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1、学 海 无 涯2009高考学案教学法专题:高考必考40个句型讲与练句型1 “wish +宾语从句”,表示不大 可能实现的愿望表示现在的愿望:主语+过去时;表示过去的愿望:主语+had done;表示将来的愿望:主语+would/could do例句How I wish we students had more free time to relax ourselves! 我们学生多么希望有更多的自由时间放松自己!I failed in the maths exam. How I wish I hadnt wasted so much time playing!What a pity you ca

2、nt go to the party. How I wish I could dance with you at the party!句型2 Its high/about time that somebody did (should do) (should通常不省略) 早就该例句Its time that you went to school.= Its time that you should go to school. Its high time that we did something to improve our environment. 该是我们为环保做些事情了。I think i

3、ts high time that she made up her mind. 我想她该拿定主意了。句型3 would rather that somebody did“宁愿;更愿意”(表示现在或将来的愿望) would rather that somebody had done“宁愿;更愿意”(表示过去的愿望)例句Id rather you posted the letter right now. 我想让你现在去寄信。Id rather you were not a celebrated actor. In that case, we could spend more time togeth

4、er. 我到情愿你不是个知名演员,这样我们可以有更多的时间在一起。Id rather that I hadnt seen her yesterday. 我情愿昨天没有看到她。句型4as if/though+主语+did/had done好像(表示现在或将来的情况用过去时;表示过去的情况用过去完成时)参考句型4例句Our head teacher treats us as if we were her own children, so all the students in our class think highly of her. Alan talked about Rome as if h

5、e had been there. Alan谈起罗马来就好像他去过那里似的。句型5情态动词+动词不定式完成结构的用法could have done “本来可以”(表示过去没有实现的可能)。might have done “本来可能;本来应该或可以做某事”(实际没有发生;含有轻微的责备语气。should/ought to have done “本来该做某事”(而实际未做)should not/ought not to have done “本来不该做”(实际却做过了,含有责备语气)neednt have done “本来不必做”(但是已经做过了)would rather have done “当

6、时宁愿做了某事”(实际没有做过);否定式would rather not have done表达相反意思,两者都有表示“后悔”之意。高考题回放1. If only he _ quietly as the doctor instructed, he would not suffer so much now.(2000上海) A. lies B. lay C. had lain D. should lie 2. It is hard for me to imagine what I would be doing today if I _ in love at the age of seven, w

7、ith the Melinda Cox Library in my hometown.(2002上海) A. wouldnt have fallen B. had not fallen C. should fall D. were to fall 3. How I wish every family _ a large house with a beautiful garden!(2003上海春季) A. has B. had C. will have D. had had 4. If I _ plan to do anything I wanted to, Id like to go to

8、Tibet and travel through as much of it as possible.(2005湖北) A. would B. could C. had to D. ought to 5. Dont you think it necessary that he _ to Miami but to New York? I agree, but the problem is _ he has refused to.(2005江苏) A. will not be sent; that B. not be sent; that C. should not be sent; what D

9、. should not send; what 6. He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he _ a goal.(2001上海春季) A. had scored B. scored C. would score D. would have scored 7. Mr. White _ at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didnt show up.(2004广西) A. should have arrived B. should arrive C. should have had

10、arrived D. should be arriving 8. He _ have completed his work; otherwise, he wouldnt be enjoying himself by the seaside.(2005北京) A. should B. must C. wouldnt D. cant 9. Catherine, I have cleaned the room for you. Thanks. You _ it. I could manage it myself.(2005福建) A. neednt do B. neednt have done C.

11、 mustnt do D. shouldnt have done 10. If the traffic hadnt been so heavy, I could have been back by 6 oclock. What a pity! Tina _ here to see you.(2005湖南) A. is B. was C. would be D. has been 11. We missed you at this mornings meeting, Diana. _, but if I hadnt had to meet a friend, I would have been

12、there.(2005重庆)A. Me, too B. Im sorry C. Never mind D. Thank you 12. He paid for a seat, when he _ have entered free.(2005山东) A. could B. would C. must D. need 13. _ in the regulations that you should not tell other people the password of your e-mail account.(2005上海) A. What is required B. What requi

13、res C. It is required D. It requires 14. You didnt let me drive. If we _ in turn, you _ so tired. A. drove; didnt getB. drove; wouldnt get C. were driving; wouldnt getD. had driven; wouldnt have got 15. I didnt see your sister at the meeting. If she _, she would have met my brother. A. has comeB. did comeC. came D. had come 16. What would have happened, _, as far as the riverbank? A. Bob had walked fartherB. if Bob should walk farther C. had Bob walked fartherD. if Bob walked farther 17. _ it rain tomorrow, we would have to put off the visit to the Yangpu Bridge. A. WereB. ShouldC. Wo


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