人教PEP小升初英语模拟试题 (2)

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1、(人教PEP)2009年小升初英语模拟试题一 、选择。1. Isnt the girl who talked to you kindly your sister? . She is my English teacher. A. Yes, she isnt B. No, she is C. No, she isnt D. Yes, she is2. When and where to go for the holiday _ yet. A. are not decided B. have not been decided C. is not being decided D. has not be

2、en decided3. Now day breaks, _ the birds are singing.A. because B. for C. since D. as4. Pandas will _ if we continue destroying ecosystem(生态系统). A. die of B. die away C. die from D. die out5. The young lady _ we met yesterday is our new maths teacher. A. what B. whose C. whom D. which6. Of the two s

3、kirts, Lucy chose one.A. less expensive B. the least expensiveC. the less expensive D. the most expensive7. Turn off the light. ? I asked you to turn off the light.A. Excuse me B. Sorry C. Pardon D. Dont you8. All of us feel _that _ a little boy can eat _much food.A. surprised, such, so B. surprised

4、, so, muchC. surprised, such, such D. surprised, so, such9. She has no paper _. A. to write B. to write with C. writing on D. to write on10. There is _ new student in my class. _ new student is _ English boy.A. a, An, an B. a, The, a C. a, The, an D. a, A, the11. of teachers in the school is 300, of

5、 them are women teachers. A. The number, one-third B. A number, one-fourth C. A number, one-second D. The number, first-fourth12. Are you ready? Well go out for a picnic _ three oclock. A. in B. after C. for D. since13. He did _he could _ me with my maths. A. what, to help B. that, help C. which, to

6、 help D. what, help14. Would you like to have _ apples?No, thank you. A. more two B. two more C. two another D. two else15. Alice, we are going to spend our holidays in Canada. But if you _, we can go to China instead. A. hope B. wish C. prefer D. agree二、完形填空。阅读下面短文,从各题A、B、C、D中选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。P

7、eggy Cardona parked her blue Nissan at a supermarket one day in February 1997. “Ill come and open the door for you,” she told her four-year-old grandson, Ryan Eshleman, in the back seat.Before Cardona could even 16 her door, the car moved ahead. “Nana, the car is 17 !” Ryan cried. Cardona jumped int

8、o the drivers seat and reached for the handbrake(手闸), her left leg stepping outside, trying to stop the car. She couldnt find the brake, and she 18 the car as it moved down the steep slope(陡坡) toward a pond 20 feet away. 19 Ryan cried “Nana!” as the car fell into the pond and the water began pouring

9、 in.“Help!” Cardona cried as the car moved 20 the bank. “My grandson is inside!”A supermarket clerk, Clint Fountain, 24, jumped down the slope and dived into the cold water.Reaching the car, Fountain saw Ryans terrified face just inches(英寸) 21 the water. “Unlock the door!” Fountain shouted. The boys

10、 fingers fumbled(未触到) with the lock. Fountain hit on the back 22 , but the glass wouldnt break. Another man Dick McClung dived in and handed him a hammer(锤子). Grabbing it, Fountain told the boy to move aside, and broke the glass. His hands went 23 the broken window in the black water and pulled the

11、boy24 . At that moment the last flash of the blue car 25 under the water.16. A. close B. open C. touch D. wash17. A. driving B. missing C. moving D. stopping18. A. got out of B. got into C. pulled D. drove19. A. Excited B. Tired C. surprised D. Frightened20. A. to B. from C. with D. of21. A. below B

12、. under C. around D. above22. A. window B. door C. car D. seat23. A. across B. through C. into D. from24. A. out of B. away C. out D. safe25. A. seemed B. happened C. disappeared D. appeared三、阅读理解。阅读下列短文,并做每篇后面的题目,从各题A、B、C、D中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。A“Life is speeding up. Everyone is becoming unwell.”

13、This may sound like something someone would say today. But in fact, an unwell person who lived in Rome in AD 53 wrote it. We all love new inventions. They are exciting, amazing and can even change our lives. But have all these developments really improved the quality of our lives? Picture this: Youre rushing to finish your homework on the computer. Your mobile phone rings, a QQ message from your friend appears on the screen, the noise from the telephone is getting louder and louder. Suddenly the computer goes blank and you lose all your work. Now you hav



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