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《TS16949 Training精编版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《TS16949 Training精编版(122页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、ISO/TS16949:2002 Training,Prepared By Chriss Zheng Site QA Jul. 2005,质量管理体系汽车生产和相关维修零件组织应用ISO9001:2000的特别要求,1,Agenda,History Quality System Basic Knowledge TS16949 Additional Requirements,2,ISO/TS 16949:2002,ISO/TS 16949:1999,ISO 9001:2000,ISO/TS 16949: 2002 Roadmap,3,ISO/TS 16949:2002 Finalization,

2、ISO/TS 16949:2002是由下列单位起草: 国际汽车行动小组 (IATF) 日本车辆制造者协会(JAMA) ISO/TC 176, 所支持 取代初版 1999 ISO/TS 16949:2002 整合 所有 ISO9001:2000之要求,4,Membership Of The IATF,5,QS9000,Difference Between ISO9001/TL9000/QS9000/TS16949,ISO/TS 16949,TL9000:R3.0,ISO9001:2000,6,ISO/TS 16949:2002 Goal,Continual improvement 持续改进 Em

3、phasizing defect prevention 强调缺陷预防 The reduction of variation and waste 减少变差和浪费 Including customer specific requirements,7,ISO/TS 16949:2002 OEM Requirement,8,Eligibility for ISO/TS16949:2002,任何汽车供应链内组织均符合本规范所指具认证资格 任何由发动机驱动之车辆均可考量视为汽车业 汽车相关之零件 适用于生产或服务零件制造场所 场所的定义为增值制造流程产生的地点 制造的定义为制作生产原料,零件或组装,或热处

4、理,涂装与电镀服务,9,Continual Improvement Of The Quality Management System,Customer,Customer,Requirements,Satisfaction,Management responsibility,Resource Management,Measurement, analysis and improvement,Product realization,Product,output,input,Quality Management Process Model,10,输入,输出,活动 (加资源),Basic Process

5、 Model,11,Output,Input,Resources (Equipment/ Capital),Resources (People),How 如何做,What result 量度方法,能力/技能/资格,机器/设备/装置,方法/程序/指导书/技术,测量/评估/绩效/指标,Process Model Analysis 龟形图,Process,12,Process And Process Approach,Customer Oriented Processes 客戶导向过程 Support Oriented Processes 支持性导向过程 Management Oriented Pr

6、ocesses 管理导向过程,13,Market Analysis/Customer Requirement Tender/Bid Order/Request Product and Process Design Product and Process Verification/Validation Product Manufacturing Delivery Payment Warranty/Service Post Sales/Customer Feedback,Customer Oriented Processes,组织,活动1 活动2 活动3 支援过程,输入,输出,客户,In,Out,

7、1,2,3,14,Out,In,7,6,5,4,3,2,8,1,In,In,In,In,In,In,In,Out,Out,Out,Out,Out,Out,Out,客戶要求报价,客户拿到 报价单,Customer Oriented Processes 章鱼图,15,Management review Customer focus Quality policy and objectives monitor Quality management system planning,Management Oriented Processes,16,Certificate Process,创建体系并实施至少

8、 12个月确认所有客户 要求已实施,向IATF认可之认证 单位提出申请 全球只有48家被认可,到厂进行文件审查,三个月内进行正式评鉴 (事先提报到IATF),文审后三个月内 需正式评鉴,评估纠正措施,核发具IATF序号 之认证证书,依续审规定进行 延期不得超过一个月,第三年为重新评鉴, 重新评估证书再发,17,Customer Focus 以客户为关注焦点,Quality Management System Principles,Leadership 领导作用,Involvement Of People 全员参与,Process Approach 过程方法,System Approach To

9、 Management 系统化管理,Factual Approach To Decision Making 基于事实的决策方法,Mutually Beneficial Supplier Relationships与供方互利的关系,Continual Improvement 持续改进,18,Customer Focus 以客户为关注焦点 Organizations depend on their customers and therefore should understand current and future customer needs, should meet customer req

10、uirements and strive to exceed customer expectations。 组织依赖于他们的客户,因此应该了解客户当前和未来的需求,应该满足客 户的要求,并应该致力于超越客户的期望。,Quality Management System Principles,19,Leadership 领导作用 Leaders establish unity of purpose and direction of the organization. They should create and maintain the internal environment in which

11、people can become fully involved in achieving the organizations objective. 领导者建立其组织的方向和统一的目标,他们应该创造并维护内部环境以使 组织中的人们能充分参与到实现组织的目标的活动中去。,Quality Management System Principles,20,Involvement of People 全员参与 People at all levels are the essence of an organization and their full involvement enables their a

12、bilities to be used for the organizations benefit. 组织中所有层次的员工是组织的基本,他们的充分参与能使他们的才能被用 于使组织的获利。,Quality Management System Principles,21,Process Approach 过程方法 A desired result is achieved more efficiently when activities and related resources are managed as a process. 当活动和有关资源被作为一个过程管理起来时,期望的结果能被更有效的实现

13、。,Quality Management System Principles,22,System Approach To Management 系统化管理 Identifying, understanding and managing interrelated processes as a system contributes to the organizations effectiveness and efficiency in achieving its objectives. 作为一个系统识别、了解并管理相互关联的过程,致力于组织的效益和效率 以实现组织的目标。,Quality Mana

14、gement System Principles,23,Continual Improvement 持续改进 Continual improvement of the organizations overall performance should be a permanent objective of the organization. 持续改进组织的各个方面的表现应该是组织永恒的目标。,Quality Management System Principles,24,Factual Approach To Decision Making 基于事实的决策方法 Effective decisio

15、ns are based on the analysis of data and information. 有效的决策应基于对数据和信息的分析的基础上。,Quality Management System Principles,25,Mutually Beneficial Supplier Relationships 与供方互利的关系 An organization and its suppliers are interdependent and a mutually beneficial relationship enhances the ability of both to create

16、value. 组织及其供应商之间应是相互依赖的,并且互利的关系能提高两者创造价值的 能力。,Quality Management System Principles,26,ISO/TS16949:2002 Document Procedure,七个需要文档化的程序: 文档管制(4.2.3) 记录管制(4.2.4) 培训( 内部稽核(8.2.2) 不合格品控制(8.3) 纠正措施(8.5.2) 预防措施(8.5.3),27,七个必需的程序,但未必文档化: 员工激励与强化( 变更管制(7.1.4) 来料品质( 服务信息的反馈( 监控与测量装置的控制(7.6) 内部实验室( 持续改进(,ISO/TS16949:2002 Document Procedure,28,


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