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1、考试命题培训研修材料 英语,浙江教师继续教育学院 2006年3月,Achievement tests,Achievement (or attainment) tests, though similar in a number of ways to progress tests, are far more formal tests and are intended to measure achievement on a large scale. Most annual school examinations take the form of achievement tests; all publ

2、ic tests which are intended to show mastery of a particular syllabus are also achievement tests.,These tests are based on what the students are presumed to have learnt not necessarily on what they have actually learnt nor on what has actually been taught. Achievement tests frequently take form of se

3、condary school entrance tests and school certificate examinations; Many are based on a published syllabus and exert a strong influence on the teaching in schools.,A good achievement test should reflect the particular approach to learning and teaching that has previously been adopted.,五个专题,关于考试形式与命题原

4、则 考试内容 关于命题 组卷原则与试卷结构 关于考试成绩等级呈现方案,专题一 关于考试形式与命题原则,英语课程标准的评价建议部分就终结性评 价提出的评价原则是,“终结性评价要注重考 查学生综合运用语言的能力”。 在评价建议中最关键的概念之一是综合语言运 用能力 (结合语境),专题一 关于考试形式与命题原则,关于2005年基础教育课程改革实验区初中毕 业学业考试命题指导 英语提出的考试形式: 关于口语考试 关于听力理解 关于语言知识运用 关于阅读理解 关于书面表达,专题一 关于考试形式与命题原则,关于命题指导提出的命题原则 1.要根据课程标准来确定考查内容与标准 理论依据 正确认识教材及其他教学

5、资源的作用 拘泥于教材不利于提高命题质量,专题一 关于考试形式与命题原则,例如: 例1 You were in Shanghai last week, _ you? A. were B. werent C. did D. didnt 例2 Shes an Australian, _? A. hasnt she B. isnt she C. doesnt she D. is she,(B),(B),例3 Youve been to North America before, have you? 例4 Oh, he wants us to make films as well, does he?

6、例5 Shes ill in the hospital. (in hospital),专题一 关于考试形式与命题原则,专题一 关于考试形式与命题原则,2. 要着重考查学生的综合语言运用能力 例6 听句辨音 请选出你听到的含有下列单词、短语或数字的选项。 1. A. ducks B. dogs C. boxes 2. A. clothes B. cookies C. coats 3. A. horse B. noise C. voice 4. A. 34552 B. 36552 C. 36652 5. A. sick pupils B. six pupils C. six people (这五道

7、题的正确答案分别为B、A、C、B、B),例7 Choose the word which has the same sound as great. A. bread B. break C. real D. meat (正确答案为B) 例8 Find the word which has a different stress syllable.(重读音节) A. interest B. disease C. although D. himself (正确答案为A),专题一 关于考试形式与命题原则,例9 单词辨音:从每组单词中选出一个划线部分读音与所给音标读音相同的词。 (1) /z / A. d

8、esks B. maps C. trees D. books (2) / A. colour B. other C. often D. love (3) /i / A. heavy B. idea C. ready D. breakfast (4) /d/ A. washed B. called C. passed D. danced (5) /k/ A. lunch B. each C. chair D. Christmas (这五道题的正确答案分别为C、C、B、B、D),专题一 关于考试形式与命题原则,专题一 关于考试形式与命题原则,例10 从每小题的A、B、C、D中选出一个能填入句中空白

9、处并且符合句意和括号内所给音标的最佳答案。 (1) What about going hiking tomorrow, Lucy? Certainly. But it may be very (/kuld/)_. Wed better wear warm clothes. (B) A.could B. cold C. cloud D. code (2) The moon shone brightly in (/ru:/)_ the window. (D) A. though B. thought C. throw D. through,Too great a concentration on

10、the testing of the language elements may indeed have a harmful effect on the communicative teaching of the language. J. B. Heaton,专题一 关于考试形式与命题原则,例11 据网上报道:为了赢利大量捕 杀野生动物己造成了生态的失 衡,而食用野生动物则会使其 躯体的病菌传播给人类。请运 用下列所给单词和短语,对这 则报道发表你的看法。字数不 少于50词,体裁不限。 (wild animals, smaller and smaller, diseases, harm, en

11、vironment ),3要充分考虑学生实际生活和身心发展水平,4. 要选用真实、地道的语言素材,根据语言实际使用情形命题(语境不真实的事例),专题一 关于考试形式与命题原则,例12 听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话仅读一遍。 录音原文: M: Where shall I put the eggs? W: They can be put in the fridge. 题目:Where can the eggs be put? (正确答案为B),例13 听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话仅读一遍。 录音原文: W: We produce 12,000 bikes in our factory ever

12、y year. M: Great! Riding is good to our health though they are slower than cars. 题目:What does the man like? (正确答案为B),专题一 关于考试形式与命题原则,专题一 关于考试形式与命题原则,例14 根据内容提示,以Lin Tao的名义写一封50-80字的 信给抗SARS一线的医护人员。要求:书写规范,语句通 顺,行文流畅,结构完整,语法正确。 内容提示: (1)今春SARS突发; (2)不顾安危奔赴抗SARS一线; (3)表示谢意; (4)共同战胜SARS。,专题一 关于考试形式与命题原

13、则,5要确保试题的信度和效度,杜绝繁、偏、旧的 试题,控制题量 什么是效度? 什么是信度? 要努力杜绝繁、偏、旧试题并适度控制题量.,Avoiding traps for the students,A good test should never be constructed in such a way as to trap the students into giving an incorrect answer. Care should be taken to avoid trapping students by including grammatical and vocabulary it

14、ems which have never been taught. To summarize, all tests should be constructed primarily with the intention of finding what students know not of trapping them.,例15 Among the four words “already, beach, break, idea”, the underlined parts(划线部分)have _ kinds of pronunciation(发音). A. one B. two C. three

15、 D. four 例16 Which stress of the following words is different? A. opera B. expect C. display D. produce 例17 - What did she forget when she left for home? - _ the book. A. Taking B. Took C. Take D. To take,专题一 关于考试形式与命题原则,例18 - What number should appear next after eighty- one? - Its _. A. two hundred and forty-nine B. two hundred and forty-seven C. two hundred and forty-eight D. two hundred and forty-three,专题一 关于考试形式与命题原则,3 9 27 81 ?,专题一 关于考试形式与命题原则,6. 要根据试题的考查目的和考查重点,科学合理地制定评分标准,专题二 考试内容,听力技能 1.课程标准对初中毕业生听力技能的要求 能根据语调和重音理解说话者的意图; 能听懂有关熟悉话题的谈话,并能从中提取信息和观点; 能借助语境克服生词障碍、理解大意; 能听懂接近正常语速的故事和


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