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1、1,语法精讲 名词,2,专有名词 Beijing, The Great Wall, Jim 普通名词 book, weather,3,考点一 名词辨析,1.语境辨析 There are a few _ in the fridge. Lets go and buy some peas,carrots and cabbages. A. meat B. fruits C.vegetables,C,4,2. 近义词辨析 voice 人声 noise 噪声 sound 一切声音 family 家庭 ,家人 house房子 home家 message消息 news 新闻 information信息 wor

2、k工作(不可数)job工作,职业(可数) question问题 problem难题,问题,Dont make any _. The boy is sleeping. A. voice B. noise C. laugh,B,5,考点二 名词的数,6,可数名词的单复数,7,一般情况,以“s, x, ch, sh”结尾,以辅音字母+y 结尾 ,以辅音字母+o结尾,以f 或fe结尾的,加-s,加- es,加“es”,加“s”,变f或fe为 v再加es,以元音字母+o结尾,变y 为i 再加-es,直接加- s,以元音字母加y结尾,8,内部元音发生变化,词尾发生变化 ,个别名词单复同形,表示某国人时,

3、中日不变, 英法变, 其他国家加s,9,特殊情况 (1)有些名词只有复数形式,如:,clothes,shorts,pants,scissors(剪刀),goods,glasses(眼镜),(2)有些名词以s结尾,但不是复数形式,如:,news,physics,politics,(3)有些名词既是可数名词又是不可数名词,如:,room(空间)a room(房间) work(工作)works(著作),10,watch- knife- boy- story- hero- photo-,watches,boys,heroes,knives,stories,photos,- Are those _? -

4、 No,they arent. Theyre _. A. photos; pictures of China B. photoes; pictures of China C. photos; picture of China,A,11,不可数名词,12,不可数名词:(前面不能用a,an等来修饰)到目前为止我们所学的不可数名词有: 液体类: 肉类: 粉末类: 抽象名词类: 食物类:,返回,water:juice,tea , soup ,milk,cola,coffee,meat,beef, pork, mutton,food, broccoli, rice, porridge, junk foo

5、d ,tofu,bread,news,information,money,advice,friendship,work,homework,housework, schoolwork ,help ,fun,health,price,13,可用于不可数名词前表示量的词: 量词+of,(a) little, much, some/any, a lot of , plenty of,I would like to have _. two glasses of milk B. two glass of milks C. two glasses of milks,A,14,易混淆知识:,news, adv

6、ice, work,information,weather, pollution,food, knowledge,progress, homework 不可数 message, job, suggestion,vegetable可数 room,wood, orange, chicken, 等词作可数与不可数名词时意思不同 people 作“人们”讲本身是复数,作“民族”讲是单数,其复数是peoples.,15,名词的所有格,考点三,16,双重所有格,单重所有格,of所有格,s所有格,名词所有格-表示所属关系,17,表示时间、距离的名词可以加s 或 构成所有格形式,一般在有生命名词后加 s 构成

7、,若以S结尾复数名词,则在S后加若不是以S结尾复数名词,则加s,表示几个人共同的东西,只在最后一个人后加s.,表示几个人都分别有的东西,则每个都加s.,表示某人的家、店铺、诊所时,常省略所有格 后面的名词,at my uncles = at my uncles home,18,2.表示无生命事物的所有关系,a map of China the name of the film the cover of the book,电影的名字,中国地图,书的封面,一般用.of.结构来表示无生命的名词所有格:,19,2)名词+of+ 名词性物主代词,1)名词+of +名词所有格: a friend of J

8、acks,3.名词的双重所有格:就是指同时既使用 -s 所有格又使用 of 所有格。,a friend of hers,a photo of Mr Smiths a photo of Mr Smith,史密斯先生收藏的一张照片,史密斯先生照的一张照片,20,1 我老师的办公室 2 学生们 的练习本 3 儿童节 4 今天的报纸 5 十五分钟的路程 6 到汤姆家去,my teachers office,students exercise books,Childrens Day,todays newspaper,15 minutes walk = a 15-minute walk,to Toms =

9、 to Toms house,21,7 广东的省会 8 教室的门 9 我父亲的一个朋友 10 他的两个兄弟 11 爱迪生的一些发明 12 他弟弟的一张照片(照片属于他弟弟) 13 他弟弟的一张照片(照片里的人是他弟弟),the capital of Guangdong,the doors of the classroom,a friend of my father (s),two brothers of his,some inventions of Edisons,a picture of his brothers,a picture of his brother,22,It is over_

10、from Shijiazhuang to Beijing. A. three hours drive B. three hours drive C. three hours drive,A,23,I have many friends here. Lily is _. A. mine friend B. a friend of my C. a friend of mine,C,24,考点四 名词作定语,(较少考查),25,There is one toy factory in the city. There are two toy factories in the city.,(1)名词作定语

11、,一般用单数形式。如:,(2)woman, man 做定语修饰名词时,若所修饰的名词是单数,则man 和woman用单数。若所修饰的名词是复数,则man 和woman用复数。如:,There is a woman teacher. There are three women teachers.,26,大家来找茬,10. This is _ bedroom. The twin sisters like it very much. A. Anne and Jane B. Annes and Janes C. Anne and Janes 11. The_ park will open next w

12、eek. A. childrens B. childrens C. children,B,B,27,12. Lots of things are made of _ . We must Protect _. A. woods; woods B. wood; wood C. wood; woods 16. Excuse me, where is the_? A.mans room B. mens room C. men rooms,C,C,28,17.She has been in Yueyang for 8 years. Yueyang has become her second_. A. station B. house C. home 20. My teacher gives us some good _on English learning. A. advice B. suggestion C. informations,C,B,29,30,END,小伙伴们,下节课再见,



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