简单的英文辞职信范文 [英文辞职信怎么写]

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1、简单的英文辞职信范文 英文辞职信怎么写resignation letter 辞职信 july 23, xx dear ms. baillie:尊敬的baillie女士: as of august 7, i will be terminating1 my employment at abc company. i have allowed two weeks prior to2 my departure for assisting in the transition process3. 我将于八月七日正式辞去我在abc公司的职位。离职之前,我有两周时间来帮助移交工作。 although i hav

2、e enjoyed watching the advertising department grow from its humble beginnings4 to the current formidable5 size and influence in wuhan, i have received an offer for another company that i feel is better suited6 to my career objectives. 虽然我很高兴看到广告部由创业之初的小本经营发展到现在的巨大规模,在武汉拥有广泛的影响力,但我已得到另一家公司提供的更适合我事业目标

3、的职位。 i regret having to resign from my position. i wish you and abc the best of luck and future success. 很遗憾我不得不辞职。祝您和abc公司好运相伴,未来更加兴旺发达。 sincerely, zhang xiao hua 1. terminate (v)- 结束,终止 to come to an end 例句: “the lease terminates in december.” 2. prior to (prep)-在之前in advance of; before 例句:”prior

4、to this acting career he was a salesperson in guangdong.” 当”prior”单独使用时,它作为形容词,意思是”earlier in time” or “previous,” 例句:”i have a prior commitment that prevents me from attending the meeting.” 3. transition process -移交过程in zhang xiao hua”s case, the transition process may involve one or all of the fol

5、lowing: a.) handing over his documents and files, b.) working until the company finds his replacement, and, c.) showing the ropes to the new person 4. humble beginnings -创业之初,低微的不起眼的状况 low-ranking, undistinguished and poor status 例句:”the chief financial officer began in a very humble job as a restau

6、rant waiter.” 5. formidable (adj)- 巨大的awesome; impressive; overwhelming 例句: “the three gorges project is quite formidable as it involves millions of people.” 6. suited (v + ed used as adj)- 适合的in accordance with; agreeable; appropriate; “suit also a verb, as in “this position suits with his abilitie

7、s.”resignation letter 辞职信 november 24, 1998dear mr. bao:尊敬的包先生: by this letter i am resigning my position as quality engineer, effective immediately. 我写信目的是通知您我要辞去质量工程师的职位,并且立即生效。 recent circumstances incompatible1 with my personal beliefs and styles require that i change my employment. 最近公司发生的一些事情有

8、悖我个人的理念及风格,驱使我更换工作。 i appreciate the opportunity to work and learn at abc company. 能有机会在abc公司工作学习,我感到不胜感激。 sincerely, li da hua 1. incompatible (adj)- 与相冲突, 与不协调 opposed in character; unable to exist in harmony 例句: “the two partners were too incompatible to stay in business together.”resingnation le

9、tter 辞职信 12 hutong street beijing, china july 3, xx amy yang principal any school 120 minor street beijingdear ms. yang:尊敬的杨女士: i am writing to inform you of my resignation, effective july 15. although i have enjoyed my position as speech pathologist1, i have accepted another position where i feel m

10、y diverse2 skills are more full utilized3. 写此信通知您我将于7月15日辞职。虽然我很喜欢现任语言病理学家职位,但我已接受一份新的工作,相信该工作能更充分地发挥我多样化的技能。 i wanted to thank you for the wonderful experience i had with any university. both the staff and the students were great to work with. i wish you much luck with the approaching academic year

11、. 我要感谢你使我在某某大学的工作那么愉快顺利。这里的全体教工和学生都是优秀的共事人才。祝你们在未来的学年中鸿运当头。 sincerely, jack chan 1. pathologist (n) - 病理学家expert in the study of diseases 2. diverse (adj) - 多种多样的different, showing variety 3. utilize (v) - 运用 make good use of, use some useful expressions 常用表达方式 1. effective september16*, i will be t

12、erminating my employment with abc company. “effective” 即 being in effect or operative 例句:”the summer day light saving time is effective may 30.” 9月16日,我将结束与abc公司的雇佣关系(我将从abc公司辞职)。 2. i write to tender * my resignation from office. my last day of employment will be june 16. “tender” 动词, 即”to offer” 或

13、 “to present for acceptance” 写此信的目的是提请辞职。6月16日是我上班最后一天。 3. after much deliberation*, i have decided to move out of the private sector and go back to college. “deliberation”即 careful consideration 或 a debate within oneself or by a group of people for or against a measure 例句:” the managers could not b

14、e hurried in their deliberation.” 经过慎重考虑,我决定辞去私人企业的工作,回学校念书。 4. i regret having to leave a situation * where i have received so much kindness and made so many friends. “situation” 指的是 “place of employment” 很遗憾我不得不离开这个给了我很多关怀与友谊的部门。 5. my experience at abc company has been both educational and reward

15、ing*. “rewarding” 即satisfying 我在abc公司的经历既有教育意义,又令人满意。 6. however, i find it absolutely necessary to seek an appointment* which can enable me to earn a higher salary to cope with the growing high cost of living. “appointment” 和 “situation”一字相仿 , 代表 a place of employment 或 a job之意 然而我觉得有必要更换工作,以便赚取更高的

16、薪水来应付日益增长的生活消费指数。 7. i take this opportunity to * thank you for the wonderful experience i had with abc company. 另一表达方式: “i take this opportunity of thanking you for the wonderful experience i had with abc company,” 借此机会,为我在abc公司的愉快经历向您表示感谢。 8. i have concluded that i can no longer function * effectively when the policies followed by the headquarters * fail to provide the support i need as a regional manager. “function”即 operate 或 carry on one”s duty; “headquarters” 总是以复数形式出现, 代表 the ad



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