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1、Business English Reading,Courseware Book One,Chapter Ten,Abstracts from Articles on Stock Market Analyses 股票市场分析文摘,Made by Zhang Guojian,单元教学目的,通过阅读提取指定详情。,以下技巧可供参考:,第一,要首先知道这个题的考点在原文哪个位置上。要找到考点,这是第一个要做到的。,第二,要仔细查看原文是怎么说的。与原 文相关的几句话,应”瞻前顾后”,不能只看对 应的一句话。,第三,要仔细推敲问题是怎么问的。很多读者只看文章是怎么说的,但是往往忽略题目是怎么问的。提问

2、方式,提问的重点就显得格外的重要,很多读者原文看懂 了,但是题解错了,因为题目没有仔细看,提问的重点没有看明白。,第四,要结合平时积累的基础知识,反复推敲句意,”去伪存真”,判定句子在文中的准确意思之后再解题。,Step One,First, read Material One under teachers instructions. Then teacher gives hints or tips for reading. Finally, teacher checks the answers and gives explanations.,For most of the 217 years

3、 since its founding under a buttonwood tree on Wall Street, the New York Stock Exchange was the high temple of American capitalism. Behind its Greco-Roman facade, traders raised a Dante-esque din in their pursuit of the almighty dollar. Good times or bad, the daily melee on the cavernous trading flo

4、or made the Big Board the greatest marketplace for stocks in the world.,But now, even as the Dow Jones industrial average topped 10,000 for the first time since the financial crisis sent it tumbling, the exchange and its hometown face an unsettling truth: the Big Board, the symbolic heart of New Yor

5、ks financial industry, is getting smaller. Young, fast-moving rivals are splintering its public marketplace and creating private markets that, their critics say, give big banks and investment funds an edge over ordinary investors.,Some of the new trading venues “dark pools,” the industry calls them

6、are all but invisible, even to regulators. These stealth markets enable sophisticated traders to buy and sell large blocks of stock in secrecy at lightning speed, a practice that has drawn scrutiny from the Securities and Exchange Commission. These upstarts are utterly unlike the old-school Big Boar

7、d, which is struggling to make its way as a for-profit corporation after centuries of ownership by its seat-holding members. Last year, its parent company, NYSE Euronext, lost $740 million.,Wall Streets judgment has been swift and brutal. Since January 2007, the share price of NYSE Euronext has lost

8、 nearly three-quarters of its value, even though stock trading over all has soared. While the exchange has been under assault since the beginning of the decade, its decline has accelerated in recent years as aggressive competitors have emerged. Today, 36 percent of daily trades in stocks that are li

9、sted on the New York Stock Exchange are actually executed on the exchange, down from about 75 percent nearly four years ago. The rest of are conducted elsewhere, on new electronic exchanges or through dark pools.,The old Big Board was far from perfect. Its floor brokers who occupy a privileged, and

10、potentially lucrative, niche between buyers and sellers have sometimes enriched themselves at their customers expense. But changes inside the exchanges grand Main Hall are startling. For decades, the New York Exchange was the kind of place where sons followed their fathers onto the trading floor. Bu

11、t half of the jobs there have disappeared over the last five years. Many of the 1,200 or so remaining workers retreat quietly to their computers shortly after the opening bell clangs at 9:30 a.m.,The Big Board has been forced to close one of its five trading halls, and it has repopulated two others

12、with business from the American Stock Exchange, which NYSE Euronext bought last year. The Main Hall the soaring, gilded room opened in 1903 can seem little more than a colorful backdrop for CNBC.,Step Two,Students read Material Two themselves firstly. Then teacher checks the answers without giving e

13、xplanations.,vocabulary,1. splinter vt. 使裂成碎片;使分裂,分解 2. din n. 喧嚣 3. melee n. 混战,格斗;互殴 4. stealth n. 秘密行动;鬼祟 5. revenue n. (大宗的)收入,收益;税收,岁入,6. implementation n. 履行,落实,装置 7. leery a. 机敏的,猜疑的,细心的 8. lobbyist n. 说客,游说者,活动议案通过者 9. stampede v. 惊跑,蜂拥,冲动行事 10. phony a. 假的,伪造的,欺骗的,11. abysmal a. 极深的,糟透的 12.

14、 dismal a. 阴沉的,凄凉的,令人忧郁的;差劲的 13. plummet vi. 垂直落下 14. exponential a. 指数的 15. retracement n. 回撤,【单元注释】,1. New York Stock Exchange 纽约证券交易所,简称NYSE 2. trading floor 交易大厅,3. the Dow Jones industrial average 道琼斯工业平均指数。 目前由华尔街日报编辑部维护,其成份股的选择标准包括成份股公司持续发展,规模较大、声誉卓著,具有行业代表性,并且为大多数投资者所追捧。目前,道琼斯工业平均指数中的30种成份股是

15、美国蓝筹股的代表。这个神秘的指数的细微变化,带给亿万人惊恐或狂喜,它已经不是一个普通的财务指标,而是世界金融文化的代号。,4. the Big Board 大盘, 纽约证券交易所(诨名),一般指美国纽约证券交易所的大行情板(股价指数显示牌)。 5. electronic exchange 电子证券交易 6. dark pools 资金暗池,指非公开的资金交易。,7. the Securities and Exchange Commission 证券交易委员会;证交会 ;美国证监会。它是美国国会成立的政府委员会,负责监督证券市场及保障投资者的利益。除此之外,委员会也负责监督美国的企业收购项目。美

16、国证监会由五名委员所组成。美国证监会的法规旨在鼓励全面公开披露,以及保障投资公众,不会因为证券市场的欺诈或操控行为而蒙受损失。一般来说,大部分美国发行都必须在美国证监会注册。,8. Euronext 泛欧交易所。 由法、比、荷、葡等国的证券与期货交易所合并组建的,是欧洲最具代表性的期货交易所。NYSE Euronext 纽约泛欧交易所(集团)它是纽约证券交易所(NYSE)的母公司,是全球规模最大、最具流动性的证券交易集团,为全球投资者及上市公司提供最多样化的金融产品和服务。,9. CNBC 美国全国广播公司财经频道(Consumer News and Business Channel)是美国最专业的财经电视频道之一,由美国媒体巨头国家广播公司和道琼斯公司共同创办,充分利用了两家母公司在全球的资源优势,其目标受众群是商界高管和金融界人士,因此它的广告以投资理财、保险及金融产品为主。是全球财经媒体中公认的佼佼者,其深入的分析和实时报导赢得了全球企业界的信任。,10. of late 近来,最近 11. mutual fund 共同基金,互惠基金,公共基金,12. ESPN (E



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