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1、第五单元 凝练翻译法,一 课前练笔 47 翻译方法讲解 47 不同译文鉴赏 51 商务词汇摘译 52 翻译练习 53,一、课前练笔,Shipping details, including whether transshipments are allowed. Also recorded should be the latest date of shipment and the names of the ports of shipment and discharged. (It may be in the best interest of the exporter of shipment to

2、be allowed “from any UK port” so that he has a choice if, for example, some ports are affected by strikes. The same applies for the port of discharge.) 译文: 装船细节:包括是否允许转运以及装船的最后日期和装船、卸货的港口名称。(就出口商而言,如能任选英国的任何港口装船最有利。如发生罢工等情况下,出口商有选择港口的余地。对卸货港口亦然。),二、翻译方法讲解,概念:将原文中不需要的成分略去不译,从而使得译文简洁晓畅,“文约而意丰”。 采取此法原因

3、:不同的语言间存在语法差异、表达差异、搭配差异、修辞差异、文化差异等,因此其紧凑简练的方式不一样。即:在一种语言的凝练表达中需要的成分,在另一种语言的凝练表达中有可能不需要,此时需采取凝练翻译法。 目的:使语言表达更为简洁,但不损害原文之意。,翻译实例 1:,You shall facilitate the foreign trade enterprises by adopting measures such as holiday appointment inspection application, telephone inspection application, advance insp

4、ection application, and clockwise wait for inspection. 译文:要通过采取节假日预约报检、电话报检、传真报检、提前报检、全天候候检等种种措施,为各家外贸企业提供便利。 注: 根据汉语语言习惯,对于泛指人称代词,汉语译文中通常需要将其省略而采用无主句来翻译。,From The Grammar Aspect,1. 在英语中,代词充当主语的情况相当多。为了使译文前后的句子意思紧凑,避免重复用词,汉语习惯采用无主句,其主语就是前面的代词。 He was thin and haggard and he looked miserable. 他消瘦而憔悴,

5、看上去痛苦不堪的样子,As you come into the room, youll notice a piano. 一进房间门,就会看见一台钢琴。 The products should be sampled to check their quality before they leave the factory. 产品出厂前应该进行抽样检查。,He took off his coat and shoes. Then he put on his slippers,went to the sofa and began to watch TV. 他脱了大衣和鞋子,然后穿上拖鞋,走到沙发前,开始

6、看电视。,. 作宾语的代词,翻译时也可以不译 Please take off the old picture and throw it away. 请把那张旧画摘下来扔掉。,Men and woman, old and young, all joined in the battle. 译文:男女老少都参加了战斗。(无并列连词) Smoking is prohibited in public places. 译文:公共场所不准吸烟。(无介词) The moon was slowly rising above the sea. 译文:月亮慢慢从海上升起。(无冠词),From the Rhetori

7、c Aspect,There was no snow, the leaves were gone from the trees, the grass was dead. 没有下雪,但已叶落草枯。,Poisons of opposing qualities are said, in ancient books of medicine, to have the power of counteracting each other.古代医书说,毒能攻毒。 (若译作性质相反的毒药有互相抵消的力量就显得啰嗦了),From the Semantics Aspect“It” 用于强调句中,没有实际意义,也不用

8、翻译It is only shallow people who judge by appearances.只有浅薄的人才会以貌取人,We should be pleased to let you have samplers to give a demonstration at your premises. 译文一:能为您奉赠品在贵厅展出,我们甚感欣慰。 译文二:欣奉我样品,在贵厅展出。 We are looking forward with interest to your reply. 译文一:我们带着极大的兴趣盼望贵方的答复。 译文二:盼复。,If one found the right

9、spot, then it was easy to bring up the liquid material. It was much easier to do that than to send men underground to chip out chunks of solid coal. 译文一: 如果找到了合适的地点,那么可以很容易地把石油这种液体物质抽上来,这样做要比把人送到地下铲出大块大块的固体煤容易得多。 译文二:如果找到了合适的地点,那么可以很容易地把石油这种液体物质抽上来,这样做要比把人送到地下铲出大块大块的煤容易得多。,A touch of downcastness an

10、d helplessness came over me as I realized how time had flown. Before I could sufficiently admire the scenery and enjoy the beauty of life, it was already autumn. 译文:时光流逝太快,还没有很好地一览风光,怎么就入了秋境呢?便觉有三分惆怅,三分无奈。 解析:本句为作者对人生的感慨。译文中缩减了“我”的主格、宾格和从属连词外,将“enjoy the beauty of life”译为更深层的含义“风光”,使得句子更加准确、全面。,翻译实例

11、 2:,It is regrettable that our business is still bad although we have marked down our price considerably. 译文:尽管我方已大幅下调价格,但我方的经营状况仍未见好转,这很令人遗憾。(省略代词),翻译实例 3:,Under the existing law, properties that can be entrusted are limited to money, securities, money claims, and movable and immovable assets. 译文:依

12、据现行法律,可以信托的财产限于金钱、证券、货币债权、动产和不动产。(省略被动语态/连系动词are),翻译实例 4:,The bank of Japan intervened in the market shortly before 3 p.m., when the U.S. currency was on the verge of falling below 123. 译文:当美元兑换日元快要降至低于123日元时,日本央行就会在下午3点钟不到的时候干预市场。(省略连系动词was),翻译实例 5:,It seems perverse that poor countries today prefe

13、r to buy low-yielding American bonds when they could earn higher returns by investing in their own economics. 译文一:穷国倾向于购买美国政府发行的低利率国债,这点有悖常理,因为倘若他们将这些盈余投资于本国经济,那么所能赚取的利润会更高。(59) 译文二:如今,贫穷的国家在自己投资本国经济时可以获取更高收益的情况下,更愿意购买低收益的美国政府债券,这似乎有悖常理。(55),但是,并非在任何时候都是字数少的表达即为凝练的表达。 凝练的表达就是充分再现所需表达的信息又不含冗余信息的表达。 衡

14、量凝练表达的标志:信息的传达具有完整性和充分性,文字的表述不存在冗余性。,翻译实例 6:,Yet money market funds have loans outstanding to French banks of around $200 billion, according to J.P. Morgan estimates. Thats about 12 percent of the assets under management, a proportion that hasnt changed much over the last year, according to a Fitch

15、survey of the 10 largest prime money market funds, despite Greeces financial woes. 译文一:然而据摩根大通的估计,货币市场基金已经给法国银行贷出了约2000亿美元的贷款。惠誉国际一份关于10大货币市场基金的调查显示,尽管希腊财政状况令人担忧,但这些贷款仍占了基金管理下资产的12%,与去年接近(95个字) 译文二:然而,根据世界500强摩根大通公司估计,货币市场基金向法国银行提供了约2000亿美元的贷款。这个数字,根据惠誉国际就10家最大的一流货币市场基金进行调查的结果显示,尽管希腊在财政方面经历了困难,却占据了其

16、所管理资产中的12%,这一比例在过去一年中均没有多大改观。(124个字),The products should be sampled to check their quality before they leave the factory. 产品在出厂前应进行抽样检查。 (省略代词、省略被动语态的be),2. The study group will discuss extending the depreciation period for structures such as bridges and tunnels according to their period of usability. 研究小组将根据可使用的年限,讨论延长诸如桥梁和隧道等建筑的折旧年限。 (省略代词),3. Should the buyers have to lodge a claim against the sellers, it must be done within 30 days after the arrival of the tanker at the port



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