牛津译林版英语八上Unit 2《School life》(Grammar)ppt课件

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1、,Unit 2 School life,Grammar,【学习目标】 1. 通过预习,了解more-than, fewer-than和less-than的用法。 2. 了解the most, the fewest和the least的用法。 3. 学会运用副词的比较级和最高级。,最少的; 最小的 (原级_ ) 2. 较远 3. 最远,least / fewest,farther / further,farthest / furthest,小组合作朗读单词(整齐,响亮),little / few,小组合作朗读词组(整齐,响亮),1.比-多 more-than 2.比-少 fewer-than(可

2、数) 3.比-少 less-than(不可数) 4吃的番茄更多 have more tomatoes (吃的香蕉更少 have fewer bananas) 5. 吃的饭更少 have less rice 6.吃的番茄最 have the fewest tomatoes,7.喝的果汁最少 have the least juice 8.学习八门课程 study 8 subjects 9.学的课程更多/少 study more/fewer subjects 10.学的课程最多/少 study the most/the fewest subjects 11.在我们三个中 (among us thre

3、e) among the three of us 12.在三个俱乐部里/参加三个俱乐部 in three clubs (join three clubs),13.在更多/少的俱乐部里 in more/fewer clubs 14. 在最多/少的俱乐部里 in the most/the fewest clubs 15.有许多/一点儿空余时间 have much/a little free time 16.有最多/少的空余时间 have the most/the least free time 17.绘画好/更好/最好 draw well/better/the best,18.我班的任何一个其他学

4、生 any other student in my class = any other of my classmates (我的任何一个其他同学) 19.我的所有其他同学 all my other classmates = the other students in my class (我班的其他学生) 20.米莉在跑步比赛中得了第三名。 Millie came third in the race.,21.她跑得比米莉快。 She ran faster than Millie. 22.埃米在比赛中第一个到达,她跑得最快。 Amy came first in the race. She ran

5、the fastest.,_,_,_,_,_,_,of all.,of all.,of the three.,1. fewer -than译为: ,后面 接 ,反义短语_ Millie的香蕉比Kitty少。 Millie Kitty. 桑迪的钢笔比安迪的少。 Sandy Andy. 这个箱子的苹果比那个箱子的少。 There are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.,has fewer bananas than,more than,has fewer pens than,fewer apples in this box than in that one,比少,可数名词复数,学海拾贝,2 m

6、ore-than译为 ,用来比较数量, 后面可跟 ,也可以跟 名词。你知道 它的反义短语吗? / 。 Millie的西红柿比Daniel多。 Millie _ _ _ _ Daniel. 我家里人比你家里人多。There are in my family . 这个杯子里的果汁比那个杯子里的多。 There in this glass _.,has more tomatoes than,比多,可数名词,不可数,fewer than/ less than,more people,than in yours,is more juice,than in that one,3. less-than译为:

7、 ; 反义短语为_ Millie的果汁比Kitty的少。 Millie _ _ _ _ Kitty. 今年这儿的雨水没有去年多。 There is this year than last year.,比少,more than,has less juice than,less rain here,4more than译为 ,后面可跟 词,反义词less than-译为 . 你能在不到10分钟的时间内完成这项工作吗?Can you finish the work _ _ _ ?,in,less than 10 minutes,少于,不到,多于、超过,房间里有二十多个人。 There are _ i

8、n the room. 昨晚我花了两个多小时完成我的家庭作业。 It_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ my homework last night.,more than twenty people,took me more than two hours to do,Kitty has the most eggs. Daniel has the fewest tomatoes. Millie has the least juice.,最多,many,much,the most,fewest,least,fewest,可数,least,不可数,the fewest,the least,5.Kitty

9、的鸡蛋最多。 Daniel的西红柿最少。 Millie的果汁最少 。 _ most译为 ,是 和 的最高级。 Jim has (many) toys of them. most的反义词是 / , _后跟 名词 ; 后跟 名词 。 There are (少) students in our class. There is (少) juice in this glass of the three.,more,fewer,most,more,fewer,fewest,less,more,least,most,6.Sandy在我们所有人中画画画得最好。Sandy _ _ _ of _ _. 此句中的_

10、 可以省略(即副词最高级前的the可以省略)。 副词的比较级与最高级的构成与形容词的比较级与最高级的构成规则一样。,draws the best,us all,the,(1) hard _ _ high_ _ fast_ _ long_ _ late_ _ (2) quickly_ _ carefully_ _ clearly_ _ slowly_ _ easily_ _ happily_ _ quietly_ _ healthily_ _ (3)一些不规则副词的变化 well_ _ badly_ _ far_/_ _/_,harder,hardest,higher,highest,faste

11、r,fastest,longer,longest,later,latest,more ,most ,more ,more ,more ,more ,more ,more ,more ,most ,most ,most ,most ,most ,most ,most ,better,best,worse,worst,farther,further,farthest,furthest,大多数单音节的副词后加er/est,两个或两个以上音节的副词(特别是以ly结尾的 副词),应在前面加more/most,形容词与副词词形变的单词有:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _等 8.well (adj)身体好 b

12、e well/ feel well ; 其余(adv)强调动词 dance well/ play baseball well Are you feeling _(well) today? No, Im even _(ill). In the talent show, I performed well and Ann did even_ (well),far,near,late,early,high,fast,long,hard,better,worse,better,_.,_,_,fast-faster-fastest,well,better,the best,high,higher,the

13、highest,fast,faster,the fastest,quickly,more quickly,the most quickly,How _ (quick) the monkey climbed that tree! I cannot understand you. Would you speak _ (clear)? 3. Among my friends, Leo does his homework _ (carefully). Mike works _ (hard) than any other student in our class. 5. Daniel likes playing computer games. He always plays _(well) of all.,quickly,more clearly,the most carefully,harder,the best,1. Im very tired. I cant go any _(远) 2. .Jim goes to Britain for _ (far) study. 3. She draws _ (careful) than any other student in her class. 4. M


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