人教(pep版)小升初英语专题训练与梳理 6《阅读与写作①》(含答案)

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《人教(pep版)小升初英语专题训练与梳理 6《阅读与写作①》(含答案)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教(pep版)小升初英语专题训练与梳理 6《阅读与写作①》(含答案)(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、【高分攻略】人教(pep版)小升初英语专题06阅读与写作(精练)(含答案)一、阅读理解。(1-5小题每题2分,6-20小题每题3分,共55分)第一节根据短文内容判断正误,正确为A,错误为B。(A)Peter: How are you, Chen Jie? You look sad today.Chen Jie:Yes, I am sad. I failed(不及格) the English test.Peter: It doesnt matter. Try your best. you ll be better next time.ten Jie: Thank you! Look! Sam i

2、s coming.Peter: Hi, Sam! You look so happy.Sam: Yes! Class 1 won the basketball match.Peter and Chen Jie: Were glad to hear that.( )1. Chen Jie is sad.( )2. Chen Jie failed the math test.( )3. Sam looks so worried.( )4. Class 1 won the football match.( )5. Peter and Chen Jie are glad to hear the goo

3、d news.第二节根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。(B)Im Jack. Its Saturday evening. My family are staying at home. We are having a good time.21教育网Look! Mother is doing dishes. We had a big dinner. Father is cleaning our house. My uncle is helping him. My aunt is having an English class online. Grandma is reading a book. My s

4、ister Anne is watching cartoon with my cousin Lynn. What is the cat Mimi doing? Is she drinking water? No, she isnt. Shes sleeping. Shes so cute! Where is Grandpa? Ha, he is near ourhouse. He is doing kung fu under the tree.I am doing my homework now. When I finish it, I will play computer games.Wha

5、t a lovely evening!( )6. There are_members(成员) in Jack s family.A.9 B.10 C.11( )7. Jacks uncle is_.A. cleaning the house B. reading a bool C. doing dishesB. ( )8._is having an English class.A. Anne B.Lynn C. Jacks aunt( )9.Mimi is _.A.sleeping B. drinking water C. playing( )10. Jack is_.A. watching

6、cartoon B.playing computer games C. doing his homework(C)Hello! My name is Pedro. I live in Spain. Im a student. Our timetable is quite different from yours. I often do morning exercises at 7: 00 and eat breakfast at 8:00 oclock.In the morning, classes start at 9: 00 and finish at 1 oclock. Then we

7、eat lunch at home. We go back to school after lunch at2: 30. Classes start at 3 oclock in the afternoon. We play sports at 6: 00 p. m. I love sports. I often play football with my friends. Sometimes I play basketball,too. We usually have a sports meet in April.We usually eat dinner at 9: 30 or 10 oc

8、lock. Do you think its too late?( ) 11. its 7 oclock now. Pedro is_.A. going to school B. having classes C. doing morning exercises( ) 12. In the morning, school is over_.A.at9:00 B.at6:00 C.at1:00( )13. Pedro eat lunch_A. at 1 oclock B.at1:30or2:00 C.at2:30( )14. They usually have a sports meet in

9、the_month(月) of a year.A. fourth B. fifth C. third()15. They often_at9:30p.m.Or10:00p.m.A. eat breakfast B. have classes C. eat dinner(D)Dear Peter,Im happy to have a new pen pal in Australia. I live in China with my mom and dad, but Im studying English. I often go to school by car with my mother. M

10、y mom is a music teacher in my school. She is tall and thin. She is a beautiful woman. She likes singing and reading stories.My dad is a worker. He is tall and strong. He is very hard-working. He gets up early in the morning and goes home late. He goes to work by bike. He likes swimming and playing

11、ping-pong very much. He often plays ping-pong with me on the weekend.What about your family?YoursLi Feng( )16. Peter lives in_A.Australia B. China C. America( )17. Li Feng is a_.A.student B. teacher C. worker( )18. Li Fengs father likes_A.singing B. dancing C. sports( )19. Li Fengs mother goes to wo

12、rk_A. by bike B.by car C. by train( )20. Peter is Li fengs_A. Cousin B. classmate C. pen pal二、短文写作。(共3小题,每小是题15分,共45分)(一)仔细观察下面的图片,现在是星期天上午9点,Mike和同学们正在自然公园里玩。他们正在做什么?他们的心情如何?公园里的动物们正在做什么?请写一段不少于5句话的短文。提示:可以适当参考阅读理解B篇句式,但请勿抄袭。Its Sunday morning. The children are playing in the nature park. Mike is_(

13、2) 合理安排作息时间是有效学习的关键。同学们,假如你是Bil,请你把自己的作息时间写一写。可以参照图片写内容,也可以自由发挥。提示:可以适当参考阅读理解C篇句式,但请勿抄袭。Hello, my name is Bill. I usually get up at_ I_at 7: 30. I often_._(3) 请给你的新笔友 Alice写一封e-mail,可以从兴趣爱好、平时上学的交通方式及家庭成员的有关信息等方面来介绍自己。提示:可以适当参考阅读理解D篇句式,但请勿抄袭。参考词汇: teacher, doctor, businessman, worker, by car, on foot, by bus, go hiking,read book, cook Chinese food, singing, dancing.【参考答案】一、阅读理解。(1-5小题每题2分,6-20小题每题3分,共55分)第一节根据短文内容判断正误,正确为A,错误为B。1. A 2.B 3.B 4. B 5.A第二节根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。6. B 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.



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