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1、,第一讲 导论,管理与跨文化管理,Chapter 4: Cultural Management,跨文化管理,成功看器宇 事业看精神 -曾国藩,管理者自由度的悖论 Paradox of Managerial Discretion,管理自由度 Managerial Discretion,经营环境 Organizations Environment,企业文化 Organizational Culture,3-4,文化 I,基于忠诚薪酬的交换机制,忠诚是至关重要的。 中国文化理解的忠诚是人身依附。西方文化理解的忠诚可以借用美国前国务卿鲍威尔的话说: 第一、在决策酝酿和做出之前,你需要对我说真话、说实话

2、。 第二、决策做出以后,你必须严格按照我的决策执行,发生了什么情况要如实汇报。,文化 II,基于业绩薪酬交换机制,企业文化应该如何作为? 重视员工的培训与开发,鼓励员工最大限度地影响组织的绩效; 鼓励有才华的员工脱颖而出; 为有能力的员工施展才华创造条件; 通过薪酬、亲和和表彰等激励员工。,一、国别政治、经济、法律等差异对商业的影响,Implications for International Business,第一、作为一个市场和东道国,其商业吸引力特别重要。 企业特别需要balance long-term risks with short-term benefits of doing bu

3、siness in a foreign country 第二、在东道国投资和经营,可能引发一系列伦理道德和公司治理问题。 产生道德问题 raise ethical Issues 公司治理 Corporate Governance,1、商业吸引力(Attractiveness),收益取决于(benefits depend on): size, wealth, future economic growth first mover advantages identify “star” future economies 成本 costs are affected by: political payof

4、fs economic sophistication (may be more costly to operate in LDCs, no infrastructure) legal framework impact on costs Risk:风险 经济风险 政治风险 法律风险,2、伦理道德问题(Ethical Issues),与 human rights 相关的道德问题 与员工素质(懒惰、消极、智商、情商)相关的问题 与产品相关的问题(adherence to same standards abroad as at home) product safety 产品安全标准 work safe

5、ty 工作安全标准 environmental protection 环保标准,2、伦理道德问题(Ethical Issues),与腐败(Bribes)相关的问题 美国1977年通过了对外贿赂实施法案(Foreign Corrupt Practices Act) (1977),禁止美国公司向外国政府官员行贿。 中国有相关规定? 讨论:what is unethical is not necessarily illegal,二、文化与跨文化管理,Differences in Culture,如何理解跨文化管理?,问题一:什么是跨文化知识?理解国家与国家之间、国家内民族与民族之间、地区与地区之间文

6、化的差异如何影响企业行为和营商环境。 问题二:标志性产品能否等同于一个国别文化的价值体系?举例说明。 问题三:除了西方文明?还有什么其他类型的文明?举例,1、What is culture?,基于霍夫斯泰德和韦伯的理解和阐述,一个整合的定义是: 文化是一个社群或群体共享的价值观和规范体系,这种价值观和规范是人们生活设计的基础。 Culture is a societys (groups) system of shared, learned values and norms; as a whole, these values and norms are the societys (groups)

7、 design for living。,1、What is culture?,价值判断( Values): abstract ideas about the good, the right, the desirable 准则(Norms): social rules and guidelines; determine appropriate behavior in specific situations(行为规范) 社会习俗(Folkways): norms of little moral significance dress code; table manners; timeliness 社

8、会准则(Mores): norms central to functioning of social life bring serious retribution: thievery, adultery, alcohol,2、国别文化(National culture),国家是政治的产物。国家对确定和检验从事商业的文化是一个重要路径(Nation is a useful way to bound and measure culture for conduct of business)。 文化无国界 culture is a key characteristic of society and c

9、an differ significantly across national borders Can also differ significantly within national borders 文化受政治经济影响但随国界变化 Culture is both a cause and an effect of economic and political factors that vary across national borders 法律有国界 laws are established along national lines,3、国别文化的决定因素,政治与经济理念(省略) 一个社会

10、的社会结构 主导的宗教、语言和教育,3.1、社会结构 Social Structure,测定社会结构有两个基本尺度,且要看其程度如何。 社会组织的基本单位是个人还是群体? Unit of social organization is the individual or the group The individual: building block 基石of many Western societiesEntrepreneurship 社会分层或等级划分的程度而且要看流动性,(1)Individual vs Group societal Characteristics,Individual M

11、anagerial mobility between companies Economic dynamism, innovation Good general skills Team work difficult, non-collaborative Exposure to different ways of doing business e.g., U.S. companies,Group Loyalty and commitment to company In-depth knowledge of company Specialist skills Easy to build teams,

12、 collaboration Emotional identification with group or company e.g., Japanese companies,(2)社会流动性(Social Mobility),Society is stratified into classes(阶级) or castes(种族) : High-low stratification 社会流动性:从出生所属阶层中脱离出来的可能性。 举例说明 High-low mobility between strata 举例说明 Geographical and inter-organizational mob

13、ility,讨论题,1、理解社会结构的商业涵义是什么? 2、中国的社会结构在出现什么变化? 3、仇富心理产生的社会土壤是什么? 4、如何理解“在盐碱地”和“温室”中成长起来的两代人?,3.2、宗教、道德与文化(Religion, Ethics and Culture),与神相关的人们共同的信仰和仪式 Religion: system of shared beliefs about the sacred 指导和规范人们行为的规范和价值观 Ethical systems: moral principles or values that shape and guide behavior; often

14、 products of religion,3.3、语言Language,Language, spoken “private” does not exist as a word in many languages Eskimos: 24 words for snow Words which describe moral concepts unique to countries or areas: “face” in Asian cultures, “filotimo” in Greece Spoken language precision important in low-context cu

15、ltures Language, unspoken Context. more important than spoken word in low context cultures,High/Low Context Cultures,Source: E.T. Hall may not fit exact individual situations Is valid for broader groups not individuals IBM values may overwhelm national values Yet, if IBM culture so overwhelming, dif

16、ferences across countries may be attributable to “national” culture. Privileged group Researcher bias? Western stereotypes and culturally biased conclusions? Many recent studies validate Hofstedes dimensions,4、商业含义文化距离Cultural Distance,Geographic and cultural (or pshychic) distance among countries may not be the same Key concept which can affect business strategy and conduct,商业含义Cultural Difference Reconciliation,母国导向与东道国导向Ethnocentrism vs Polycentrism 适应当地 Must a company a



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