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1、山东师范大学-2019级大学英语(专)在线作业(一)一、Vocabulary and Structure 答题要求 :本题共30小题,每题2分。1(2.0分) 2.0It is about three _ walk from my home to my office.A)minutesB)minutesC)minutesD)minutess参考答案: C 收起解析解析:无2(2.0分) 2.0We are fully prepared _ more hard work.A)onB)inC)forD)参考答案: C 收起解析解析:无3(2.0分) 2.0What other things wer

2、e invented in ancient China _ the compass(指南针)?A)besideB)besidesC)exceptD)except for参考答案: C 收起解析解析:无4(2.0分) 2.0I was _ to find his article on such an _ topic so _?A)surprised,excited,boredB)surprising,exciting,boringC)surprised,exciting,boringD)surprising,excited,bored参考答案: C 收起解析解析:无5(2.0分) 2.0In s

3、pite of his old age, he still went to his office on foot every day.A)Because ofB)DespiteC)ThoughD)Despite of参考答案: D 收起解析解析:无6(2.0分) 2.0It was in 2001 _ my elder brother went to college.A)whenB)thatC)in whichD)which参考答案: B 收起解析解析:无7(2.0分) 2.0You must try your best to _ to the new environment.A)adoptB

4、)applyC)adaptD)adhere参考答案: C 收起解析解析:无8(2.0分) 2.0The terrible noise is _ me mad.A)turningB)settingC)drivingD)putting参考答案: C 收起解析解析:无9(2.0分) 2.0Its foolish to waste your time.A)use wronglyB)leave overC)spendD)damage参考答案: A 收起解析解析:无10(2.0分) 2.0It wasnt such a good film _ she had promised.A)asB)whatC)th

5、atD)oughtnt take参考答案: A 收起解析解析:无11(2.0分) 2.0It is one thing to enjoy listening to good music, but it is _ to perform skillfully yourself.A)quite otherB)quite anotherC)some anotherD)any other参考答案: B 收起解析解析:无12(2.0分) 2.0The students listened attentively to the speaker.A)audiblyB)silentlyC)carefullyD)n

6、ervously参考答案: C 收起解析解析:无13(2.0分) 2.0He has just _ to a letter from a friend of his in Japan.A)answeredB)returnedC)offeredD)replied参考答案: D 收起解析解析:无14(2.0分) 2.0One of us were _ when Bill asked for help.A)attainableB)availableC)approachableD)applicable参考答案: B 收起解析解析:无15(2.0分) 2.0A body at rest will rem

7、ain at rest _ it is acted upon by external force.A)thoughB)ifC)sinceD)unless参考答案: D 收起解析解析:无16(2.0分) 2.0The noise _ me from sleep just now.A)arousesB)arousedC)ariseD)raise参考答案: B 收起解析解析:无17(2.0分) 2.0The train was late _ the heavy snow.A)as a result ofB)with the relation toC)in case ofD)by way of参考答案

8、: A 收起解析解析:无18(2.0分) 2.0Mao Zedong is certainly the most difficult part in the play.A)roleB)shareC)actorD)person参考答案: A 收起解析解析:无19(2.0分) 2.0Please have your doctor _ that report.A)to signB)signedC)designingD)sign参考答案: D 收起解析解析:无20(2.0分) 2.0He was very unhappy for not _ _ to the English party.A)to be

9、 invitedB)having been invitedC)invitingD)to have been invited参考答案: B 收起解析解析:无21(2.0分) 2.0_ a rainy day, I decided to stay at home.A)It beingB)WhatC)BeingD)Such参考答案: A 收起解析解析:无22(2.0分) 2.0He said that he was not an American, but his accent _.A)gave him offB)gave him upC)gave him awayD)gave him out参考答

10、案: C 收起解析解析:无23(2.0分) 2.0The nurse _ the doctor in the operation room.A)insistedB)resistedC)assistedD)persisted参考答案: C 收起解析解析:无24(2.0分) 2.0She is said _ _ an excellent dancer in her youth.A)to beB)beingC)to have beenD)to having been参考答案: C 收起解析解析:无25(2.0分) 2.0A _ heart beats around seventy-six times

11、 a minute.A)delicateB)normalC)formalD)peculiar参考答案: B 收起解析解析:无26(2.0分) 2.0When he was asked about the missing camera, the boy _ ever seeing it.A)refusedB)deniedC)opposedD)pretended参考答案: B 收起解析解析:无27(2.0分) 2.0They refused to recognize that a wrong decision had been made.A)realizeB)admitC)understandD)

12、account参考答案: D 收起解析解析:无28(2.0分) 2.0There was no reason _ the meeting yesterday.A)for you not attendingB)for your not attendingC)for you nor to attendD)for you not attend参考答案: B 收起解析解析:无29(2.0分) 2.0Color-blind people often find it difficult to _ between blue and green.A)separateB)compareC)distinguishD)contrast参考答案: C 收起解析解析:无30(2.0分) 0_ is known to everybody that the moon travels round the earth once every month.A)ItB)AsC)ThatD)What参考答案: A 收起解析解析:无二、Cloze 答题要求 :完型填空31(20.0)20.0 Many teachers believe that the responsibilities for learning lie with the students.


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