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1、学习课题Unit 7 What s the highest mountain in the world? 学习目标基础知识梳理 +形容词副词比较级和最高级 学习重难点 1 掌握单词和短语 2形容词副词的比较级和最高级 本节知识 短语达标 1. as big as _ 2. one of the oldest countries _ 3. feel free to do sth. _ 4. as far as I know _ 5. man-made objects _ 6. part of. _ 7. the highest mountain _ 8. in the world _ 9. an

2、y other mountain _ 10. of all the salt lakes _ 11. run along _ 12. freezing weather _ 13. take in air _ 14. the first people to do sth. _ 15. in the face of difficulties _ 16. give up doing sth. _ 17. achieve one s dream _ 18. the forces of nature _ 19. reach the top _ 20. even though _ 21. at birth

3、 _ 22. be awake _ 23. run over with excitement _ 24. walk into sb. _ 25. fall over _ 26. take care of _ 27. every two years _ 28. cut down the forests _ 29. endangered animals _ 30. fewer and fewer pandas _ 31. be in danger _ 32. the importance of saving these animals _ 重点知识梳理 1. feel free to do sth

4、. 指你想做什么就做什么,别介意我的看法,有“放松点 ,别紧张”的意思. Feel free to ask me anything about this book. 关于这本书有什么问题尽管问,放松点。 2. the main reason was to protect China. 主要的原因是为了保护中国。 protect 表“保护”的意思。To protect China 是不定式表目的,做目的状语。为了保护中国。 3.as you can see 正如你所见 As you can see, everyone is studying hard. 正如你所见,每个人都在努力学习。 4.as

5、 far as I know 据我所知。 as far as 用于本义,意为“与一样远”“一直到” 。 We walked as far as the river. 我们一直走到河边。 用于引申义,意为“就而言”“从来看” “尽所能” “只要”。 As far as I know, that is highly unlikely. 就我所知,那是极不可能的。 5.man-made 作形容词用,就是“人造的”(非自然的)意思。 man-made flowers 人造花 6. mountain climbing 登山运动 Mountain climbing is very dangerous. 登

6、山运动是非常危险的。 7. run along 延伸到 The Himalayas run along the southwestern part of China. 喜马拉雅山脉一直延伸到中国的西南部。 8. include 包括 The most famous singers include Lady Gaga, Katy Perry and Lisa. 最流行的歌手里包括嘎嘎女士,凯蒂和丽萨。 9.take in 吸入 On the top of the mountain, it s very difficult to take in air.在山顶上,吸入空气是非常困难的。 10.th

7、e first to do sth. 第一个做某事的人 He is always the first to finish homework. 他总是第一个完成家庭作业。 11.risk one s life 冒着生命危险 The climbers risk their lives to climb the Qomolangma. 登山者们冒着生命危险攀登珠穆朗玛峰。 12.challenge 挑战 He takes part in the team to challenge himself. 他加入这支队伍是为了挑战自己。 13. give up doing 放弃做(某事) I will ne

8、ver give up studying. 我将永远不会放弃学习。 14.achieve our dreams 实现我们的梦想 We should do our best to achieve our dreams. 我们应该进我们最大的努力去时间我们的梦想。 15.be awake 醒了 I feel hungry when I am awake. 当我醒了的时候我感觉饿。 16. they run over with excitement and some of them even walk into their friends and fall over! run over 跑上前去 o

9、ver adv.穿越;从的一边到另一边 e.g. She ran over to say hello, but I didn t recognize her.她跑过来打招呼,但我没有认出她来。 run over with excitement 兴奋地跑 The class is over, all the students run over with excitement. 下课了,所有的学生都兴奋地跑了起来。 17.fall over 绊倒 There is a stone and I fall over. 那里有个石头,把我绊倒了。 18.be special to 对很特别 This i

10、s my mum s book, it s very special to me. 这是我妈妈的书,对我来说很特别。 19.spend doing sth. 花费时间做某事 She spends more than 10 hours a day studying.她一天要花至少10 小时学习。 20. remaining forest 剩余的森林 Remaining 动名词作定语,剩下的remaining cakes 剩下的蛋糕 21. a lot more than 比多的多 The whale weighs a lot more than the panda. 鲸鱼比熊猫重的多。 22.

11、At birth, a baby panda is about birth v. 出生at birth 出生时 e.g. Man s nature at birth is good. 人之初,性本善。 give birth to 生(孩子);产生 e.g. My aunt gave birth to a beautiful baby girl yesterday. 昨天我婶婶生下一个漂亮的小女孩。 23. A panda can live up to 20 to 30 years. up to 到达(数量,程度等) ;不多于 e.g. In some area of Africa, children get educated up to 12 years old. 在非洲的一些地区,孩子最多受教育到12 岁。 24. walk into (走路时意外)撞上 e.g. As he was thinking too deeply and not playing attention to where he was going, he walked straight into a tree. 由于他陷入深思,没有注意看路,径直撞到了一棵树上。 25.



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