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1、疑犯追踪 第四季 第 16-20 集 Person of Interest 2014英中字幕文档号:HLDOC20150506004 创建时间: 5/6/2015 12:06:29 PM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档! (第 1 / 94 页)目录第 16 集 .2第 17 集 .21第 18 集 .40第 19 集 .60第 20 集 .77疑犯追踪 第四季 第 16-20 集 Person of Interest 2014英中字幕文档号:HLDOC20150506004 创建时间: 5/6/2015 12:06:29 PM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档! (第 2 / 94 页)第 16

2、集We are being watched. E016 我们被监视着The government has a secret system- 政府有一套秘密系统a machine that spies on you every hour of every day. 一台每时每刻都在监控你的机器I designed the machine to detect acts of terror, 我设计这台机器是为了侦测恐怖行动but it sees everything. 但它却看到了一切Violent crimes involving ordinary people. 牵涉普通人的暴力罪行The g

3、overnment considers these people irrelevant. 政府认为这些人无关紧要We dont. 我们不Hunted by the authorities, we work in secret. 受当局追捕 我们只能秘密活动You will never find us. 你永远找不到我们But victim or perpetrator, 但无论是受害人还是行凶者if your numbers up, well find you. 只要你的号码被列出来 我们就会找到你Harper Rose. 哈珀罗斯She a grad student, Finch? 她是研究

4、生吧 芬奇Ms Rose is an anthropology major from upstate New York,罗斯女士是来自纽约州北部的人类学专业学生Mr. Reese. 里瑟先生Studied abroad in Europe. Took time off to travel. 在欧洲留过学 假期旅游Typical college student. 典型的大学生Atypical only in that the machine did not generate her social.不典型的是 机器给的不是她的社保号码It gave us her college ID number

5、 instead. 而是她的学生证号码Thats a little odd. Any other issues? 这可不常见 有其他问题吗Just with her roommate. 只有室友问题Harper put in a written request for transfer to campus housing.哈珀提交了书面申请 想换到学校宿舍She moved into a new single this semester. 本学期搬到了单间Ill look into the ex-roommate. 我查一下她的前室友You back on campus, Mr. Reese?

6、 你回到学校了吗 里瑟先生I gotta say, its quite invigorating 不得不承认 我挺享受being around all these idealistic young minds. 被一堆满脑子理想主义的青年包围的感觉You must be enjoying your day job, Professor. 你肯定特别喜欢你的正职 教授As near as I can tell, college has become an overpriced Bacchanalia在我看来 大学已经变成了收费昂贵的狂饮派对full of entitled, oversexed

7、binge drinkers. 到处是满脑子性欲的酒鬼Somebodys gotta pay your salary. 总得有人出钱付你工资啊Wait. Did she just switch backpacks? 等等 她刚才是换包了吗Hang on a second. 等等No, no, no, no, no, no. 不不不Thats not a bone, thats a Bontoni. 这不是骨头 这是法国品牌 Bontoni 鞋疑犯追踪 第四季 第 16-20 集 Person of Interest 2014英中字幕文档号:HLDOC20150506004 创建时间: 5/6/

8、2015 12:06:29 PM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档! (第 3 / 94 页)Slechte hond. 荷兰语 坏狗狗Protect your right to privacy. 保护隐私权Excuse me, you wanna help us out and stop big data? 打扰下 愿意伸出援手 阻止大数据时代吗Picking up a dozen cell phones, Finch. 扫描出一堆手机 芬奇All registered to different users. 分别注册在不同的用户名下You are in a college dormitory.

9、 你在大学公寓里Come on, Finch, within a 15 foot radius? 拜托 芬奇 方圆才不到五米啊Creep. 变态This is a womans floor. 这里是女生楼层Right, I was just leaving. 行 我这就离开I think shes headed to another floor. 她好像去别的楼层了Babe. 宝贝Thank you for covering my shift. 谢谢你帮我代班I feel like Im coming down with something. 我觉得我快病倒了Yeah, its called

10、Far Cry 4 and the munchies. 是啊 孤岛惊魂病加快餐病I need a break, okay? 我需要休息一下 好吗The boss mans got me doing cash bank runs every day.老板要我每天去存现金The dude is bugging out with all that Cheddar. 那哥们儿成天没完没了的Look, I can handle Noah. Okay? 我能搞定诺亚 好吗All right. 好吧Ill hit you up later? 我晚点来找你Ill be here. 我等着Harpers gen

11、tleman friend is a Trey Wendor, 哈珀的男朋友是特雷温达an uninspired student with a half dozen misdemeanor arrests.普通学生 有几次轻罪记录Any violent crimes? 有暴力犯罪史吗Possession of marijuana, attempt to sell marijuana, 持有大麻 企图销售大麻possession of a controlled substance. 持有管制药物No accounting for taste. 各有所爱嘛I got Harper in sight

12、. 看到哈珀了This job is way off campus. 这工作离学校可太远了Finch? That shift shes covering for Trey, 芬奇 她帮特雷代的那个班he works in a dispensary. 他在药房工作Medical marijuana? 药用大麻Do what you love, youll never work a day in your life. 做热爱之事 就永远不用工作了State regulations require a dispensary card for every patient.州政府规定 每个病人都必须有药

13、房卡How fast can you get me into the database? 你多快能把我放进数据库Lets see. Detective Riley suffers PTSD 试试 莱利警探患有创伤后应激障碍from multiple gun shot wounds. 原因为多次中枪And lets say chronic back pain. Back pain is better. 就说是慢性背痛吧 背痛好点儿Ill have Dr. Tillman call it in. It wont take long. 我叫提尔曼医生放进去 用不了多久疑犯追踪 第四季 第 16-20 集 Person of Interest 2014英中字幕文档号:HLDOC20150506004 创建时间: 5/6/2015 12:06:29 PM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档! (第 4 / 94 页)an8fn 方正黑体简体fs18b1bord1shad13c&H2F2F2F&S01E04中欲为姐复仇的号码 女医生That was easy. 真简单啊Finch, how do you know so much about gett



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