英语七下教案 模块主题写作二课件

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1、模块语法聚焦二,语 法 点 击,实 战 演 练,模块语法聚焦二,语 法 点 击,情态动词can及would like,1. 情态动词can can 是情态动词,本身有一定的词义,意为“能,会”,但它不能独立作谓语,只能和动词原形一起构成谓语。情态动词没有人称和数的变化。下面是can的各种句式变化: (1)肯定句 主语 _ 动词原形其他. 例如: I can sing English songs. 我会唱英文歌曲。,can,(2)否定句 主语cannot_ 其他. 例如: I cant sing many English songs. 我不会唱许多英文歌曲。 (3)一般疑问句及其答语 _主语动词

2、原形其他? _, 主语can./ _, 主语cant. 例如: Can you draw a map of China? Yes, I can./No, I cant. “你能画一张中国地图吗?” “是的,我能。”/“不, 我不能。”,模块语法聚焦二,动词原形,Can,Yes,No,拓展 can除表示能力外,还表示“请求或许可”,相当于may,多用在口语中,意为“可以,能”等。 (1)在疑问句中用来提出要求。常用句式:Can you?意为“请你好吗?”,表示说话人的请求; Can I?意为“我可以吗?”,用来询问对方是否允许自己做某事(此时多使用may)。 在句末加上please显得更有礼貌。

3、 (2)在否定句中表示“不允许、不可能”。例如: You cant sit here. 你不可以坐在这里。 It cant be Li Leis book. His is here. 它不可能是李雷的书。他的在这儿。,模块语法聚焦二,2. would like 的用法 would like意为“愿意, 想要”,与want意义相近,而语气较want要委婉。其用法如下: (1)在肯定句中常与第一人称(I, we) 连用,表示意愿或委婉地表达要求、命令等。例如: We would like/want something to eat. 我们想要一些东西吃。 (2)在口语中常与第二人称连用构成“Wou

4、ld you like/love?”句型,表示向对方提出客气的、有礼貌的请求、邀请、希望或询问等,意为“你(们)想要吗?”, 比“Do you want?”要客气得多。例如: Would you like another cup of tea? 你想再喝一杯茶吗?,模块语法聚焦二,(3)回答“Would you like/love?”问句时,肯定回答常用“Yes, please./Yes, Id like (love) to./Certainly./Oh, great!/Thank you.”等;否定回答常用“No, thanks./No, thank you. /Thats nice of

5、you, but”等。例如: Would you like some orange juice? No, thanks. “你想要一些橘汁吗?”“不,谢谢。” Would you like to play football with us? Yes, wed like/love to. “你们愿意和我们一起踢足球吗?”“是的,我们愿意。” (4)would like sb. to do sth.意为“想要某人做某事”,相当于want sb. to do sth.。例如: Id like/want you to meet my parents, too. 我也想让你见见我的父母。,模块语法聚焦二

6、,实 战 演 练,()1.Excuse me. Can you tell me what time it is now? Sorry, I _. My watch doesnt work. Acant B. may not C. mustnt D. neednt ()2. 2015重庆改编 Mr Mas little daughter _ speak English so well. We are all surprised(惊奇的). Amust Bcan Cmustnt Dcant,A,模块语法聚焦二,B,()3.Would you like some more rice? _. Im f

7、ull. ANo, thanks BYes, thank you CId love to DYes, please ()4.Would you like _the Music Club next week? Ajoin Bto join Ctaking Dto take,A,B,模块语法聚焦二,()5.Tom, would you like to go to our English party this Saturday? _ A. Yes, please B. I dont like to C. Yes, Id love to D. Yes, thanks,C,模块语法聚焦二,模块主题写作二

8、,整 体 感 知,实 例 分 析,模块主题写作二,整 体 感 知,话题分析,本模块以“personal background”为话题,通过学习情态动词can,谈论个人爱好与能力。通过本模块的学习,学生应能就“爱好与能力”这一话题发表自己的观点和看法,积极和他人交流,增强自信心。,模块主题写作二,常用表达,1. Id like to join the Music Club because I can play the piano. 2. What about you?3. I can cook eggs, but thats all. 4. I cant speak Chinese very w

9、ell. 5. I get on well with everyone, classmates and teachers. 6. Im kind and Im always ready to help others. 7. Im really good at football, and I play basketball in the school team. 8. Im sure everybody would like a clean classroom, just like home.,实 例 分 析,模块主题写作二,下面我们就结合实例加以分析。,典型例题,假如你的班级需要一位体育委员,

10、请你写一篇自我推荐信,介绍自己的优势和特长,申请班级体育委员这一职务。 要求: 1. 词数:60左右。 2. 用第一人称。,思路点拨,模块主题写作二,本文既然要求申请班级体育委员这一职务,就应该重点描述自己在体育方面的特长,并且还要向大家承诺能使班级在体育方面取得什么样的进步。 1. 第一段应重点描述自己在体育方面的特长,说明申请体育委员这职务的原因。该段中可以描述自己真的非常喜欢体育(I like sports very much)”,并引出下文,介绍自己的一些特长,如跑得快(run fast),擅长踢足球(good at playing football),在校队打篮球(play bask

11、etball in the school team)等。 2. 第二段向大家承诺:自己将尽最大努力在体育方面帮助班级取得最好成绩(do my best to help our class to get the best score in sports)。,连句成篇,I want to be the PE monitor, because I like sports very much. I can run very fast. I am very strong and healthy. I can play most ball games well, and I am good at play

12、ing football. I also play basketball in the school team. I usually get the best score in every match. Choose me as the PE monitor, and I promise that I will do my best to help our class to get the best score in sports.,模块主题写作二,自我展示,新学期开始,班里要竞选各方面的班长。你想成为哪一方面的班长?为什么?请你写一篇短文阐述你的选择及理由。60词左右。,模块主题写作二,On

13、e possible version: Id like to be the cleaning monitor, because I would like a clean and tidy classroom. I often help my classmates clean the classroom at school. At home, I also help my mum do cleaning. Im sure everybody would like a clean classroom, just like home. Choose me as your cleaning monitor and I promise that I can make our classroom clean and beautiful.,模块主题写作二,



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