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1、Unit 3 Section II 课时训练.单词拼写1All the children listened to his_(奇遇)with eager attention.答案:adventure2I opened the _(信封)and took out the letter from my parents.答案:envelope3We climbed higher so that we could see the_(景色)better.答案:scene4He is a creative student who always has many_(新奇的)ideas.答案:novel5His

2、 only_(缺点)is that he lacks experience.答案:fault.短语填空account for,bring up,on the contrary,by accident,as a matter of fact,be set in1The story _ the early days of World War .答案:is set in2He gave a lot of attention and thoughts to_his children.答案:bringing up3I found your pen _ when I was cleaning the ro

3、om.答案:by accident4_,he didnt have anything.答案:As a matter of fact5He could not_ his absence from school.答案:account for6It doesnt seem ugly to me;_,I think its rather beautiful.答案:on the contrary.单项填空1Peter must be ill.Its the only thing that can_his strange behavior.Alie inBresult fromCaccount for D

4、explain about解析:句意:彼得一定是生病了,这是惟一可以解释他古怪行为的理由。lie in“在于”;result from“起因于”;account for“导致;做出解释”;explain是及物动词,后面不用接介词。答案:C2When I was reading the book,I _ some mistakes.Acleaned BlimitedCspotted Dawarded解析:句意:我在看书时发现了一些错误。spot“认出,发现”,符合句意。clean“清洁;清理”;limit“限制;限定”;award“授予;判定”。 答案:C3After the explosion

5、,the factory was a_of total confusion.Ascene BsituationCview Dbenefit解析:句意:爆炸之后,整个工厂陷入完全混乱之中。scene“现场;场面”,常指展现在眼前的情景,符合句意。situation“形势;境遇”;view“视野;风景”,常指人从一定的角度所看到的景色;benefit“利益;好处”。 答案:A4His mind is _ and he doesnt know what the teacher says.Awondering BwanderingCwalking Dwashing解析:句意:他心不在焉,根本不知道老师

6、在说什么。wander“漫游;漫步”,此处用其引申意义,符合句意。wonder“想知道”;walk“步行”;wash“洗澡;洗涤”。 答案:B5Rose was born in Hong Kong but _ in the USA,because her parents went there to work for some reason.Abrought out Bbrought upCtaken out Dtaken up解析:句意:罗斯在香港出生,但在美国长大,因为她的父母因为某种原因去了那里工作。bring out使表现出;bring up抚养;take out取出;take up从事

7、。答案:B6I met my old friend _ on my way home from work.Aby mistake Bby choiceCby the way Dby accident解析:句意:在下班回家的路上我偶然遇到了我的老朋友。by accident偶然。答案:D7Would you mind if I turned off the light? _.AYes,go aheadBNo,please dontCGo ahead,please DCertainly,do as you please解析:句意:关掉灯你介意吗?请关吧。A项意为:介意,关吧;B项意为:不介意,请不

8、要关;D项意为:当然介意,愿意关就请关吧;C项意为:请关吧。故C项正确。答案:C8When the thief found the police had already _him,he ran away quickly.Arealized BknownCspotted Dstared解析:句意:当这个贼发现警察已经发现了他时,他迅速地跑了。realize“意识到”;know“知道”;spot“发现”;stare“盯着看”,后加at,再接宾语。答案:C9We are currently_new ways of expanding our membership.Asearching Bseekin

9、gCexploring Ddiscovering解析:句意:我们现在正在寻求新方法来扩大组织规模。若选A项,需要加上for;seek“寻找,寻求”;explore“探索”;discover“发现”。答案:B10It was how the young man had learned five foreign languages _ attracted the audiences interest.Aso that BthatCwhat Din which解析:本句为强调句型,强调了主语部分how the young man had learned five foreign languages。

10、答案:B11(2011安徽高考)If you_faults but you still want the bicycle,ask the shop assistant to reduce the price.Acome across Bcare aboutClook for Dfocus upon解析:句意:如果你偶然发现了缺陷,但是你仍然想买那辆自行车的话,你可以让商店售货员降价。come across表示“偶然发现”。后三项分别表示“关心”“寻找”“集中(注意力)于”,都不符合语境。答案:A12You seem to show interest in what you are doing.

11、 What?_,Im getting bored of it.AOn the contrary BWhats moreCThats to say DOn the other hand解析:句意:你似乎对你所做的很感兴趣。什么?恰恰相反,我开始对它感到厌烦了。on the contrary“正相反”,符合句意。whats more“另外”;thats to say“也就是说”;on the other hand“另一方面”。答案:A13I was watching TV in the room_the doorbell rang.Awhile BwhenCthe moment Dsince解析:

12、句意:我正在房间里看电视,这时门铃响了。“was/were doing.when.”“正在做这时”。答案:B14Why should I say sorry when its not my_?Achance BchangeCfault Dturn解析:句意:又不是我的错为什么我应该道歉?chance“机会”;change“变化”;fault“错误”;turn“顺序”。答案:C15How did you find your missing key? _.AI found it in my drawerBQuite by accidentCIt was well kept by the monit

13、orDI had no idea where it was解析:句意:你是怎么找到丢失的钥匙的?很偶然。故选B项。答案:B.完形填空When she was younger,Professor Yang Jia dreamed of being like characters in the books she read.She once _1_ herself as the strongwilled and independent Jane Eyre or the rich and beautiful Tonia from the novel How the Steel was Tempere

14、d._2_,she ended up more like the blind _3_ in those same booksJane Eyres husband Mr.Rochester,and Pavel Korchagin,the hero who _4_ his disability to achieve success.Yang _5_ Zhengzhou University when she was 15.She showed a _6_ for studying and topped her class every year.After three years of teaching at Zhengzhou University following her _7_,Yang continued to gain her masters degree at a university in Beijing and then taught there.Everything was going on _8_:She married and joyfully received her baby.She thought she would live on happily li


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