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1、Book Three,Unit One,Personality,Unit One,Task 1: Describe Personality Task 2: Improve Personality Task 3: Personality and Job Task 4: Personality and Health,放映后点右键选播放,In-Class ReadingThe Misery of Shyness,Work in groups to answer the following questions.,Because they are excessively concerned with t

2、heir own appearance and actions. They are anxious and self-conscious.,Why do most people describe themselves as shy?,Sample,Firstly we should remember that nobody can be perfect. We should recognize our personal strengths and weaknesses. Secondly we should set reasonable goals. Thirdly we should acc

3、ept criticism thoughtfully. The most important thing is to study hard and read widely to enrich our knowledge, try to make more friends, and encourage ourselves to get involved in more activities in school. In this way well become popular and not shy any more.,Would you please list some ways mention

4、ed in the text to overcome shyness?,Sample,The writer has mentioned ten ways to overcome shyness. To me, the first and the second are very important. First, we should recognize our personal strengths and weaknesses. By knowing our strengths we can build self-confidence and improve ourselves. Secondl

5、y, setting reasonable goal will prevent us from feeling upset and frustrated when we fail. Thirdly we should accept criticism thoughtfully and know that everyone experiences some failures and disappointments.,The author has listed some ways in the text to overcome shyness. Which one is practical and

6、 useful to you ?,Sample,Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many people.,Introduction (Para. 1),Peoples self-concept has a profound effect on all areas of their lives.,Reasons why shyness can have a negative effect (Para. 2-3),People with high self-esteem usually act with confidence

7、.,People with low self-esteem are likely to be passive and easily influenced by others.,Ways of overcoming shyness (Para. 4-15),The better we understand ourselves, the easier it becomes to live up to our full potential.,Conclusion (Para. 16),译 文,It is obvious that such uncomfortable feelings must af

8、fect people adversely. (Line 7),must + 动词原型: to be likely or certain to do 对现在情况的推测、推论。表示根据情况推断、认定某事是必然的。,Example,走了这么长的路,你必定是累了。,You must feel tired after walking such a long distance.,我的电视机图像不好,肯定有故障。,I dont get a good picture on my TV set. There must be something wrong.,Translation,我不能确切地说出那所房子的年

9、代,但一定是很古老的。,I cant date that house exactly, but it must be very old.,灯熄了,一定是停电了。,The light went out. The electricity must be off.,I failed the examination. You must think I am stupid.,我考试失败了。你一定认为我很笨吧。,It is obvious that such uncomfortable feelings must affect people adversely. (Line 7),很显然这种不安的感觉会对

10、人们产生不利的影响。,句型应用,in/by contrast 固定短语。意为“与相反;与形成对比;相比之下”。用来表示对比。如果后面接宾语,要用in contrast with/to 或 by contrast with。,译 文,In contrast, shy people, having low self-esteem, are likely to be passive and easily influenced by others. (Line 18),Example,Coal, gas, oil, nuclear power, or water power can all gener

11、ate electricity for an electric train. In contrast, diesel trains run only on diesel oil.,In contrast to your belief that we will fail, I am confident that we will succeed.,Translation,Today, in/by contrast, the area is a lively and colorful fruit, vegetable, and flower market.,与从前不同,这个地区今天已成为一个繁华的、

12、丰富多彩的水果和鲜花市场。,In contrast with your pessimistic point of view, I would rather take a positive attitude.,与你的悲观看法相反,我宁愿采取积极的态度。,相比之下,羞怯的人自尊心较弱,往往消极被动并且容易受他人影响。,In contrast, shy people, having low self-esteem, are likely to be passive and easily influenced by others. (Line 18),此句it是形式主语。overdoing it is

13、 detrimental or harmful是真正的主语 。while引导的句子作后一句子的让步状语从句。,译 文,It is clear that, while self-awareness is a healthy quality, overdoing it is detrimental, or harmful. (Line 23),It is clear that while, + 主语从句 意为“尽管/虽然 ,但是是显而易见的”“很显然,尽管/虽然 , 仍 。” 句型中的clear也可换成obvious, evident, true, necessary, important等。具体

14、翻译时有所不同。,It is clear that, while self-awareness is a healthy quality, overdoing it is detrimental, or harmful. (Line 23),Example,你的主意确实很好,但我恐怕它很难付诸实践。,显然,尽管他理解你说的话,但是他并不赞同。,It is true that while yours is a good idea, I am afraid it will be hard to put into practice.,It is clear that while he underst

15、ands what you say, he cant agree with you.,显然,尽管自我意识是一种健康的品质,过分的自我意识却是不利、有害的。,It is clear that, while self-awareness is a healthy quality, overdoing it is detrimental, or harmful. (Line 23),The better we understand ourselves, the easier it becomes to live up to our full potential. (Line 74),the bett

16、er , the easier属于the more , the more 句型的用法。 The more , the more 表示比较,“越 ,越”。,译 文,Example,女孩子越喜欢感人的故事,越容易被故事弄得哭哭啼啼。,钢含碳的成分越多,冷却得越快,那么钢就越硬。,The better the girls liked the moving story, the more it made them cry.,The more carbon the steel contains and the quicker the cooling is, the harder the steel becomes.,我们对自己了解得越多,就越容易充分发挥自己的潜力。,The better we understand ourselves, the easier it becomes to live up to our full potential. (Line 74),excessively (adv.) (Line 3, Para. 1) in an exce



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