牛津高中英语模块3第2单元语法M3 U2 Grammar.x(课堂PPT)

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1、Module 3 Unit 2 Grammar and usage,1,Homework-checking,P98 A1 A2 won were defeated 2. raised been raised/ risen 3. process, progress,mixture occupied consists of aside from contributions take control of replacing entire resulted in mother tongue,2,P99 B1 1. press 2. simplified 3. drawings 4. appearan

2、ce 5. opposite 6. directions 7. practical,P99 B2 1. differs from 2. over time 3. As a whole 4. turned, into 5. is working on 6. stands for,3,noun clause 名词性从句,主语从句 subject clause,宾语从句 object clause,表语从句 predicative clause,同位语从句 appositive clause,Review,4,I want to know what your first impression of

3、me is. 2. What you said makes me more confident.,object clause 宾语从句,subject clause 主语从句,3. My question is why you dont understand it. 4. I dont know the fact that he is a soldier. 5. I have no idea whether Tom is gay today.,appositive clause 同位语从句,predicative clause 表语从句,appositive clause 同位语从句,5,Fi

4、nish P28 A.,O 宾语 S 主语 P 表语 O 宾语 P 表语,6,Conjunctions of Noun Clauses:,that,what,who, whom, whose, which, when, where, how, why 等特殊疑问词,whether, if(只宾从),7,1. 主从为陈述句,连接词that 古英语有一段很长的历史是一定的(certain). That Old English has a long history is certain. 2. 主从为一般疑问句,连接词whether 是否他会拒绝这个邀请是个问题。 Whether he will r

5、efuse this invitation is a question. 3. 主从为特殊疑问句,结构为原疑问词+陈述句式 他说的不是真的。 What he said is not true.,一、主 语 从 句,8,1. 宾从为陈述句,连接词为that 每个人都知道教授在撒谎。 Everybody knows (that) the professor is lying. 2. 宾从为一般疑问句,连接词为whether/if 他们想知道是否川普(Trump)是一个诚实的总统(president)。 They want to know whether Trump is an honest pre

6、sident. 3. 宾从为特殊疑问句,结构为原疑问词+陈述句式 警察询问谁离开了这个房间。 The policeman asked who had left this room.,二、宾 语 从 句,9,1. 表从为陈述,连接词为that 事实是童年一去不复返了。 The fact is that the childhood will never come back. 2. 表从表”是否”,连接词为whether 问题是是否他会参加会议。 The question is whether he will attend the meeting. 3. 表从要提问,结构为疑问词+陈述句式 问题是我

7、们什么时候去墨西哥。 The problem is when we will go to Mexico.,三、表 语 从 句,10,同从为陈述,连接词为that(不可省) 他给出了命令,(内容是)士兵们必须服从规定(obey the rules) He gave the order that the soldiers should obey the rules. 有数以百计的报道,(内容是)现今城市的道路越来越狭窄了。 There are hundreds of reports that nowadays the roads in the cities are narrower.,四、同 位

8、语 从 句,11,2. 同从表“是否”,连接词为 whether. 我们会讨论是否运动会会举办的这个问题。 Well discuss the problem whether the sports meeting will be held. 3. 同从表疑问,结构为疑问词+陈述句式 我不知道他什么时候回来。I have no idea I have no idea when he will be back.,12,Noun clauses introduced by question words,13,P29 B Fill in the blanks with suitable question

9、 words. What which Why how who How Which,14,Borrowed words-good or bad? What we should do about the increasing number of borrowed words in our vocabulary is something that deserves careful thought. 我们该对于母语词汇中数量增长的外来词如何应对是值得好好思考的事情。,What we should do about the increasing number of borrowed words in o

10、ur vocabulary,that deserves careful thought,15,2) In England nowadays, there is no one to decide which new words should be accepted into the language. 在今天的英国,没有人去决定哪些新词应该被包含在语言(英语)中。 3) That is why we have the phrase the Kings English. King Henry VII was a poet who showed great concern for language.

11、 这就是为什么我们有“国王英语/标准英语”这个词组。,16,King Henry VII was a poet who showed great concern for language. show (great) concern for 对 表示关切 整个社会应该对空气污染表示关切。 The whole society should show concern for the air pollution. concern n. 关心 have a/no with vt. 使担忧,使关切 sb with/about =sb be concerned about/with,17,Exercise,

12、1.The boys poor performance at school _ his parents. 2.I have no _ with that accident.,concerned,concern,18,4)He set a standard for how people were to speak English, but set a standard for 为设立标准 他为人们要如何说英语设立了一个标准。 青少年要为他们自己的行为设一个标准。 The teenagers should set a standard for their own behavior. 5) , bu

13、t today who can make a decision like that is anyones guess. 但是今天谁能像那样做一个决定谁也不知道。,19,However, there is an organization to make decisions like this in France. (6) How French will be used is decided by a government department. make decisions 做出决定 Hes really bad at making decisions. decide vt. 区别 depart

14、ment ;apartment 然而在法国,有一个像这样的做决策的机构。法语会如何被使用是被一个政府部门决定的。,20,7) Which opinion you agree with is up to you. 你同意哪种观点的决定权在你。,21,M3 U2 Grammar and Usage ,Preparatory subject it 形式主语 it,22,Preparatory subject it,形式主语it 当句子主语很长(是从句, 不定式或动名词时),我们一般用it作形式主语,避免头重脚轻。 形式主语it在语法上起主语作用,而句子真正主语则在句尾。,23,More handso

15、me !,24,That Tan has become more handsome is certain. It is certain that Tan has become more handsome.,preferable,correct,Compare,25,That Xie Zhanpeng will win in the sports meeting is certain. It is certain that Xie Zhanpeng will win in the sports meeting .,preferable,correct,Compare,26,当句子主语是从句时 T

16、hat we would not be able to understand Old English today is certain. =It is certain that we would not be able to understand Old English today. 是否英语会继续变化还不清楚。(keep on changing) Whether English will keep on changing is not clear. =It is not clear whether English will keep on changing.,使用it做形式主语的情况,27,To master a foreign language is hard. =It is hard to master a foreign language. b. To gain access to the Internet is important for



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