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1、Unit7 同步测试一、单项选择(20分)请阅读下面各小题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(每小题1分)()l. Im not _ a book like this.A. watchingB. looking atC. seeingD. reading答案:D解析:看书要用read a book,而watch、see、look at虽然都表示“看”,但不能和a book搭配,read指读书、看书,着重指看书上的内容,而非只做“看”的动作。()2. Its very cold today. Youd better put_ your coat when you

2、 go out.A. awayB. downC. onD. up答案:C解析:本题主要考查有关put动词短语的用法。本句意为“今天很冷,出门时你最好穿上外套”。由此可见,空白处应填on,与put搭配,构成put on短语,有“穿上”之意。而put away表示“把收起来(放好)”;put down有“放下”之意;put up意为“张贴”。故选C。()3. Dont _ on the street, Tom.A. playB. playingC . playsD. is playing答案:A解析:本题主要考查祈使句的否定式,应为dont加动词原形,因此答案为A。()4. Listen! Who

3、_ in the next room?A. singB . singsC . singingD. is singing答案:D解析:本题考查在何种情况下用进行时态,通常来说Listen! Now,where is sb?都可以成为判断时态的标志,看:听!之时,某人一定正在进行某个动作。Listen!为一种提示,意为提示注意正在发生的动作或行为。()5.-We can use MSN to_with each other on the net.-Really? Will you show me how to use it?A. speakB. talkC. sayD. tell答案:B解析:本题

4、主要考查有“说”之意的动词的用法。本句重点在如何表达“互相交谈”上。因句中所给介词为with,能与之搭配的只有B项talk。talk with意为“与交谈”。在表达这层含义上,speak、say只能与介词to连用,tell为及物动词,后面可直接接宾语。故选B。()6 . _ your raincoat . Its raining outside .A. WearB. Put onC . WearingD. Putting on答案:B解析:本题考查祈使句肯定句,应为动词原形,因此C、D舍去,这里强调穿上这一动作,不表示状态,因此答案为B。()7 . We _ a Chinese class t

5、oday. They _ an English class now.A. arent having; are havingB. dont have; haveC. arent having; haveD. dont have; are having答案:D解析:此题考查一般现在时与现在进行时态的区别。today指通常情况下在这一天没有语文课,而不是正在进行的动作,而now表示没上语文课,而正在上英语课。()8. My brother and I _.A. is doing my homeworkB. am doing his homeworkC. are doing our homeworks

6、D. are doing our homework答案:D解析:My brother和I为两并列主语,应看做为第一人称复数,谓语动词也应用复数,故排除A、B两项。义因为homework为不可数名词,故排除C选D。()9 . Miss Gao is _green trousers . She looks beautiful .A. put onB. putting onC. wearingD. wear答案:C解析:由于本题给了be动词,动词之后不能再加动词原形。put on只表示短时间的动作,wear表示正在穿着什么样的衣服的一种状态,如果没有She looks beautiful,我们可选B

7、、C两个答案,因B、C在语法上都成立,但这句话表示“高小姐穿着绿色裤子,看起来挺漂亮。”所以前向只能是穿着的状态,不能是动作。()10. I am _ the kite like this.A. not likingB. not wantingC . not findingD. not flying答案:D解析:动词like(喜欢)和want(想要)属情感性和意识性动词,通常不能用于进行时态。find(找到)为短暂性动词,也不能用于进行时态。fly为行为性动词,可用于进行时态。()11._ careful girl Kate is!A. HowB. WhatC. What aD. How a答

8、案:C解析:被感叹的部分为“名词”时,结构为“What+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数(+主语+谓语)!”或“what+(形容词)复数名词不可数名词(+主语+谓语)! ”被感叹的部分是形容词或副词时,结构为“How+形容词/副词+主语+谓语!”。此句是感叹单数名词girl,故用What a。()12. -Whats the date today?-_.A. Its SundayB. Its coldC. Its June 2001D. Its September 10th答案:D解析:此题是问日期,A是对星期的回答,B是对天气的回答,C未给出具体日期,故选D。()13. -Hows the w

9、eather in Xinjiang?-The weather here is _ .A. strangeB. windC . sunD . fog答案:A解析:回答天气状况,be动词后应用形容词,不能用名词,而B、C和D均是名词,故选A。()14. -Whats the weather like today?-_ .A. Its SundayB. Its sunnyC. Its July 3rdD. Its food答案:B解析:此题是问天气,而A是对“星期”提问的答语,C是对“日期”提问的答话,D是对“这是什么”的回答,故选B。()15. -What a cold day it is!-_

10、 .A. Yes, but its going to be colderB. No, I think its cold todayC. Sorry, Im afraid I cantD. Yes, it isnt cold答案:A解析:此句意为:今天真是个冷天啊! B与上句矛盾,C是对“邀请”的回答,D自相矛盾,故选A。() 16. Jenny is_ a green shirt today.A. putting onB. nearC. wearingD. put on答案:C解析:wear表示“穿着”() 17. Look at the_ !Its _ heavily nowArain;ra

11、inBraining;rainingCrain;rainingDraining;rainy答案:C解析:此题考查了rain的用法,前者为名词“雨水”的意思,后者为动词“下雨”的进行时。() 18. - Who is standing under the tree?-_.A. Tom isB. Tom doesC. Tom areD. Tom do答案:A解析:根据上句Who is standing.?()19. - Hows it_ ?- Not bad.A. goB. goingC. goesD. went答案:B解析:Hows it going询问“情况怎么样?”() 20. _ you_

12、 a good time yesterday?A. Did; haveB. Did; hadC. Are; haveD. Were; had答案:B解析:have a good time玩得开心二、完形填空(20分).请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(每小题1分)Have you ever seen (曾经见过) snow? Many people 1 the world have not. Some countries never have snow; some have only 2 on the tops of v

13、ery high mountains. 3 the north of England 4 quite a lot of snow every winter, 5 in the south of England, there is usually little.When a student from a 6 country comes to England in autumn for the first time, he feels cold at first. There are often dark clouds, grey sky and cold rain in England in a

14、utumn, and most students from warm countries do not like this.But snow is 7 .Though(尽管)it is cold, it is also beautiful. Perhaps(也许),after a few dark mornings, the student wakes up(醒来)one day and there is 8 in his room. He thinks “Is it so 9 ?”and jumps out of bed. But no, it is not very late. He looks out of the window and there is the snow o


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