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1、Unit 3(时间:30分钟满分:40分).单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1Hes perfectly_to live in the mountain and paint pictures all day,though he is badly off.Acurious Bproud Canxious Dcontent答案D考查形容词词义辨析。curious好奇的;proud骄傲的;anxious焦急的;content满足的。句意:尽管他清贫,但对于能够住在大山里面整天作画,他感到非常满足。2. The_look on his face showed that he hadnt

2、expected it.(2012南郑中学高三期中)Aastonished BastonishingCbeing astonished Dhaving astonished答案A考查形容词作定语。astonished look(因看到、听到或知道某事而)感到震惊的表情;astonishing look(表情本身)令人吃惊的表情。句意:他脸上吃惊的表情说明他是始料未及的。可知应选A项。3He was robbed last night, but_he didnt have much on him then.Afortunately BeventuallyCcertainly Dsurprisin

3、gly答案A考查副词词义辨析。fortunately幸运地;eventually最终;certainly当然;surprisingly吃惊地。句意:昨晚他被抢了,但幸运的是当时他没带多少钱。可知应选A项。4Jane, Peter has got a wellpaid job in a foreign company.You mean he is_than he used to be.Abadly off Bwell offCworse off Dbetter off答案C考查短语辨析。由句意“你的意思是他比以前有所好转了”可知应选better off than.比富有;worse off th

4、an.比更差。5Mr Green, who was_of the_speech, fell asleep.(2012黑龙江牡丹江一中高三期末)Atired; boring Btiring; boredCtired; bored Dtiring; boring答案A考查形容词用法。be tired of.对感到厌倦的;boring speech令人厌烦的演讲。句意:格林先生对乏味的演讲感到厌倦,睡着了。6Dont give up! If you work hard, you will_ this problem.(2012北京京源学校高三期中)Adefeat Brespond Cinspect

5、Dovercome答案D考查动词词义辨析。defeat打败;击败;respond回应;答复;inspect视察;检察;overcome克服(困难)。句意:不要放弃,只要你努力,你会克服这一问题的。7With the good care taken by doctors and nurses, many patients are beginning to_.Apick out Bturn upCturn out Dpick up答案D考查动词短语辨析。A项意为“挑选;辨认”;B项意为“出现;露面”;C项意为“结果(证明)是”;D项意为“(身体)好转”。句意:因为有医生和护士们的精心照料,很多病人

6、都处于康复当中。可知应选D项。8He was in the mountain for a year. He felt as if he was_from the outside world.Acut out Bcut offCcut up Dcut through答案B考查动词短语辨析。句意:他在山里住了一年,感觉好像与外界隔绝了一样。cut out删去;割掉;cut off切断;隔绝;cut up切开;切碎;cut through抄近路;克服。9The volunteers try to convince people_the fact that some species are in da

7、nger of_.(2012北京四中高三期末)Afor; dying away Babout; dying downCof; dying out Don; dying off答案C考查固定搭配和动词短语辨析。convince sb of sth说服某人相信某事;使某人信服某事;die away(声音、光线等)逐渐变弱;逐渐消失;die down(风、雨等)逐渐平息;变弱;die out灭绝;绝迹;die off相继死去;凋谢。句意:志愿者们努力使人们相信有些物种正处于频临灭绝的危险这一事实。10Whats the matter, doctor?Nothing serious.Take this

8、 medicine according to the_,and youll get better soon.Aintroductions BexplanationsCadvice Ddirections答案D考查名词词义辨析。introduction介绍;explanation解释;借口;advice建议;direction指导;说明(常用复数)。句意:根据说明服药,很快你就会好起来的。可知应选D项。11Unemployment is on the increase. A growing number of young people,_,are finding themselves out o

9、f work.Ain case Ball in allCin particular Din total答案C考查副词短语辨析。A项意为“万一”;B项意为“总之”;C项意为“尤其是”;D项意为“总起来”。由句意“失业正在增加,尤其是越来越多的年轻人发现他们无工作可干了。”可知应选C项。12_,I have to put it away and focus my attention on study this week.AHowever the story is amusingBNo matter amusing the story isCHowever amusing the story isD

10、No matter how the story is amusing答案C考查状语从句引导词的用法。However amusing the story isNo matter how amusing the story is.句意:无论这个故事多么有意思,本周我都必须把我的注意力集中于学习之上。13This is one of the explanations_people hang stockings in front of the fireplace for Father Christmas to put presents in.(2012江苏盐城中学高三期中)Awhy Bfor whic

11、hCfor why Dthat答案A考查名词性从句引导词。why引导同位语从句修饰explanation,并且why要在从句中作原因状语。句意:这是为什么人们要在火堆的前面挂上一只袜子让圣诞老人往里放礼物的解释之一。14It is reported that the government has_ the outbreak of violence by sending a large group of soldiers to police the area.(2012湖北黄冈中学高三月考)Agone for Breacted toCappealed to Dmade for答案B考查短语辨析。

12、A项意为“适应;喜爱”;B项意为“对做出反应;应对”;C项意为“呼吁;恳求”;D项意为“走向;导致”。句意:据报道,政府已经向发生暴力的地区派出了大批士兵以维持该地区秩序。15No matter how frequently_,the works of Beenthoven still attract people all over the world.Abeing performed BperformingCto be performed Dperformed答案D考查状语从句的省略用法。句子主语the works of Beenthoven与perform之间是动宾关系,故应用过去分词作状

13、语。No matter how frequently performed是让步状语从句No matter how frequently the works of Beenthoven were performed的省略形式。句意:贝多芬的作品无论演出多么频繁,都一样能吸引世界各地的人们。.阅读理解(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)If you feel at present that you dont have enough friends in your life,one reason may be that you have let yourself become too busy to spare the



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