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1、苏教版小学五年级英语第一学期期中测试试卷题号一二三四五六七八九总分等级得分一.写出下列字母的左邻右舍的大小写(用标准手写体书写)。(每个0.5分,计10分)二我会用漂亮的手写体抄写下列句子(每题2分,计10分)1.What did you do at the weekend?2.Did you see a bus yesterday ?3.Oh no ! I dropped my ice cream. 4.There are only nineteen crayons.5.Mum bought a pair of red shorts for me.三根据提示补全单词。(每个1分,计10分)1

2、. l_ve 爱你的 2. wa_ t 等待,等候3. ch_ _se 奶酪 4.ki_o 千克5. dr_p 使掉落 6.wee_end 周末7. sh_rts 短裤 8.cray_n 蜡笔9.li_t 清单 10.mus_um 博物馆四.从下面四个选项中找出不同类的单词,填在括号中(每个2分,计10分)() 1. A where B when C bag D who() 2. A rice B apple C pear D banana() 3. A watch B met C ran D dropped() 4. A T-shirt B hat C shoes D ice-cream()

3、 5. A three B four C of D five五选择填空(每个2分,计20分)()1.Last night my mother_ a bike for me.A.buy B.bought C.buying()2.-_ did you come back? -I came back yesterday.A. When B. Who C. Where()3.I went to the zoo_ the weekend.A. at B. on C. last()4.I went to school _bus yesterday .A. on B. by C at()5.- How _b

4、ananas do you want? -Six,please.A much B many C old ()6.-_ did you go to school? -By bus.A What B Where C How( )7.-Did Lingling like it? -Yes, she _。A did B didnt C does()8.I need four bottles of _.Arice B. juice C. apples()9.Amy and Samback from China last Sunday.A.come B.came C. comes()10. _water

5、do you want?A. How much B.How many C. How六从B栏选出A栏的答案,将序号填在括号里。(10分)七选择合适的句子,补全对话,将序号填在横线上。(每题2分,计10分)A:Hello,AmyB: _1_A: Fine ,thanks,What did you do at the weekend?B:_2_A: Oh,_3_B:Lingling.We saw lots of monkeys.A:_4_B: By bus .A: _5_B:Yes ,She likes monkeys best. We had a good time.八、根据所给情景,选出正确的句

6、子。(每题2分,计10分)( ) 1.当妈妈问你买了多少奶酪时,你应该说:A. Four bottles. B.One kilo. C.Four pears.( )2.当你想表达他把钢笔弄丢了,你应该说A.He lost his pen B.Ilost my pen C. She lost her pen.( )3.当你询问同桌喝了多少果汁时,应该说:-A.How much juice did you drink?B.How much milk did you drink?C.How may bags did you buy?()4.你想说:教室里有十七把椅子,应该说A.There are s

7、eventeen chairs in the classroom.B.There are sixteen chairs in the classroomC.There are fifteen chairs in the classroom( )5.当你想告诉爸爸这是你的朋友时,你应该说:A.This is my friend.B.This is my teacher. C.This is my brother.九.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(每题2分,计10分)The city is very beautiful now. There werent any trees before. Now there are many trees. And there is a supermarket now. We can go shopping there. There was a small park there before. Now its big. Many peop


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