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1、Lesson ThreeHow to Grow Old,Bertrand A. W. Russell,as regards - with regard to, in regard to, with reference to, regarding, concerning, in relation to, as to, with respect to, in respect of, etc. 至于那辆汽车,我在报上登了一则广告。 As regards the car, I put an advertisement in the paper. 关于我方的佣金,拟为销售净值的5,想必贵公司会同意这是合

2、理的。 With regard to our commission, we think you will agree that 5% on net sales is quite reasonable. 我們已就装运问题与他达成协议。 We have reached an agreement with him in regard to the shipment.,就文体而论,你的作文值得称赞,但是,其他方面不能令人满意。 Your essay is admirable in respect of style but unsatisfactory in other respects. 我们寄去有关

3、上次交货的样品。 We would like to send you a sample with reference to the last shipment. cut off: 1. stop or interrupt while in communication; 2. separate, isolate; 3. to end or terminate suddenly; 4. cause the death of 她刚刚讲到最要紧的地方,我们的电话被切断了。 Just when she had reached the most important point, we were cut o

4、ff.,敌军陷入孤立无援的境地。 The enemy was cut off from all help. 这一坚定的回答使一切和解的希望顿时告吹。 This resolute answer cut off all hopes of accommodation. 他因心脏病发作而突然死亡。 H was suddenly cut off by a heart attack. in the flower of: in the finest part of 处于全(兴)盛期 他正值风华正茂之时,便悲惨地淹死在尼罗河的滔滔江水中。 He (got/was) drowned tragically in

5、the flower of his youth in the waters of the Nile.,这位有造诣的、温柔的才女于1665年8月29日因服毒而终止了她青春年华。 This accomplished, amiable, and talented lady was cut off in the flower of her life, August 29th, 1665, by poison. 他在功成名就之时突然死去。 He was cut off suddenly in the flower of his success. relate: tell or describe (an

6、event); give an account of 现在让我们每个人讲一个故事或者讲述一下我们这一天做了什么或学到了什么。 Now let us each tell a tale, or relate what we have done or learned this day. 他讲述了发生在他身上的一切事情。 He related all that had happened to him.,.,melancholy: n. 更何况 我看也没看见他,更不用说跟他谈过话了。 I did not even see him, still less talk with him. 如果你不知道,我更不

7、知道了。 If you dont know, still less do I. 他连向陌生人打听时间都不好意思, 更不用说向一屋子人讲话。 Hes too shy to ask a stranger the time, still less speak to a room of people. 我根本就没有责怪任何人,更不用说你了。 Im not blaming anyone, much less you.,on the ground(s) of / that: used to introduce the reason (cause or argument) based on a (the)

8、fact or belief (that) 不可以仅仅以他被判过罪的理由把一个欧盟国民驱逐出境。 An EU national could not be deported solely on the ground of his conviction. 她要以不公正地被解雇为由起诉那个公司。 She is suing the company on the grounds of unfair dismissal. 他希望以健康不佳的理由辞职。 He wished to resign on the grounds that his health was failing.,wholesome: hea

9、lthy, favorable to the health 我和我妻子都喜欢清淡、健康食物。 My wife and I prefer plain, wholesome food. 在广阔的天空下, 在新鲜空气中进行有益于健康运动是增强身心的良药。 Wholesome exercise in the fresh air, under the wide sky, is the best medicine for body and spirit. cling to: hold tight to, adhere closely to, stick to; remain faithful to 在公园

10、散步时,那个孩子紧偎着母亲。 The child clung to his mother as they walked around the park. 香烟的气味仍然聚在房间里不散。 The odour of the cigarettes still clung to the room.,美国在第一次世界大战爆发后紧抱着孤立主义不放,不想参战。 The United States clung to isolationism after WWI and did no want to enter the war. in the hope of doing / in hope(s) of / in

11、 the hope that:希望;期望 她生活的寄托就是期望她儿子当中有人能出人头地。 She lived in hopes of seeing one of her sons succeed. 他刻苦用功,希望取得好成绩,能引起她的注意。 He worked hard in the hope that good grades might attract her attention. 我下载了英文版的聊天工具ICQ,希望通过和英国人或美国人聊天来学习英语。 I downloaded the English chatting tool ICQ in the hope of learning E

12、nglish by chatting with the English or Americans.,callous: toughened; unfeeling callous skin on the elbow 对别人的痛苦他显得无动于衷、麻木不仁。 He showed a callous indifference to the suffering of others. undue: exceeding what is appropriate or normal; excessive;unduly: excessively; improperly 我很感激,但是没有表现出过分激动。 I was

13、 grateful, without showing undue excitement. 你对那个孩子过于严厉了。 You were unduly severe with the child.,exercise: to put into use; make use of 政府计划鼓励人民行使投票权。 The government had plans to encourage people to exercise their right to vote. 虽然他已经下台,但他继续在军队里发挥他的影响。 Though out of power, he continued to exercise h

14、is influence among the army. 他只是一个傀儡,并不掌握多少实权。 He was a figure-head (puppet) and didnt exercise much power.,concern: 1. to worry or make anxious or cause uneasiness 2. to involve or interest; 3. to be relevant or important to to concern oneself with/in/about/for/over: be concerned with/ in/about/for

15、/over 她以前从事社会福利工作。 She used to concern herself in the social welfare. More than one person has been concerned in this affair. 克尔对他自己的安全极为担忧,并很少公开露面。 Kerr became deeply concerned with his personal safety and was rarely seen in public.,这些研究是关于阿尔法射线。 The researches are concerned with alpha rays. 不止一个人与

16、这件事有牵连。 他是过分注重他的衣着和外表的男人。 He is a man who is too much concerned with his dress and appearance. 巴克利从不关心像控制体重或者调整状态之类的事。 Barkley never concerned himself about such things as weight control or conditioning. 他也关心人民、天主教公会和协会,尤其是劳动群体中的老弱者。 He also concerned himself for the people, the Catholic societies and associations, especially the old and weak in the working population.,葡萄牙农业部昨天说它担心今年可能有旱灾。 Portugals Agriculture Ministry yesterday said it was concerned over a possible



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