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1、 第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。1. Where is Mary now? A. In the library. B. In the womans office.C. In the classroom.2. What does the woman mean?A. She is warm enough.B. She wants to go to the garden. C. She has to study.3. What will the speakers do together?A. Take a ride. B. Hold a party. C.

2、 Go camping.4. What did the woman dislike during the holiday?A. The transportation.B. The food. C. The weather.5. When will the two speakers probably go to the concert? A. At 7:45.B. At 8:30. C. At 10:00.第二节 (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)请听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What difficulties may the woman come across?A. No expe

3、rience and employees. B. Not enough money and a proper place.C. Not enough money and experience.7. What can we learn about the woman?A. She is determined.B. She is unsure. C. She is disappointed.请听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. Where is the flat?A.On a busy road.B. Far from the city center. C. On a river bank.9.

4、 Which of the following is TRUE about the flat?A. It has three bedrooms.B. It has parking places. C. It has a big living room.10. When do they decide to meet?A. This afternoon. B. Tomorrow morning. C. This evening.请听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. What will the man do with the womans phone?A. He will call his f

5、ather. B. He will check his email. C. He will take a photo.12. What was the matter with the mans phone? A.It was stolen. B. It broke down. C. It was left at home.13. What are they likely to do next? A. To answer a phone. B. To find a public phone. C. To buy a new mobile phone.请听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14. W

6、hat is the man surprised to learn? A. The library opens at 8:00. B. None of the books he needs is available. C. The books he needs cant be taken out of the library. 15. What does the woman suggest the man do? A. Come early tomorrow and have another try. B. Wait for the books for all the afternoon. C

7、. Borrow the same books from Professor Smith.16. Whats the relationship between the two speakers? A. Professor and student. B. Librarian and student. C. Classmates.请听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Why do people consider the speaker strange?A. There is no television in his home. B. He doesnt make friends.C. He

8、 likes to stay at home for most of the time.18. Why is the speakers wife interested in learning foreign languages?A. Because she has some foreign friends.B. Because it helps when they travel abroad.C. Because she works in a foreign company.19. What are the couples common hobbies?A. Cooking and listening. B. Singing and playing chess. C. Collecting and listening to music. 20. Whats the main idea of the passage?A. People cant live without television.B. Why people should have hobbies.C. Life is possible without television.【答案】CBACB CAAAB BBCBA BABBC


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