B6 unit 1 warmig up and reading课件

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1、Unit 1 Art,What is Art?,Art is an expression of the soul.,When something is created, it is not art. It only becomes art when it is appreciated by someone other than the artist.,Art is nothing without appreciation.,Sounds Reasonable?,Brainstorming,In pairs list some art styles you know.,art,painting,

2、architecture,photography,clay art,opera pr歌剧,seal cutting 篆刻,dance,sculpture,Calligraphy书法,paper cutting,If you could have one of these paintings on the walls for your classroom, which would you choose? Discuss your reason.,Look at the paintings. Discuss in groups:,Can you name some famous painting

3、and painters in china?,Famous painters of our country!,虾shrimp(齐白石),Landscape,features of Chinese painting: It is often about _ _ _,nature, such as mountain, animals, water, bird-and-flower, etc. It has an air of living in nature, harmony (和谐) and peace.,How much do you know about western painting?,

4、Can you match the painting and the painters?,Monet,Vincent Van Gogh,印象派,现代艺术,Giotto di Bondone 乔托迪邦多纳,犹大之吻,Raffaello Sanzio (1483-1520) 拉斐尔,The School of Athens,Madonna with Child and Angels,Crucifixion 耶稣 的钉刑,Masaccio的作品:,Henri Matisse 1869.12-1954,餐桌,拾穗,伏尔加纤夫,features of Western painting: It is of

5、ten about religion, human, Abstract, rich in color, oil, line and shape _ _,oil painting water color landscape cartoon figure drawing sketch,油画 水彩画 风景画 卡通 人物画 素描,kinds of painting,Predicting,A Short History of Western Painting,What are the key words in the title? What will the passage tell us?,Skimm

6、ing,1. Go through the passage quickly and find out something conspicuous knspkjus.(显眼的),So we can see that the passage is organized in the order of _,time,Fast reading,Whats the main idea of the text ?,The style of Western art has changed a lot with time going by.,Q: How many periods of the painting

7、s are mentioned in this text? What are they?,(20th century to today),Fast reading:,The Middle Ages,The Renaissance,Impressionism,Modern art,(15th to 16th century),(5th to15th century AD),(late 19th to early 20th century),Time order,Art is influenced by the _and _ of a people.,customs,faith,What infl

8、uences art?,Read para1 as quickly as you can.,Read the paragraph 2 together and fill in the chart.,5th-15th century,religious,religious symbols,Giotto di Bondone,Q: What are the paintings of this period full of ?,True or false,1.Artists of this period were interested in showing nature and people as

9、they really were.,2. Paintings in the Middle Ages were very realistic.,They are full of religious symbols.,The Middle Ages,F,F,not,They were interested in creating respect and love for god,Until the 13th century painters started to paint in a more realistic way.,Can you find out the religious symbol

10、s?,Giotto di Bondone 乔托迪邦多纳,13th century,realistic,Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519),period2 : the Renaissance Time,Mona Lisa,:(15th to 16th century),1. Painters in Renaissance began to focus on,A. religion B. humans C. nature D .science,2. In Renaissance, painters returned to classical and ideas about

11、art.,A. Roman, Paris B. Greek, London C. Roman, Greek,Renaissance,3.Which of the following is not the things the rich people paid famous artists to paint?,The rich people themselves B. houses and possessions C. the god D. activities and achievements,humans,The Renaissance(15th to 16th century),Chara

12、cteristics: humans; perspective,Three famous painters at this time 文艺复兴三杰,列奥纳多达芬奇(14521519) 米开朗基罗(14751564) 拉斐尔(14831520),The Renaissance,Features/characteristics: 1. Focused more on _ and less on _. 2.Two developments: a. _ b. _ 3.Artist:,oil paints,people and nature,religious themes,new technique,

13、new paints,Masaccio,perspective,Masaccio的作品:,Madonna with Child and Angels 王座上的圣母圣子和四天使,Crucifixion耶稣钉刑图,blank filling,Impressionism,Changes in painting styles,In the late 19th century, Europe a great deal, from a mostly society to a mostly one. People moved from to the . There are many and,changed,

14、agricultural,industrial,the countryside,the new cities,new inventions,social changes,The impressionists tried to break away from the traditional style of the painting.,Led to,changes,Q: Why did the impressionists have to paint quickly?,Because natural light changes so quickly.,At different time of t

15、he day,light,shadow,paintings were not so detailed,indoors,outdoors,Monet Claude,Sunrise by Monet Claude in the 19th century, Impressionism (late 19th to early 20th century),莫奈Monet(18401926),法国画家。印象画派的创始人之一。印象派的名称即由他的日出印象 一画 而来。此画也成了印象派的经典代表作品。,Characteristics: outdoor scenes,Read the last paragraph carefully and then summarize the style of modern art.,Para 6,Period4 Modern art,Modern art,controversial,the beginning,abstract,realistic,different,Two extremes,realistic,certain qualities of the object,photograph,A,B



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