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1、英语学习必备精品word可编辑英语学习资料汇编英语万能词汇详解Do v.做;干 n.注意事项;聚会;事情 您对本词条的内容满意吗:满意请改进双解释义aux.v. 1. (构成疑问句和否定句) a helping verb, as in 2. (代替动词) in place of another verb, as in 3. (用于加强语气) a helping verb, to strengthen or support another verb, as in v.(动词) 1. vt. & vi. 做,从事 perform the actions that are necessary in

2、order to complete sth or bring it into a desired state 2. vt. 整理; 使整洁 put in order; cause to tidy; cause to clear away 3. vt. 烹调,烧,煮 cook dishes 用作动词 (v.)1. He is doing his homework. 他正在做他的家庭作业。 2. Do what I tell you. 按照我告诉你的去做。 3. To tell you the truth, I hate to do it. 老实告诉你,我不愿意做这事。 4. He did lit

3、tle work that day. 那天他没有干什么工作。 5. Take your time and do it well. 你要抓紧时间,干得干脆利索。 6. The horse is too old to do farm work. 这匹马太老了,不能干农活了。 查看更多 去句海,查更多例句常见句型(aux.v.)1. Do you know him? 你认识他吗? 2. I didnt think.我没有想过。 3. Telling lies does not pay.撒谎不用学。 4. What (did) he tell you?他告诉了你什么事? 5. (Do you) Lik

4、e it?(你)喜欢它吗? 6. Why (does she) not buy one?(她)为什么不买一个? 7. Never did he break his promise.他从不失约。 8. I never did like her.我的确从来没有喜欢过她。 9. At no time did he lose his self control.他从来没有失去过自制力。 10. Only then did he realize that he had been wrong.这时他才知道他错了。 11. “I dont like Mozart”“Nor do I”“我不喜欢莫扎特的作品。”

5、“我也不喜欢。” 12. Does she have a bike?(AmE)=Has she a bike?(BrE)她有自行车吗? 13. Sorry,I dont have any whisky.对不起,我没有威士忌。 14. Do you have time for a drink?你有空喝一杯吗? 15. Doesnt she understand?=Does she not understand?她不明白吗? 16. I do think so.我的确是这样想的。 17. I did come.我的确来过。 18. Do not tell a lie.莫撒谎。 19. Please

6、 do be quite.务请肃静。 20. Do you wait for me.请等我。 21. Do come.一定要来。 22. Do be honest.一定要诚实。 23. Do be on time.一定要准时。 24. I knew he would help us, and he did.我知道他会帮助我们的,他确实这样做了。 25. He got there earlier than we did.他到得比我们早。 26. “Does he know Im here?”“Yes, he does.”“他知道我在这儿吗?”“他知道。” 27. “Does he come ev

7、ery day?”“He does (so).”“他每天都来吗?”“他每天都来。” 用作动词 (v.)用作不及物动词 S+(+A) 1. Vegetables do well here.这里蔬菜长势好。 2. The fruit trees are all doing well.果树长得不错。 3. Youve done very well.你做得挺不错。 4. He is doing very well at school.他在学校学习很好。 5. Mother is doing well after the operation, thank you.谢谢(你的关心),我母亲手术以后情况良好

8、。 6. How do you do?您好! 7. When in Rome do as the Romans do.入乡随俗。 8. That will do!行了,够了。 9. This small one will do.这个小的就行了。 10. It would never do to neglect official obligations.玩忽职守是绝对不行的。 用作及物动词 S+ n./pron. 1. This room will do me quite well.这个房间对我很合适。 2. Will this spanner do you?这个扳手你用着行吗? 3. The

9、boy is going to do something really big and worth while this summer.这个孩子在暑假要做一件了不起的大事。 4. She never did evilill, wrong.她从来没做坏事。 5. None of us care whether they do right or wrong, good or harm.我们中没有人关心他们做的是对还是错,是好还是坏。 6. He does nothing but eat and drink.他除了吃喝之外,什么也没做。 7. Youve done a good job.你做得挺不错

10、。 8. Thats the way well do it.我们就这样做。 9. I have to do ten copies.我得复制十份。 10. She does her lessons well.她学习很好。 11. Im quite sure they were doing the same problem.我敢肯定他们解决的是同一问题。 12. She is doing the room.她正在整理房间。 13. Who is doing the dishes?谁在洗盘子? 14. When I went into the room I saw her doing the flo

11、wers.我进屋时看见她正在插花。 15. Go and do your hair.去梳梳你的头发。 16. Have you done your teeth?你刷牙了吗? 17. He did cook and did host.他设宴以款待客人。 18. We did the journey in six hours.我们在六小时之内走完了这段旅程。 19. I did the travel.我旅行去了。 20. Johns brother has done an excellent article.约翰的弟弟写了一篇精彩的文章。 21. When do you usually do yo

12、ur homework?你通常什么时间做家庭作业? 22. We did the city in three days.我们花了三天时间游览了这个城市。 23. Hard work does wonders.努力工作会取得惊人的成就。 24. She did a great deed.她做了一件大事情。 25. She does her bit splendidly.她圆满地做完了她那份工作。 26. If you do your best, you will succeed.假如你尽力做,你就会成功。 27. Nevertheless, we should do our best to av

13、oid unnecessary sacrifices.不过,我们应当尽量减少那些不必要的牺牲。 28. This evening Ill stay at home and do some reading.今晚我要呆在家里看点书。 29. I did a lot of running when I was young.我年轻时经常跑步。 30. Are you going to do your brothers washing as well?你还要给你弟弟洗衣服吗? 31. Shes doing her knitting.她正在打毛线。 用于be ed 结构 32. A lot of work

14、 has been done this year.今年做了很多工作。 用作双宾动词 S+ pron./n. + n./pron. 1. Will you do me a favor?你帮我一下忙好吗? 2. Mary has done you a great kindness.玛丽帮了你一个大忙。 S+ n./pron. +to pron./n. 1. John has done a good turn to me.约翰为我做了一件好事。 2. I will do a translation to you.我愿替你翻译。 3. Can I do anything to you?我能帮你什么忙?

15、 4. You must do your duty to your country.你必须对你的国家尽自己的职责。 用作动词 (v.)1. He is doing his homework. 他正在做他的家庭作业。 2. Do what I tell you. 按照我告诉你的去做。 3. To tell you the truth, I hate to do it. 老实告诉你,我不愿意做这事。 4. He did little work that day. 那天他没有干什么工作。 5. Take your time and do it well. 你要抓紧时间,干得干脆利索。 6. The horse is too old to do farm work. 这



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