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1、Classical and Hellenistic Greece,LECTURE ,Classical Greece,Around 500B.C.338B.C.(conquest of Greece by Macedonia),Confrontation,Second half of 6th century B.C. The Persian empire conquered Ionia. 499B.C. Revolt of Ionian cities 490B.C. Revenge of Darius,Athenian Imperialism,Delian League (478B.C.) A

2、n economic, judicial, religious, and political union held together by military might,Athenian Freedom,The freedom of participation in public life, especially self-government Sovereignty lay with the demosthe people.,The Age of Pericles,From around 460-430B.C., Pericles, a great orator and military c

3、ommander, dominated Athens. Expanding democracy at home: extension of democracy to all free citizens Abolish the last property requirements for officeholding. Pay those serving on juries. Expanding Athenian empire abroad Culmination of Athenian civilization,The Peloponnesian War,A series of wars 431

4、-421B.C. (peace treaty) 414-404B.C. (Athenss unconditional surrender),Culture of Classical Greece,Center: Periclean Athens Primary characteristic: critical and rational nature,Philosophy,Sophists Socrates(470-399B.C.) The unexamined life is not worth living. Plato(429-347B.C.) The Republic The Acade

5、my Aristotle(384-322B.C.) Analyzing and classifying things based on thorough research and investigation,Writing of History,Herodotus(484-420B.C.) The first historian, “father of history” History: the Persian wars His concern to explain, to go beyond mere storytelling Thucydides(460-400B.C.) History

6、of the Peloponnesian War: contemporary record of the war Political historian,Drama,Origin: annual feast of Dionysus Tragedies Aeschylus Sophocles Euripides Comedies Aristophanes Satyr plays,Art,The search for ideal beauty: reason, moderation, balance and harmony; use of ideal proportions, based on m

7、athematical ratio found in nature.,Religion,One of the 12 chief gods/goddesses as a guardian of a polis. Festivals to honor the gods, e.g. Olympic games Oracle: to know the will of the gods,The Rise of Macedon,http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Map_Peloponnesian_War_431_BC-en.svg Around 400B.C.Emerge

8、as an important kingdom 338B.C.Defeat of Athens An alliance of the Greek states called the League of Corinth Greek city-states were allowed autonomy in domestic affairs.,Alexander the Great,Conquest of Alexander(336-323B.C.) Greek cities of Asia Minor Mediterranean coast and Egypt Mesopotamia Till H

9、yphasis River 333B.C. and 331B.C., he defeated the Persian king twice and captured the Persian capital of Persepolis. http:/upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/40/MacedonEmpire.jpg Creation of the Hellenistic (to imitate Greeks) era,Hellenistic Kingdoms,Egypt under the Ptolemies Seleucid kingdo

10、m Macedon and Greece under the Antigonids http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Diadochi2.png,Hellenistic Cities,Greek in physical organization, constitution, language and culture. The political institutions modeled after those of the Greek city-states. Subordinate to the Hellenistic monarchies Outstandi

11、ng example: Alexandria of Egypt,Art,More emotional and realistic, displaying more freedom and individuality,Philosophy,Focused more on personal happiness Cynics: renunciation of material things, society, and pleasures Epicureans: reduce desires; retire from politics, retreat from public competition and concentrate on friendship Stoics: live in accordance with the divine will,Mathematics and Science,Euclid: Elements Archimedes Astronomy Medicine: human anatomy,Chronology,



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