六年级英语下册 Unit 6《Feeling Fun》课件2 广东版开心

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《六年级英语下册 Unit 6《Feeling Fun》课件2 广东版开心》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《六年级英语下册 Unit 6《Feeling Fun》课件2 广东版开心(84页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、开灯,穿上你的外套,打扫房间,关电视,收拾好你的书本,赢得比赛,熬夜,review,翻译以下句子,1.你可以打扫房间吗? Can you clean up the room? 对不起,我现在很忙. Sorry, Im busy now.,2.你可以收拾好你的书本吗? Can you put away your books? 当然了,等一会我去收拾 Sure, Ill put them away in a minute.,Unit 6 Feeling Fun,By- Elaine,Read and guess:,I have a long face, four legs and long tai

2、l. I can run fast. I like eating grass. People like riding on my back. What am I ?,They were going to the west.,Its in India.,They have to get the great books .,A Journey to the West,Master,Monkey King,Unit 6 Feeling Fun!,They are going to India,位于南亚次大陆的印度半岛上,海岸线6083千米。地形以平原、高原、缓丘为主,占国土面积的60%左右。大致分为

3、北部山地、中部平原和南部高原三个地形区,北部山地属喜马拉雅山系,山势高峻,多7000米以上的山峰,中部印度河棗恒河平原是世界著名的大平原之一,West East 西方,North South,India,the Taj Mahal,泰姬陵,代表了印度建筑艺术的最高水准,印度第一美女妮哈达尔维,人口大国,Do you want to go to India?,carry- carried,carry- carried,She carried a baby.,pull - pulled,pull - pulled,lose-lost,Yesterday the boy lost his book

4、.,He has to find it .,Lost my keys.,find- found,He found his book last night . .,give - gave,She gave an apple to the man yesterday.,She has to give her brother a present , because its his birthday today.,push -pushed,push -pushed,They pushed the bus this morning .,pull - pulled,pull - pulled,drop-

5、dropped,a drop,carry- carried,carry- carried,丢失我的钥匙,lost my keys,收到一个礼物 得到一只猫咪,got a gift,got a kitten,重点单词,1.lose- lost 丢失 2. carry-carried 携带 3.push-pushed推 4. give- gave给 5.find-found找到 6.drop-dropped放下 7.pull-pulled拉 8.get-got拿到,火眼金睛,丢失,找到,携带,放下,给,得到,推,拉,游戏规则 小鸟撞到哪个单词 就要说出单词的英文和中文,Pulled a monke

6、y,Pushed a tiger,Carried a book,Lost my money,Got a nice gift,Found some money,gave a banana,drop drop,clean up the room,P39 (4) .A . _ 1 . Tony carried the keys in his bag.B. _ 2. Tony gave the keys to Jenny .C ._ 3. Jenny lost the keys .D . _ 4 . Jenny got the keys .E . _ 5 . Gogo found the keys .

7、,表示过去的时间有: Yesterday The day before yesterday Last night Last week .,study-studied Carry-carried cry-cried playplayed,useused 2. practice-practiced,We carried the great books back from India.,Im hungry,too. He will come back soon.,Master, when will Monkey come back? Im hungry.,Its dark. We must be c

8、areful. Its dangerous(危险).,Im not scared. Master.,Stop! Give me money and the horse!,No way! (没门)Drop your club!,Dont fight.,Master ! Im back. Are you OK ?,Oh, no! Its the Monkey King! I must go.,Wheres the dinner, Monkey?,I found a nice club.,Hum. Im afraid I forgot it.,Ex 1: Order the pictures:,(

9、),( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),1,2,6,5,4,3,A,F,E,D,C,B,Can you say?,They have to to get.,India is in They have to Because ,翻译下列句子,1.我的包不见了! 我找不到它。 I lost my bag! I cant find it. 不用担心!我来帮你 Dont worry. I ll help you.,1.我必须得赶快。我们出不去了! We must hurry. We cant go out! 2. 不要推。你必须拉才行! Dont push. You must pull.,What have we learnt today? 我们今天学了什么?,单词,Homework,熟读第六课课文 抄写第六课单词每个两行 3.完成练习册第6课,感谢亲观看此幻灯片,此课件部分内容来源于网络, 如有侵权请及时联系我们删除,谢谢配合!,


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