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1、山东枣庄的旅游英文导游词 导游词:是导游人员引导游客观光游览时的讲解词,是导游员同游客交流思想,向游客传播文化知识的工具,也是应用写作研究的文体之一。以下是山东枣庄的旅游英文导游词的资料,欢迎阅读参考。 Hello, everyone! Today, I would like to introduce you to the ancient city of tai-zhuang, which was suessfully abandoned on June 22, xx. My surname is wang, wang Yang, you can call me wang guide, hop

2、e you have a good trip! Taizi village is a famous world war ii city and canal city. It was formed in the han dynasty, developed in yuan, flourished in Ming and qing dynasties, and was given by emperor qianlong as the first city of heaven. Did you see it? Boys and girls, that piece of CARDS was writt

3、en by qianlong. In 1938, tai jie became a famous war city in China. Taierhchuang ancient city, the center of the world cultural heritage the bei * g-hangzhou grand canal, known as the most beautiful water, said, it is located in taierzhuang of zaozhuang of shandong province and shandong Sue organ of

4、 four provinces border. It is with the Warsaw eponymous only a city of the war of resistance against Japan memorial Asian cities, 53 war relics preservation, 3 km from the city of the Ming and qing dynasties period canal road travel experts organization called the ancient canal alive, eight architec

5、tural style be in harmony are an organic whole, is a seventy-two temples in. Ok, we will not say much, you see, the ancient city of the west is clearly engraved with the taizi zhuang three words, people can take photos to remember. After entering the gate, you can see a mailbox in the near future, w

6、here you can find out the various stamps issued by the qing dynasty. You see, that thing is not like a dragon boat? Boat, right, so this street is called boat street, look! This is the scene of the qianlong parade, the manchu costumes are not beautiful? This way, the wine cellar is still intact, and

7、 the wine is made in this way, and you can watch it carefully. Look at the walking cloud corridor over there how splendid it is and how delicate its architecture is. I hope you can have a good time. After half an hour, we will meet at the dock. Thank you! 翻译 各位游客,大家好!今天,就有我来给大家介绍xx年6月22日申遗成功的台儿庄古城。我

8、姓王,叫王洋,大家可以称呼我王导,希望大家旅途愉快! 台儿庄是一座二战名城,也是运河古城。它形成于汉,发展于元,繁荣于明清,还被乾隆皇帝御赐为“天下第一城”,看到了吗?小朋友们,那块牌就是当年乾隆所写。1938年,台儿庄大捷,一举成为中国抗战名城。 台儿庄古城世界文化遗产京杭大运河的中心点,素有“中华最美水乡”之称,它坐落于山东省枣庄市台儿庄区暨鲁苏豫皖的四省交界地带。它是与华沙齐名的亚洲仅有一座的抗战名城纪念城市,53处战争遗址保存完整,城内3公里的明清时代时期运河古道被旅游专家组织称为“活着的古运河”,是一座八大建筑风格融为一体,七十二座庙宇汇于好,我们不说多了,大家请看,这座古城西门上面还清楚地刻着繁体的“台儿庄”三个字,大家可以拍照留念。 进了大门,往南走不久,大家就可以看见一个邮筒,在这里可以了解大清王朝发行的各种邮票。大家看,那个东西像不像一条龙舟?船,对,所以这条街叫船形街,看!这就是当年乾隆巡游台儿庄的情景,满族的服饰漂不漂亮?这边的道昇酒坊还完整地保存着以前的酒窖,酒就是这么酿成的,大家可以细细观赏。 看那边的步云廊桥是多么金碧辉煌,它的建筑是多么精致。大家可以去那边的台儿庄大战纪念馆和李宗仁史料馆进行参观,希望大家能玩得高兴,半个小时后我们在码头集合,谢谢大家! 内容仅供参考


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