措词让我吃惊。 by its humor(幽默)and clever为34题设伏。 expressions.These were all qualities for which I had _32_因为这些品质我以前才尊敬哥哥。 respected my older brother but _33_但现在以为他已不具有这些品质。

5、he no longer had them.I had never known he could write so _34_.我以前从不知道他信写得那么好。 And with that one letter we became friends _35_.自从收到那封信后,我们又成了好朋友。It might never have occurred to _36_我哥哥可能从来没想到。 to write me if he had not been in a place where there were no _37_.哥哥生活在一个孤岛上,没有电话。词语复现,是下文phone的原词复现。 For

6、him,writing was a necessity.It also turned out to be the best way for us to get back in touch.为29题提供暗示。 Because we live in an age of _38_我们这个时代通讯是很方便的。 communication (通讯),people often _39_人们很容易忘记他们不用总是打电话或发电子邮件。 that they dont always have to phone or email.They have a _40_.他们还有别的方法,那就是写信。此处为词语复现,是前文

7、(the best) way的同义词。 And that is to write.23A.an example Ba lesson Can experience Da talk24A.through Btogether Calong Daway25A.brothers Bchildren Cfellows Dclassmates26A.normal Bnecessary Cpleasant Dpossible27A.deepen Bstart Cexpress Dsettle28A.toured Bstopped over Creached Dmoved to29A.lost Bkept in

8、 Cneeded Dgot in30A.think Bwrite Cenjoy Dread31A.driven Bbeaten Csurprised Dhonored32A.never Bseldom Csometimes Donce33A.realized Bjudged Cthought Dexpected34A.well Boften Cmuch Dsoon35A.later Banyhow Ctoo Dagain36A.us Banyone Csomeone Dmy brother 37A.mail services Btransport services Cphones Drelat

9、ives38A.poor Beasy Cpopular Dbusy39A.believe Bdecide Cargue Dforget 40A.habit Bchoice Cmethod Dplan参考答案:21.D22.C23.A24.C25.B26.C27.A28.D29.A30.B31.C32.D33.C34.A35.D36.D37.C38.B39.D40.C错因分析:21,26,31,38,39较容易做错。但如果考生在所有空白都填上以后,再仔细地复读一遍,理清上下文的语义关系,就能发现错误所在,并进行纠正。文章概述私人信件能建立起人与人之间的勾通渠道,人只要稍做努力就能保持与他人的友谊

10、,所以信件是有力的工具。我与哥哥以前关系不太好,哥哥搬去一个小岛居住。有一天,哥哥写给我一封信,通过这封信,我了解了哥哥,从此改善了我们的关系。在当今通讯发达的年代,我们不要忘记与人勾通的方式还有写信。难点剖析meetings此处做“会面;见面”解。clear the air固定短语,“尽释前嫌;消除隔阂或误解”。occur to sb“某人会想到”。turned out to be“被证明是;后来证明是”。长句注解It might never have occurred to my brother to write me if he had not been in a place where

11、 there were no phones.我哥哥如果不是住在一个没有电话的地方,他可能永远不会想到给我写信。*结束 Not even three years ago, the Treo 650 smart phone looked revolutionary. But its latest successor, the Treo 755p Palm was made public two weeks ago, feels more like a relic. The Treos basic conceptuniting a cellphone, hand-held organizer, mi

12、niaturized keyboard, touch-sensitive screen, Web and e-mail access and media playback in one device-makes sense. But while competitors have advanced, Palm has been napping on the train tracks. The new Treo 755p gets online faster than last years model. Its basic design features few changes from the

13、2004 version; its dimensions almost match those of the 2003 edition. And its operating system and software for desktop synchronization received their last major updates in 2002. Over that same period of time, almost every other hand-held device-Windows Mobile smart phones, Black Berrys, iPods and ev

14、en plain old cellphones -has seen major upgrades in capability and notable shrinkage in size. The Treo 755p(available form Sprint for $280 after a $100 mail-in rebate and with a two-year contract) only cements Palms status as the sick man of the smart phone business. After wasting most of this decade on pointless reorganizations and a disastrous spinoff of its software-development group, this company appears to have reached a state of creative bankruptcy. As a basic organizer, the 755p remains pleasant to use. Its like a second brain that remembers details that mig


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