A Brief History of Stephen Hawking(课堂PPT)

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1、1,A Brief History of Stephen Hawking,2,Disabled Giants,3,A Brief History of Stephen Hawking,4,BIOGRAPHY,I am a physicist, cosmologist, and something of a dreamer.,The finest mind alive,The greatest genius of the late 20th century,Einsteins heir,Family: His father Frank a doctor specializing in tropi

2、cal diseases, and his mother Isobel, a doctors daughter. Birthday: 1942.1.8 School education : elite, typical grind, underweight, awkward. College education: talented, eccentric, Boat Club.,5,Success, Contributions and Awards,Academic Contributions,Invincible Spirit,Awards,6,7,SKILLS,Reading Skill,W

3、riting Skill,Translating Skill,8,Galileo was the first scientist to start using his eyes both figuratively and literally.,Authors often use figures of speech, or figurative language, to make their writing lively and memorable. Effective readers, know how to recognize and interpret them, figures of s

4、peech can help you understand the authors meaning more deeply and think about ideas in new ways. Comparisons, personification and symbolism etc. are all figurative languages.,Organ of sight,Minds eye, Observation capacity,Reading skill: Understanding figurative language,9,Writing skill : Coming up w

5、ith examples to support general statement,When writing, we usually put forward some general statements, then we list several examples to illustrate the general statements Now, analyze the following sample paragraph:,Einstein, for instance, failed many classes in grammar school because of his terribl

6、e spelling,No one is smart at everything or smart all the time.,And he was well known among his colleagues for being forgetful. He was always losing his keys.,10,20022011年考研英语翻译知识点考察频率总结:,复合句 92% ;简单句 8%;,11,Translation Techniques of English Attributive Clause,To translate a Restrictive Attributive

7、Clause into a Pre-positioned Modifier before a noun (“的”structure),To translate a Restrictive Attributive Clause into a Post-positioned Compound Clause,12,His gift for revealing the mysteries of the universe in a style that non-scientists can enjoy made Hawking an instant celebrity and his book a be

8、stseller in both Britain and America. (Para.1)霍金擅长于用一种非科学工作者乐于接受的文体揭示宇宙的奥秘,这种天赋使他声誉鹊起,也使他的书在英国和美国都成了畅销书。 How has a man who is almost completely paralyzed and unable to speak except through a computer overcome these incredible obstacles and achieved far more than most people ever dream of ? (Para.2)一

9、个几乎全身瘫痪,只能通过电脑说话的人又是如何克服这些难以置信的障碍,获得了大多数人做梦都没有想到过的成就的呢? Hawking has always been fascinated by his birth date: January 8, 1942. It was the 300th anniversary of the death of Galileo, the Italian mathematician and astronomer who revolutionized astronomy by maintaining that the Sun is the centre of the

10、Solar System - not the Earth, as ancient astronomers believed. (Para.4)霍金一直对他的生日:1942年1月8日迷恋不已。那是意大利数学家和天文学家伽利略逝世300周年的纪念日。伽利略坚信太阳系的中心是太阳,而非古代天文学家所认为的地球,从而使天文学发生了革命性的变革。 The doctors grim prognosis made Hawking determined to get the most from a life he had previously taken for granted. (Para.12)医生无情的

11、病情预测使他决心要从他过去视为当然的生活中获取最多的东西。 Hawking specializes in theoretical cosmology, a branch of science that seeks ultimate answers to big questions: Why has the universe happened, and what are the laws that govern it? (Para.13)霍金专门研究理论宇宙学,一个寻找重大问题的终极答案的科学分支:宇宙为什么产生,主宰它的规律是什么?,13,Translation Techniques of E

12、nglish Attributive Clause,( result, reason,concession,purpose,condition,etc.),adverbial method,.the Italian mathematician and astronomer who revolutionized astronomy by maintaining that 译:从而使天文学发生了革命性的变革。,blending method,In our company, there are many people who are much interested in the new invent

13、ion. 译: 在我们公司,有很多人对这项新发明感兴趣。,(in order,inverse),parallel method,Their talk includes rhythm and rhyming words as well as tongue twisters, which often make the audience applaud. 译 :他们的谈话包含了节奏、韵律词和绕口令,这些通常使观众为之鼓掌。,14,Summary of English Attribute Clause Translation Techniques,Attributive expressions in

14、English are complex and also different from Chinese, which often poses problems to our translation. 1. Analyze the sentence structure. 2. Make sure the grammar and the logical relationship among the attributive clause, the main clause and other clauses. 3. Get rid of the limit of the original text a

15、nd be flexile in sentence structure, which makes the translation faithful, smooth, coherent and intelligible and follow the Chinese norms.,15,Exercises,There will be television chat shows hosted by robots, and cars with pollution monitors that will disable them when they offend. (2001考研英语真题-71题),Dir

16、ections: translate the following sentences into Chinese,There will be television chat shows( hosted by robots), /and cars (with pollution monitors) (that will disable them) /when they offend.,译:届时,将出现由机器人主持的电视谈话节目以及装有污染监控器的汽车,一旦这些汽车排污违规(超标),监控器就会使其停驶。,分析:There will be television chat shows and cars. (主干) hosted by robots和with pollution monitors为定语需前置翻译 When部分放在最相关的动词前,时间状语译在相关动词之前,16,ASSIGNMENT,Thus, the anthropological concept of “culture,” like the concept of “set



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