Period 2 Section A 3a-3c精编版

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1、Unit 10,By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.,had + past participle form,The Past Perfect Tense过去完成时,2.主要是表示在过去某个时间,或是 动作之前已经发生或完成的动作. 也就是过去的过去.,过去完成时态的用法:,1、表示过去的过去,通常由before或by引导的短语做时间状语 By the end of last year, I _(learn) about one thousand English words. 2.通常由by the time, when, be

2、fore, after, as, until等引导的时间状语从句做时间状语 By the time he was twenty, he _(win) about ten medals. When I got there, they _already _(leave).,3、常用在宾语从句中 He told me he _ already _(finish) his homework. I realized he _(fool) me again. 4、体现在上下文中 I didnt go to the movies yesterday because I _ (see) it twice.,C

3、hallenge,过去式和过去分词 1. have _ _ 2. go _ _ 3. get _ _ 4.oversleep _ _ 5.leave _ _ 6. run _ _,had,went,gone,overslept,got,gotten,left,ran,run,had,overslept,left,7. eat 8. do/ does 9. bring 10. drink 11. be 12. take 13. know 14. rise 15. throw,ate eaten,did done,brought brought,drank drunk,was/were been,

4、took taken,knew known,rose risen,threw thrown,Challenge,难点突破,写出下面动词的过去式和过去分词(16-22) 16. break_ 17. ring _ 18. wake_ 19. come_ 20. ride _ 21. make_ 22. forget_,broke broken,rang rung,waked / woke waked / woken,came come,rode ridden,made made,forgot forgotten,Speaking-freely : By the time or When,Liu

5、Mei wake up,the concert End/be over,By the time Liu Mei woke up, the concert had ended.,the policeman get to the shop,Tom run away,By the time the policeman got to the shop, Tom had run away.,1. I _up late this morning.(醒来) 2. Have you ever _?(睡过头) 3. After I got to the cinema, the film _already.(开始

6、) 4. He _(完成) his homework before I came here. 5. By the end of last year, she_ (学)to swim for 3 years.,一Fill in the blanks.,From 3a to 3c,Section A,New words,1. go off 发出响声 2. rush 冲;奔 v. 3. run off 跑掉;迅速离开 4. on time 准时 5. lock 锁上;锁 n. 18. 忘记去做 19. 一个亲戚的生日 20.停止运转,自我检测,Ive never _ _ _ school, but

7、yesterday I came very _. My alarm clock didnt _ _, and by the time I _ _, my father had already _ _ the bathroom and I had to _ _ him to come out. I had to really rush. I _ _ _ _, had some breakfast, and then _ _ _ the bus stop.,Retell the text,_, by the time I got there, the bus had already left. I

8、 _ _, but I knew I couldnt get to school _ _. _, my friend Tony and his Dad _ _ in his dads car and they _ _ _ _. When I got to school, the _ bell was _. I only just _ _ to my class.,Retell 3a,Ive never been late for school, but yesterday I came very close. My alarm clock didnt go off, and by the ti

9、me I woke up, 1. my father went into the bathroom. 2. I waited for him to come out. 3. I took a quick shower, had some breakfast, ran off to the bus stop. 4. The bus had left. 5. I started walking. 6. Tonys father gave me a ride. 7. I got to school. 8. The bell was ringing. 9. I made it to my class.

10、,Have you ever overslept? Have you ever been late for school? Have you ever forgotten to bring your homework to school? Have you ever locked your keys in your house? Have you ever forgotten a relatives birthday? Have you ever forgotten a doctors or dentists appointment?,Choose one to answer,Have you

11、 ever overslept?,Yes, I have.,Why did you overslept?,Because I stayed up watching TV.,I was sleeping soundly when the alarm clock went off. I didnt hear it go off.,Were you late for class? ,What did the teacher say? ,3b&3c-pairwork,A: Have you ever been late for school? B: Yes, I have. A: Why were y

12、ou late? B: Because the bus broke down. A: what happened next? B: -,Have you ever overslept? Have you ever been late for school? Have you ever left your homework at home? Have you ever locked your keys in your house? Have you ever forgotten a relatives birthday? Have you ever forgotten a doctors or

13、dentists appointment?,Pair work,Choose one question to make a conversation like the one in 3c,Choose the right answer:,A: Why dont you have a notebook with you? B: Ive _it at home A. lost B. forgotten C. left D. found 2. When my mum_ , she realized she had left her bag on the bus. A. got on a bus B.

14、 got home C. got along D. got in the way 3. The students _ busily when Mrs. White went to get a book she _ in the classroom. A. had written , left B. were writing , has left C. had written , had left D. were writing , had left,随堂训练,用所给词的适当形式填空 1. By the time the policeman got here, Tom _ (run) away. 2. By the time his grandma came home, Peter _ ( have) breakfast. 3. When he _(is) a kid, he had played basketball. 4. When I got home, I realized I had _ (forgotten / left) my mobile phone (手机) at school. 5. When I got home, I realize



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