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1、2001年高三教学质量检测试题(一)英语英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21Whats the matter, Alice? You look sad.Oh,nothing much. As a matter of fact, I of my friend back home.A. just thought B. have just been thinking C. was just thinking D have just thought22Are you

2、still going to Hawaii for holidays?Yes, but I really because I dont have much money.A. shouldnt B cant C mustnt D wont23. I would have paid for my car if the salesman had insisted, because I really it.A. as much twice; want B much twice; wantC. twice as much; wanted D two times much; wanted24. They

3、celebrated Christmas with tree and presents.A. 不填;a; 不填 B the; a; 不填 C a; a; the D the; the;the25. The man you thought was dead has written you a letter.A. of whom B whom C who D whose26. Next time we go house-hunting, remember the agent for very clear directions.I wasted hours the last house.A to a

4、sk; to look for B to ask; looking for C asking; looking for D asking; to look for27. What were you doing when Jimmy phoned you?I had just finished my article and to take a shower.A. starting B to start C have started D was starting28. He was lucky enough to sell his car for exactly .A where he nad p

5、aid for it B what he had paid for itC what he was paid for it D which he had paid for it 29. Realizing that everything she was of great importance, we it at once.A. put; down B. take; over C. keep; up D lay; down30. Its a pity we cant see as others see .A us; them B. them; ourselves C us; ourselves

6、D. ourselves; us31. The writer was always looking for suitable to use in his next story.A. news B articles C ideas D objects32. Newcomers my attention from the speaker.A. took off B took in C took out D tood back33. Many people stood in front of the old church cold and hunger.A suffered by B sufferi

7、ng by C suffered from D suffering from34. from his expression, he has got an “A” in the examination.A. Judged B. To be judged C Having been judged D Judging35. Would you like me to carry this box upstairs? . I can manage it myself.A. No, thanks B. Thank you for helpC. That would be nice D Yes, pleas

8、e第二节 完形填空(共20小题:每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。The hall was crowded. I had never seen it so full in all my thirty rears. The professor. 36 was on a raised platform (演讲台),got up very slowly from his chair. There was a 37 shout of cheers and applause (热烈鼓掌),whi

9、ch 38 several minutes. Finally one of the five men on the platform 39 first one hand, and then both hands before the noise died 40 .“ I dont think I 41 to introduce Professor Evens,” he said. There was a great cheer 42 this. “He isnt unknown to you.” 43 shout of cheers followed, and the man sat down

10、. The professor, a short fat man, smiled and looked at the audience(听众). He wore 44 glasses. He seemed nervous because he cleared his voice twice. He put a hand into one of the 45 pockets of his jacket.His glasses became 46 heavier and the hall was completely silent 47 he stood looking at his audien

11、ce. It was an 48 silence. It was hot in the hall and there was 49 air. I was sitting near the platform and I could 50 hear the loud tick of the clock on the wall. 51 , the professor very quickly turned his back to us, and 52 to the men on the platform. He thought he 53 be heard by the audience, but

12、everyone in the first five 54 could hear the words: “Ive lost my 55 .”36. A he B that C whom D who37. A sudden B lovely C terrible D simple38. A passed B kept C lasted D remained39. A. rose B raised C waved D held40. A of B down C from D out41. A want B hope C refuse D need42. A at B of C about D wi

13、th43. A More B Next C The second D Another44. A low B high C deep D thick45. A side B back C both D single46. A more B less C very D even47. A since B as C though D because48. A uninteresting B uncomfortable C incomplete D inspiring49. A no B few C more D little50. A clearly B hardly C exactly D carefully51. A Fortunately B N


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