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1、1,TI Automotive 8D Problem Solving TI Automotive 问题解决8D(8条规则),What is the 8D process? 何谓8D流程? Why address problem solving using 8Ds? 为何在问题解决方面运用8D? What inhibitors exist to efficient problem solving? 高效解决问题存在哪些阻力? Disciplines 1 through 8 规则1到8 Horizontal 8Ds 横向分析8D 8D Forms 8D规则的形式 Launch Lunacy Exe

2、rcise 开始疯狂练习 8D Quiz 8D规则测验,2,Flowchart For Problem Resolution问题解决方案流程图,Dont Mess With It! 不要混淆!,YES 是,NO 不是,YES 是,YOU IDIOT! 你犯错了!,NO 没有,Will it Blow Up In Your Hands? 是否在你手里被毁?,NO 不是,Look The Other Way 关注其它方式,Anyone Else Knows? 还有谁了解?,Youre SCREWED! 你受到胁迫!,YES 是,YES 有,NO 没有,Hide It 隐瞒,Can You Blam

3、e Someone Else? 你能责备他人吗?,NO 不,NO PROBLEM! 没有问题!,Yes能,Is It Working? 可行吗?,Did You Mess With It? 你是否搅混?,3,What is the 8D (Eight Discipline) Problem Solving Process? 何谓8(8条规则)问题解决流程? 8D is a STANDARDIZED method to resolve a problem when the CAUSE of the problem is UNKNOWN. 当问题的起因不明时, 8D是一个解决问题的标准化模式。 8

4、D is a FORMAT to communicate corrective actions. 8D是对一个纠正措施进行沟通的格式。 A method to increase awareness and to report progress on improvements. 一种提升了解度和报告进展的方式。 8D is a problem solving tool. 8D是一种解决问题的工具。 As a process, 8Ds should be started from the moment a problem becomes evident. 作为一个流程, 8D应该在问题变明显时启动

5、。 As a standard, 8D is a code of conduct:. 作为一种标准,8D是行为守则。 Fact based 以事实为依据 Data driven 以数据为导向 Commitment to attack the root cause - not the symptoms 追寻问题根源而非表象,4,Inhibitors to Efficient Problem Solving:阻碍有效解决问题的几大因素:,Problem is not described correctly. 未正确阐述问题。 The problem description must be focu

6、sed enough for the team to handle effectively. 问题阐述必须被足够重视,使团队能有效解决。 The problem solving effort is excessively expedited. 问题解决过分迅速。 Steps are skipped to obtain a quick solution. 为快速获得问题解决方案而省略一些步骤。 Poor team participation. 团队参与性差 Not all the team members participated effectively. 并非所有团队成员都能有效参与。 The

7、 team failed to consider all the possible causes. 团队未将问题起因考虑周全。 No logical thought process used. 未采纳合理思考过程。 Problem solving effort lacks the discipline to prioritize, analyze and review the problem. 解决问题过程中缺少对其分类、分析和评估的规则。,5,Inhibitors to Efficient Problem Solving: (continued)阻碍有效解决问题的几大因素:(续),Lack

8、of technical skills. 缺少技能。 Problem solvers are not trained in problem solving methods, data analysis. 解决问题者在解决方法和数据资料分析方面未受过培训。 Management Impatience. 管理急躁 Excessively aggressive timetable prohibits a proper problem description, adequate analysis, root cause determination and effective implementatio

9、n of corrective actions. 过分急进的日程表阻碍合适的问题阐述、足够的分析,问题根源确定和有效实施纠正措施。 Potential root cause mis-identified as THE root cause. 错把问题的可能原因当作问题的真正根源。 Problem recurs because the real root cause is missed. 因没有认清问题的真正根源导致问题重现。 Permanent corrective action not implemented. 没有实施永久性的纠正措施。 Management does not agree

10、with the teams solution; does not approve corrective actions recommended. 管理部门不同意团队的解决方案;不批准建议的纠正措施。,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,Why address problems with the 8 Discipline Technique?为何以8条规则的技巧来解决问题,Historical Problem Solving Methods 传统解决问题的方式 Three times as long and three times as expensive as prevention

11、. 在问题防御方面需要多花三倍的时间和经费 52% of problems recur. 问题重复率达52% Therefore 因此 80% of time is spent on resolving routine problems. 80%的时间花在解决常规问题上 The organization is characterized as good at “situational control” -Fire Fighters. 机构被认为是 善于“局面控制”救火员 。 Problem solving historically performed at executive (expert)

12、 levels. 以往都是由管理(专家)层来解决问题,8D - Planning 3 to 5 members. 团队规模;3到5人 Champion 支持者 Has ownership of the problem. 问题的所有人 Supports the final decision. 支持最终决策 Has authority to implement the final decision. 具有执行最终决策的权利 Assists the team by: 通过以下几点支持团队 Setting the importance of the task. 设定任务重点 Maintains pre

13、ssure to complete the task 不断施压以完成任务。 Provides leadership. 提供领导 Reviews the teams progress. 评估团队的进展 Leader 领导者 Group Member 组员 Serves as the project manager. 担当项目经理 Assures that the team completes the task. 确保团队完成任务 Sets the meeting dates. 设定会议日期 Establishes the agenda. 制定会议议程 Has ultimate control w

14、ithin the team. 在团队内部具有完全控制权 Sets goals and objectives. 设定目标,Become aware of the problem. 意识到问题 Form a team. 组成一个团队,1.,16,8 Discipline Problem Solving Technique 条规则解决问题的技巧,Team members. 团队成员 Body of the task force. 特别工作组 Have the required skills. 具所需技能 Committed to follow the 8D process. 严格遵循8条规则 Mu

15、st have good judgement; expected to make competent evaluations and recommendations. 必须具备良好的判断力,能作出恰当的评估和建议。 Recorder 记录员 Group Member 组员 Takes notes and publishes/distributes minutes. 作笔记和公布/分发会议纪要。 Assists leader with meeting logistics. 协助领导做好会议后勤工作。 Tracks and records significant non-team member c

16、ontributions. 跟踪和记录非团队成员所作的重大贡献。 Takes care of administrative details. 关注管理方面的细节。 Manages the data storage. 作好数据/资料存档。 Facilitator 促进者 Optional position. 可选角色 Neutral to subject content. 主题的中立者 Encourages participation. 鼓励参与 Expert in group processes. 团队流程中的专家 Monitors and steers the group toward the declared objective. 监控和驾驭团队朝所定目标努力,17,8 Discipline Problem Solving Technique 条规则解决问题的技巧,Problem description is the key element of problem solving. 问题阐述是问题解决过程中的关键环节 It is a descript


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