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1、unit 5 一、单项选择(每题1分,共10分)1.He baseball.A.dont play B.doesnt playsC.doesnt play D.dont plays2.Lets play tennis.Oh, that good.A.looksB.hearsC.soundsD.feels3.This picture on the wall nice.A. seesB. watchesC. looks atD. looks4.Does Frank love sports?_. He thinks theyre interesting.A. Yes, he does B. Yes,

2、 she doesC. No, he doesnt D. No, he doesnt love5.David, how about going to the library?_.A. Thank you B. Have a good dayC. That sounds good D. You, too6.I a basketball,and Steve a volleyball.A.have;haveB.has;haveC.have;hasD.has;has7.I dont like this song. Its _.A. boring B. fun C. good D. relaxing8.

3、Does she often basketball?A.playB.to playC.playsD.playing9.Does your father play sports?No, he only watches TV.A.them inB.them onC.they onD.they in10.Paul, can you go to the shop _ me?A. of B. with C. at D. to二、完形填空(每空1分,共10分)Frank and Eli 1 a good friend.His 2 name is Paul.They like sports.Frank th

4、inks baseball 3 interesting.He 4 it.Eli and Paul like playing tennis.They have 5.They think tennis 6 relaxing.They dont play soccer because its 7.Frank and Paul 8 watch TV because they think it is boring.Frank and Eli 9 volleyball.Eli says,“10 go and play volleyball,OK?”1.A.haveB.hasC.areD.do2.A.fam

5、ilyB.lastC.firstD.full3.A.isB.areC.hasD.be4.A.playB.likesC.likeD.has5.A.tennises racketsB.tennis racketC.tennis racketsD.two tennis racket6.A.haveB.hasC.isD.be7.A.relaxingB.interestingC.difficultD.easy8.A.dontB.arentC.cantD.doesnt9.A.haveB.playsC.likeD.dislike10.A.Let weB.WeC.LetsD.Let三、阅读理解(每题2分,共2

6、0分)ATom: Welcome to my room, Jack.Jack: Thank you, Tom! Your room is tidy.Tom: Yes. I like cleaning (打扫) my room.Itis interesting to me.Jack: Oh, you have five baseballs and four baseball bats. Do you like baseball?Tom: Yes. I like baseball best. I want to be a baseball player.Jack: Well, you must p

7、ractice (训练) every day to be a good baseball player.Tom: Youre right. I practice playing baseball after school every day.Jack: Thats great! Our classmate David likes baseball, too. You can practice with him.Tom: Yes. I always practice with him.1. Where are Jack and Tom?A. In the classroom.B. In the

8、library.C. In Jacks room. D. In Toms room.2.划线单词“It”指代的是“_”。A. Playing sports B. Cleaning the roomC. Watching ball games D. Practicing with friends3. What sport does Tom like best?A. Baseball. B. Soccer.C. Basketball. D. Tennis.4. Jack is Toms _.A. brother B. cousinC. classmate D. teacher5.下列哪项陈述是正确

9、的?A. Jacks room is tidy.B. Jack likes soccer best.C. Tom has five baseball bats.D. Tom always practices with David.BHello, everyone. I am Eric, a Grade Seven student in No. 1 Middle School. Now let me tell you about my favorite teacher.My favorite teacher is Mrs. Plath. She is my English teacher. Sh

10、e is my friend Johns aunt, too. She is good to every student in my class. Everyone likes her. Mrs. Plath gives us interesting homework. Its relaxing for me to do the homework.Now Mrs. Plath is 40. She has many things to do. She has three classes a day. And she helps in the library after school. She

11、helps children read and makes them love books.I think good teachers can make students love school. They have a good influence (影响) on their students. Mrs. Plath is a good teacher. I want to thank her. I want to be a teacher like her.6. Who is Mrs. Plath?A. Johns friend. B. Johns aunt.C. Erics friend

12、. D. Erics aunt.7. Eric thinks his English homework is _.A. difficult B. boringC. interesting D. easy8. What does Mrs. Plath do after school?A. She writes books.B. She helps in the library.C. She plays games with her students.D. She helps her students with their homework.9. Whats Mrs. Plaths influen

13、ce on Eric?A. He likes to read.B. He likes going to the library.C. He is good to his classmates.D. He wants to be a good teacher.10.本文的最佳标题是_。A. A fun teacherB. A teachers dayC. My favorite teacherD. A teacher and her students四、词汇运用(每空1分,共10分)1.Do you have a ?Sorry, I dont.2.Lets play .OK.3.Look!Wha

14、ts this?Its a .4.Well,I want to join my school club.That sounds great.5.Do you know Li Ming?Yes, I do.He likes playing .6.I like playing basketball;its very (有趣的).7.The film is (无趣的),and I dont like it.8.I think English is very (困难的) to learn well.9.Swimming is very (使人快乐的).I like it.10.Listening to music is (令人放松的).五、按要


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