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1、分类号 密级 U D C 编号 本科毕业论文(设计) 题目 对管理会计的剖析 标题,20号字,加粗,居中系 别 继续教育学院 专 业 名 称 会计(注册会计师方向) 年 级 2007级 学 生 姓 名 李塞英 学 号 017607210497 指 导 教 师 李厚华 专业名称、班级,14号字,加粗,居中,对齐,姓名,14号字,加粗,居中,对齐, 学号,14号字,加粗,居中,对齐,导师,14号字,加粗,居中,对齐二0一一年十月日期,14号字,加粗,居中,对齐摘要:中文“摘要”后面加上的冒号均用宋体小四号加黑,相应具体内容紧接冒号之后,用宋体,小四号,不加黑;“摘要”字数为200400个字符管理会


3、速发展和市场竞争的加剧,企业的财务环境受其影响发生了极大的变化,为了适应我国经济的发展,实现市场经济条件下的良性循环,有必要在我国推广管理会计。本文系运用规范研究的方法进行专题研究,结合当前经济形势分析管理会计在我国的运用,分别从我国管理会计的现状;我国管理会计发展面临的障碍及解决对策;设想管理会计发展的新趋势三个方面进行阐述以供有识之士商权。本文创新主要体现在结合当今经济发展状况,深入剖析我国管理会计发展状况和面临障碍,提出了有针对性的解决对策。关键词:中文“关键词”后面加上的冒号,均用宋体小四号加黑, “关键词”必须是词组,且一般在35个之间,不加黑;“关键词”中词组与词组之间要空两格,以

4、便于区分。管理会计;发展状况;障碍;对策 论文“正文”部分的表述及排版打印格式1正文部分单独起页,从1开始排序编排和打印页码数。(目录以前不需要设页码)2论文“正文”部分的论述可以有三级以下标题。3论文“正文”的一级标题顶格开始排版、二级、三级标题者自顶格起空两格开始排版。4论文“正文”部分的一级标题用宋体小三号加黑打印;二级标题用宋体四号加黑打印;三级以下标题均用宋体小四号加黑打印。其他内容(除论文注释、图表说明外)均用宋体小四号打印,不加黑。论文注释和图表说明用宋体五号打印。毕业论文(设计)总体打印规范要求1各部分的字体和字号,执行上述各部分的规定。2页边距:上3厘米、下2.5厘米,左3厘

5、米,右2.5厘米,左侧装订。3、行间距为24磅。4统一采用A4纸打印,加封面装订。 5.目录一律采用自动生成方式编辑。 Abstract:“Abstract”、“Key words”用Times New Roman字体,小四号加黑,相应具体内容紧接冒号之后,用Times New Roman字体,小四号,不加黑。Management Accounting is the accounting and management of a direct combination of comprehensive discipline, which is based on modern management

6、theory, the use of a range of specialized methods and techniques of financial accounting and statistical information and other relevant information for recognition, measurement, sorting , comparison and analysis, for the organization at all levels of management throughout the organization and its va

7、rious units responsible for current and future forecast of economic activity, decision-making, planning, control and evaluation of assessment for the management of its resources rational allocation and use of provide scientific basis for optimal decision-making.Human society entered the 21st century

8、 the era of knowledge economy, economic development, showing a growing market-oriented, knowledge, information and globalization trends in this context, the international accounting development is faced with new challenges, especially the Enron case, etc. a series of accounting for the occurrence of

9、 false accounting and practice have had a tremendous impact on traditional financial accounting has been unable to meet the needs of contemporary economic developmentIn recent years, he financial environment affected by significant changes have taken place, in order to adapt to the economic developm

10、ent of Chinas market economy to achieve a virtuous circle, it is necessary to promote the management in China accounting.This article studies the use of normative methods of study, Combined with the current economic situation, analysis and management accounting in China the use of management account

11、ing from the current situation in our country; the development of management accounting in our country is facing obstacles and solve the problem; envisaged the development of new management accounting trends in the three areas for people to right.This article is mainly reflected in the combination o

12、f innovation in todays economic development, in-depth analysis of the development of management accounting in China and the obstacles facing the proposed solution targeted.Key words: “Abstract”、“Key words”用Times New Roman字体,小四号加黑,相应具体内容紧接冒号之后,用Times New Roman字体,小四号,不加黑。 Management accountant; Develo

13、p status; Obstacle; Countermeasure目 录宋体,小二,加黑居中。一级标题加黑,二级标题不加黑引论1一、我国管理会计的现状1(一)管理会计在我国起步较晚2(二)管理会计在我国大多数企业被忽略3(三)管理会计在我国取得了一定的成果也存在一些问题4二、我国管理会计发展面临的障碍4(一)管理会计的理论与实践脱节5(二)管理会计的发展不适应知识经济的挑战5(三)会计人员素质与管理会计要求有一定差距6三、针对我国管理会计现状与障碍提出解决对策6(一)充分运用管理会计强化企业管理层的管理意识6(二)建立管理会计系统与理论相结合的企业管理模式7(三)走管理会计与会计电算化相结合




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