外研版八年级英语上册 Module 11 Way of life 一课一练(基础)(含答案)

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1、Module 11Way of lifeUnit 1In China,we open a gift later.1. _n. (有檐的)帽子2. _n. 国际象棋3. _n. (同类事物的)(一)套、副、组4. _n. 筷子5. _n. 玩具. _adj. (电子)视频的7. _n. 礼物 8. _n. 惊奇;意外之事 v. 使(某人)吃惊9. _adv. 立刻;当即10. _n. 差别;差异11. _v. 收受;接受12. _n. 传统习俗13. _n. 例子;实例14. _v. ux. 必须;应该15. _n. 月;月份16. _adj. 认真严肃的;不开玩笑的17. _v. 有的味道 n

2、. 味道;滋味1. surprise_(形容词)2. different_(名词)3. tradition_(形容词)1. _一副国际象棋2. _电子游戏3. _打扫卫生4. _倒霉5. _例如1. But in the West, we usually dont _ _ _ _ that. 但在西方,我们通常不太在意那个。2. And youd better _ _ your hair cut during the Spring Festival month. 还有,你在正月里最好不要理发。3. _ _ _!太意外了!Unit 2In England,you usually drink te

3、a with milk. 1. _n. 经验;经历2. _n. 逗留;停留3. _pron. 某人;有人4. _n. 三明治;夹心面包片5. _n. 炸土豆条;炸薯条6. _prep. 到之上;向之上7. _n. 先生;男士8. _n. 肩,肩膀1. experience_(形容词,有经验的)2. sandwich_(复数)3. gentleman_(复数)1. _首次;初次2. _喝下午茶3. _便餐;便饭4. _互相1. You can _ _ _ and eat it with your fingers!你可以带走它,并且用手拿着吃!2. Once I _ a gentleman _ a

4、 young man on the shoulder. 有一次,我注意到一位先生拍了拍一位年轻人的肩膀。 3. Afternoon tea is _ _ a drink _ a light meal at around 4 pm. 下午茶不仅仅是饮料,还是下午四点左右的一顿便餐。4. At the bus stop,you must not _ _ _ onto the bus. 在公交车站,你不许挤上公共汽车。Unit 3Language in use1. _在岁时2. _洗刷(饭后的餐具)3. _待在户外;不在家4. _迫不及待5. _犯错;出错6. _起飞;脱下1. _ _ the be

5、droom once a week. 一周打扫一次卧室。2. Use your dictionary to _ _ any words you do not understand. 使用你的词典去查阅任何你不理解的单词。参考答案Module 11Way of lifeUnit 1In China,we open a gift later.1. _cap_n. (有檐的)帽子2. _chess_n. 国际象棋3. _set_n. (同类事物的)(一)套、副、组4. _chopstick_n. 筷子5. _toy_n. 玩具. _video_adj. (电子)视频的7. _gift_n. 礼物 8

6、. _surprise_n. 惊奇;意外之事 v. 使(某人)吃惊9. _immediately_adv. 立刻;当即10. _difference_n. 差别;差异11. _accept_v. 收受;接受12. _tradition_n. 传统习俗13. _example_n. 例子;实例14. _must_v. ux. 必须;应该15. _month_n. 月;月份16. _serious_adj. 认真严肃的;不开玩笑的17. _taste_v. 有的味道 n. 味道;滋味1. surprise_surprised_(形容词)2. different_difference_(名词)3.

7、tradition_traditional_(形容词)1. _a_chess_set_一副国际象棋2. _video_game_电子游戏3. _do_some_cleaning_打扫卫生4. _bad_luck_倒霉5. _for_example_例如1. But in the West, we usually dont _pay_ _much_ _attention_ _to_ that. 但在西方,我们通常不太在意那个。2. And youd better _not_ _have_ your hair cut during the Spring Festival month. 还有,你在正

8、月里最好不要理发。3. _What_ _a_ _surprise_!太意外了!Unit 2In England,you usually drink tea with milk. 1. _experience_n. 经验;经历2. _stay_n. 逗留;停留3. _someone_pron. 某人;有人4. _sandwich_n. 三明治;夹心面包片5. _chip_n. 炸土豆条;炸薯条6. _onto_prep. 到之上;向之上7. _gentleman_n. 先生;男士8. _shoulder_n. 肩,肩膀1. experience_experienced_(形容词,有经验的)2.

9、sandwich_sandwiches_(复数)3. gentleman_gentlemen_(复数)1. _for_the_first_time_首次;初次2. _have_afternoon_tea_喝下午茶3. _light_meal_便餐;便饭4. _each_other_互相1. You can _take_ _it_ _away_ and eat it with your fingers!你可以带走它,并且用手拿着吃!2. Once I _noticed_ a gentleman _touch_ a young man on the shoulder. 有一次,我注意到一位先生拍了

10、拍一位年轻人的肩膀。 3. Afternoon tea is _not_ _just_ a drink _but_ a light meal at around 4 pm. 下午茶不仅仅是饮料,还是下午四点左右的一顿便餐。4. At the bus stop,you must not _push_ _your_ _way_ onto the bus. 在公交车站,你不许挤上公共汽车。Unit 3Language in use1. _at_the_age_of_在岁时2. _wash_up_洗刷(饭后的餐具)3. _stay_out_待在户外;不在家4. _cant_wait_to_迫不及待5. _make_mistakes_犯错;出错6. _take_off_起飞;脱下1. _Clean_ _up_ the bedroom once a week. 一周打扫一次卧室。2. Use your dictionary to _look_ _up_ any words you do not understand. 使用你的词典去查阅任何你不理解的单词。6


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